The pentagon wanted to send help to Benghazi but

But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
You're just mad because you only got to masturbate to 4 bodies instead of hundreds more.
And how many times did you master bait counting the dead soldiers daily under Bush? For political reasons you fucking traitor.
Never. But you called me a traitor for wanting to bring them home safe while you were jizzing all over your Bush/Cheney posters. Are you one of the fucking rats that are pretending you never salivated over Dubya back then? And now say he is a RINO?
No, actually I hated the way bush fought the Iraq war the way liberals wanted to. You know instead of fighting to win. Your kind wanted to fight to make sure more came home in body bags by having rules for combat. I hope you didn't wack off on the memory.
You really demonstrate your lack of intelligence by blaming liberals for the way Bush carried out the Iraq War.
Liberals are for rules of engagement which is bullshit.
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.
WRONG! Numerous military members who were there have already come out and reported otherwise. The members of the SpecOps community expressed outrage over how they were prevented from going. NO MATTER WHAT the situation is on the ground, Quick Reaction Forces are trained and tasked to go in, being briefed up as much as they can on the way, and securing the ground situation and rescuing hostages, even if it means securing the dead bodies of Americans. This has all been covered. Only non-military - especially liberals - do not know this, do not understand this, can not comprehend they deny this in favor of political partisan talking points.
Blah blah blah. There was no stand down order. Read the time line I posted a little bit ago.
The pentagon wanted to send help to Benghazi but. . . but found out about it after the men were dead.

The linked article says:
"...although it came after the first wave of the attack on the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA Annex killed Ty Woods and Glen Doherty."

As one of our less truthful liberal persons says, "End of story."

Are you people STILL assuming that what a liberal says is true?
Under Trump, the 4 would have still died because there was nothing anybody could do about it, a dozen+ of our soldiers would have been killed and wounded in an ill-advised rescue effort, a few hundred civilians would be killed by airstrikes and ground operations, and republicans would call it a victory and flick their beans as all the caskets were unloaded back home on the news.
But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
Why are drone deaths worse than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the Bush invasion of Iraq?
Liberals cared about anything war under Bush, but could care less under Obama. Hypocrites.
The drone strikes were targeting terrorist.

Bush invasion was about oil. I blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco.
Where is all that oil?

Iraqi oil was de-nationalize to allow more oil to flow on the world market.
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.
WRONG! Numerous military members who were there have already come out and reported otherwise. The members of the SpecOps community expressed outrage over how they were prevented from going. NO MATTER WHAT the situation is on the ground, Quick Reaction Forces are trained and tasked to go in, being briefed up as much as they can on the way, and securing the ground situation and rescuing hostages, even if it means securing the dead bodies of Americans. This has all been covered. Only non-military - especially liberals - do not know this, do not understand this, can not comprehend they deny this in favor of political partisan talking points.
Blah blah blah. There was no stand down order. Read the time line I posted a little bit ago.
Were you there? Do you know anyone who was there? If not, stick your timeline.
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.
WRONG! Numerous military members who were there have already come out and reported otherwise. The members of the SpecOps community expressed outrage over how they were prevented from going. NO MATTER WHAT the situation is on the ground, Quick Reaction Forces are trained and tasked to go in, being briefed up as much as they can on the way, and securing the ground situation and rescuing hostages, even if it means securing the dead bodies of Americans. This has all been covered. Only non-military - especially liberals - do not know this, do not understand this, can not comprehend they deny this in favor of political partisan talking points.
Blah blah blah. There was no stand down order. Read the time line I posted a little bit ago.

Good lord, toe the Party line kid.
Were you in the Military?
But you don't care about all the civilian casualties under all of Obama's drone strikes? You just care about casualties when saving American lives? Go fuck yourself traitor, and I can see why you support that treasonous bitch Hillary now. Fuck off!
Why are drone deaths worse than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the Bush invasion of Iraq?
Liberals cared about anything war under Bush, but could care less under Obama. Hypocrites.
The drone strikes were targeting terrorist.

Bush invasion was about oil. I blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco.
Where is all that oil?

Bush wanted an oil rich US ally in the Middle East. He failed in thsat rrespec t. But he did help out the oil industry by causing oil to raise about $30/bbl.
Gas skyrocketed after katrina, not iraq.
Gosh almighty, you guys are SLOW....

This information has been out there for 3 years, at least and brought out again over a year ago in the 8th Benghazi committee hearings....

By EVERY Benghazi investigation, the Republicans concluded that troops could not have been sent and gotten there in time and NO ONE was at fault in the administration.
You're just mad because you only got to masturbate to 4 bodies instead of hundreds more.
And how many times did you master bait counting the dead soldiers daily under Bush? For political reasons you fucking traitor.
Never. But you called me a traitor for wanting to bring them home safe while you were jizzing all over your Bush/Cheney posters. Are you one of the fucking rats that are pretending you never salivated over Dubya back then? And now say he is a RINO?
No, actually I hated the way bush fought the Iraq war the way liberals wanted to. You know instead of fighting to win. Your kind wanted to fight to make sure more came home in body bags by having rules for combat. I hope you didn't wack off on the memory.
You really demonstrate your lack of intelligence by blaming liberals for the way Bush carried out the Iraq War.
Liberals are for rules of engagement which is bullshit.

Liberals are for not slaughtering civilians & I guess you are?
The pentagon wanted to send help to Benghazi but. . . but found out about it after the men were dead.

The linked article says:
"...although it came after the first wave of the attack on the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA Annex killed Ty Woods and Glen Doherty."

As one of our less truthful liberal persons says, "End of story."

Are you people STILL assuming that what a liberal says is true?
An article was also posted (with links) involving an article that had a military member stating they had a team ready to go but were never allowed to go, who said they could have made it there before that 2nd waive, allowing them to save 3 of the 4 lives. Hillary's / Barry's decision directly caused the death of those 2 men.
Liberals are for not slaughtering civilians & I guess you are?

That's news to the 500+ innocent civilians slaughtered by Mexican Drug Cartels who used the thousands of automatic rifles and grenades Barry gave them to commit those murders.

That's news to the thousands of innocents who were slaughtered by Al Qaeida and ISIS who used the weapons Hillary, Barry, and the International Gun Runner they were using - and just 'pardoned' - gave them.

That's news to he MANY innocent women and children murdered in Obama's personal drone assassination program strikes.

Someone should officially let them - the victims - know that the Democrats are totally against their deaths that they - Liberals - facilitated.
No, the investigations all made it clear in the findings the DOD could not have "been there" in time
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.
WRONG! Numerous military members who were there have already come out and reported otherwise. The members of the SpecOps community expressed outrage over how they were prevented from going. NO MATTER WHAT the situation is on the ground, Quick Reaction Forces are trained and tasked to go in, being briefed up as much as they can on the way, and securing the ground situation and rescuing hostages, even if it means securing the dead bodies of Americans. This has all been covered. Only non-military - especially liberals - do not know this, do not understand this, can not comprehend they deny this in favor of political partisan talking points.
Blah blah blah. There was no stand down order. Read the time line I posted a little bit ago.
Were you there? Do you know anyone who was there? If not, stick your timeline.
The investigations took care of the time line, guys.

You are all wrong.

I found a graphic posted of one of the far right just freaking on it


Trey Gowdy concluded nothing could have been done to save the men.

End of story.
Why are drone deaths worse than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the Bush invasion of Iraq?
Liberals cared about anything war under Bush, but could care less under Obama. Hypocrites.
The drone strikes were targeting terrorist.

Bush invasion was about oil. I blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco.
Where is all that oil?

Bush wanted an oil rich US ally in the Middle East. He failed in thsat rrespec t. But he did help out the oil industry by causing oil to raise about $30/bbl.
Gas skyrocketed after katrina, not iraq.

The Iraq War interrupted Iraqi oil productions & dampened investments in the region because of the threat of war.
Well, that settles that. The OP presents an article stating and backing up the fact that the Pentagon was ready to send help immediately (the forces were already rolling), complete with links and the actual emails.

And all the liberal has to do is say "No...", and all the evidence somehow becomes invalid.

Are these people even sane any more?

the investigations all made it clear in the findings the DOD could not have "been there" in time

The linked article says:
"...although it came after the first wave of the attack on the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA Annex killed Ty Woods and Glen Doherty."

As one of our less truthful liberal persons says, "End of story."

Are you people STILL assuming that what a liberal says is true?
There was no stand down order that abandoned those four Americans.
WRONG! Numerous military members who were there have already come out and reported otherwise. The members of the SpecOps community expressed outrage over how they were prevented from going. NO MATTER WHAT the situation is on the ground, Quick Reaction Forces are trained and tasked to go in, being briefed up as much as they can on the way, and securing the ground situation and rescuing hostages, even if it means securing the dead bodies of Americans. This has all been covered. Only non-military - especially liberals - do not know this, do not understand this, can not comprehend they deny this in favor of political partisan talking points.
Blah blah blah. There was no stand down order. Read the time line I posted a little bit ago.
Were you there? Do you know anyone who was there? If not, stick your timeline.
The investigations took care of the time line, guys.

You are all wrong.

I found a graphic posted of one of the far right just freaking on it


Trey Gowdy concluded nothing could have been done to save the men.

End of story.
Were you there? do you know of anyone that was there?

The committees were not allowed to talk to any of the Benghazi survivors, any of the CIA members who were there, and no members of the military who eventually came forward to declare they had teams ready to go and could have been there before the 2nd wave.

But please, let us all listen and believe the Obama administration that just got exposed for illegally colluding with Hillary Clinton in her e-mail investigation.
No, the investigations all made it clear in the findings the DOD could not have "been there" in time
FALSE! People who were there - members of the support teams and teams who were ready to go have already declared they could have been there before the 2nd wave hit.

No one wants to eat a 'shit burger' on this one, exposed as having left / abandoned Americans to die.
No, the investigations all made it clear in the findings the DOD could not have "been there" in time
FALSE! People who were there - members of the support teams and teams who were ready to go have already declared they could have been there before the 2nd wave hit.

No one wants to eat a 'shit burger' on this one, exposed as having left / abandoned Americans to die.
Hmm. The liberals seem to have abruptly vanished from thes thread.

As they have from many others where it turns out they are guilty.

They just can't stand to discuss it, much less admit it.

That has a lot to do with the reasons why they will soon vanish from the White House too.

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