Zone1 The perception of Race Relations was positive before Obama and quickly crashed during his first term.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
As I have often cited, if you want to know how we got to this current state of poor Black/White race relations look no further than Barack Obama. For the decade before he took office, race relations were viewed positively by nearly 70% of Blacks AND Whites. During Obama's first term that number plummeted to near 50% and has been at or below that since. This was by design and the result of his promoting anti-Police sentiment, Black Lives Matter victim hood and hateful rhetoric all from the Presidential podium. Obama is still the de facto leader of the Democratic Party and currently race relations are at a 22 year low. There's the "transformation of America" that he promised us.

My observations from a Canadian outsider's POV.

Undeniably true that America's south couldn't cotton to a black man being so uppity to assume that he could be their president.

But more to the point, Trump used the brewing racism to his political advantage. Trump's border wall became such a successful drawing card because it represented the hate that stewed in the minds of the southerners.
And then the racism spread to the level at which it simmers today.
I knew it was going south in a big way with the Halfrican's "beer summit"....What a fuckin' farce.

Oh and look, there's low-rent Biden horning in.....Obama must have figured he needed a Irish/Rican/Pole/Italian mutt to balance things out....Liz Warren would have been there but they had to keep her away from the fire water. ;)


Haters gonna hate.
Most blacks seem as friendly or more so now than ever. Only the savages, thugs and haters are worse. They were already bad. They just come out more now.
I think like whites, blacks who reject the racism BS will always be good people while the racist haters will always hate.
Obama's election brought the racist out of their self imposed closets, in numbers. Fueled by Rabid Right Radio, picked up on by the Trumpybear, he gathered the New Flock to take over the once Grand Old Party.
As I have often cited, if you want to know how we got to this current state of poor Black/White race relations look no further than Barack Obama. For the decade before he took office, race relations were viewed positively by nearly 70% of Blacks AND Whites. During Obama's first term that number plummeted to near 50% and has been at or below that since.

Your link has the number at 70% as late as 2013, in Obama's second term. The speculation in the article that the subsequent dropped is tied not to Obama but to the increasing spotlight on public executions of black citizens by police from 2014 on feels plausible.

Most Americans were upbeat about White-Black relations from 2001 through 2013, with the percentage calling them good to any degree ranging from 63% to 72%. The sharp decline in positive perceptions to 47% in 2015 followed numerous high-profile incidents in the prior year of unarmed Black citizens being killed by White police officers.
Your link has the number at 70% as late as 2013, in Obama's second term. The speculation in the article that the subsequent dropped is tied not to Obama but to the increasing spotlight on public executions of black citizens by police from 2014 on feels plausible.
The article can speculate on root cause as well as you or I. Who turned up the spotlight on "public executions" of black citizens? Who jumped all over the Michael Brown killing? Trayvon Martin? Obama began his anti-police campaign with the bizarre speech about the Cambridge Police and Henry Louis Gates. That was the beginning of many of his forays into inflaming Black racial anger.
Obama's election brought the racist out of their self imposed closets, in numbers. Fueled by Rabid Right Radio, picked up on by the Trumpybear, he gathered the New Flock to take over the once Grand Old Party.

I guess I would say this is true.
Those who were already haters have been pulled out of their slumber.
They were always haters tho. Just kept it mostly quiet.

Sadly, those whipping up the hatred don't really care about the blacks they are manipulating. Only their agenda for power and control.
These haters probably don't even realize they are being used.
those whipping up the hatred don't really care about the blacks they are manipulating. Only their agenda for power and control.

^This. they've concluded they need to import massive waves of criminal illegal aliens now, though, so black people as a privileged minority will fade with the increase in La Raza special interests and votes.
As I have often cited, if you want to know how we got to this current state of poor Black/White race relations look no further than Barack Obama. For the decade before he took office, race relations were viewed positively by nearly 70% of Blacks AND Whites. During Obama's first term that number plummeted to near 50% and has been at or below that since. This was by design and the result of his promoting anti-Police sentiment, Black Lives Matter victim hood and hateful rhetoric all from the Presidential podium. Obama is still the de facto leader of the Democratic Party and currently race relations are at a 22 year low. There's the "transformation of America" that he promised us.

I wish you hadn't put this thread in Zone 1: I can never figure out what is verboten to say and what isn't.
I wish you hadn't put this thread in Zone 1: I can never figure out what is verboten to say and what isn't.

Just say whatever you feel like. 'Zone 1' is a farce used to protect troll posts and enforced by whims of whatever mod gets a snivel from his favored interest group is all.
Just say whatever you feel like. 'Zone 1' is a farce used to protect troll posts and enforced by whims of whatever mod gets a snivel from his favored interest group is all.
Thanx, but it's all had a chilling effect on me. I wish people would put interesting topics in regular forums and save Zone 1 for the terminally boring stuff like "Are we in the Latter Days" and such like that.
Thanx, but it's all had a chilling effect on me. I wish people would put interesting topics in regular forums and save Zone 1 for the terminally boring stuff like "Are we in the Latter Days" and such like that.

The resident deviants, pedo groomers. and commies have already reported you and every other non-commie and indie here to the Feds, so too late to worry about that stuff. lol it will take them years to get around to doing anything about it, it's a very long list.
The resident deviants, pedo groomers. and commies have already reported you and every other non-commie and indie here to the Feds, so too late to worry about that stuff. lol it will take them years to get around to doing anything about it, it's a very long list.
You're probably right. :)

I'm not worried about the Feds, however. I just don't like being complained at and criticized by mods. I don't care if it's the usual posters doing the complaining.
I guess I would say this is true.
Those who were already haters have been pulled out of their slumber.
They were always haters tho. Just kept it mostly quiet.

Sadly, those whipping up the hatred don't really care about the blacks they are manipulating. Only their agenda for power and control.
These haters probably don't even realize they are being used.
It wasn't the black folks the Rabid Right Radio was manipulating. The Dittoheads knew they are being manipulated by a hate monger, they loved and craved it like an emotional addition. It is the Monster that ate the GOP.
I wish you hadn't put this thread in Zone 1: I can never figure out what is verboten to say and what isn't.
I think as long as you're commenting about the data and your interpretations/opinions, that's safe in Z1. I just posted stats about Black/White perceptions of Race Relations since 2000 and stated my opinion on the root cause of the downtrend.
Barack, Michelle and Holder elevated racism and brought it to where it is today. That was a racist administration. Trump was doing a good job of fixing that but then Biden came along with his lawless administration and destroyed all of Trump's progress. Only decline can possibly come from this current batch of Democrats.
Barack, Michelle and Holder elevated racism and brought it to where it is today. That was a racist administration. Trump was doing a good job of fixing that but then Biden came along with his lawless administration and destroyed all of Trump's progress. Only decline can possibly come from this current batch of Democrats.
Obama campaigned as the great uniter who was going to calm the seas. YES WE CAN!! He proved to be the exact opposite which is why he is the greatest con man ever elected President.

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