The Physics Of WTC 7

Why Did WTC 7 Collapse?

Good question. The investigators were baffled. But the conspiracy theory doesn't explain anything. Why bring down an empty building hours after the main attack?

Photos published to support the claim of a controlled demolition show puffs emerging from the top of the building. These could be explosives. Or they could be concrete suddenly failing, or windows shattering. But again we have the irritating question, why start a collapse from the top, completely at odds with the way all controlled demolitions are done, especially if you want the building to fall onto its own footprint?

If it was actually a controlled demolition by the Fire Department or the building owner, or both, as some people allege, so what? The remains of the World Trade Center itself were brought down in controlled demolitions after 9-11. What does that have to do with the collapse of the Twin Towers? It seems unlikely that a demolition crew would enter a burning building and install charges to bring down something 15 stories taller than any other recorded controlled demolition, all in the space of a few hours, but if the building was brought down by the owners or the Fire Department, what's the connection to the Twin Towers? How does a planned demolition of one building prove the Twin Towers were deliberately brought down?

I've gotten a fair amount of flak over this issue but I've yet to see anyone present a coherent explanation of what, exactly, the collapse of WTC-7 proves.

Nutty 9-11 Physics

and you will continue to get flak because you are a tard and should post in macrame or something more your speed!

so this is a dodge to not have to admit you have no fucking clue to when the freefall took place!:lol::lol:
still waiting on your definition of free fall

yep your dodge is exposed you are exposed and you are too fucking dumb to get it. fucktard idiot.
still waiting on your definition of free fall,
love the name calling it's smoking gun evidence of your wilful ignorance,

you have been told and even fucking shown asshelmet

why are you fucking trolling in here?

you are in here making shit claims and you are so fucking stoopid you think the trust bank is wtc7. total fucking maroon proving anyone can cut and paste a pile of shit they know nothing about.

KokomoJojo, I'll tell you what I gleened from the revised graph/chart from the NIST....

Gravitational acceleration for 2.25 seconds....​


In order for any object to fall at gravitational acceleration, there can be nothing below it (mass) that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it (mass) that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the energy would be converted to motion and so it would not be found falling at gravitional acceleration. There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duaration of the time it occurs. Anyone suggesting otherwise better bring some big guns.... Newton was a pretty cool dude!

Wait a second here!

You mean to tell me that NIST's chart says it went freefall for 2.25 seconds?

OMFG troughers are going to have to change their diapers now!

How fucking stoopid they look. (but then they worked so hard at it)

here you peeps more cut n paste shit he dont understand
Last edited: - Rare Raw 9/11 Footage Released Via "Freedom of Information Act" (High Quality)

ok tin asshats please point out the start and finish of the freefall can you the clock on the tape...WTC 7 Explosion - YouTube

more useless shit from you.

whats the matter crybaby you all sad n shit that NIST blew you tards out of the water and said it freefell AFTER TRUTHERS KICKED NISTS ASS AROUND THE BLOCK and made them correct their pile of shit, you know like yours is starting to feel?
Since we discarded the "free fall" physics 101 theory" let's consider the political fallout. The (mostly) radical left wing tin foil hat conspiracy theory fans are in a bind. They want to turn the jihad attack on 9-11 into a government conspiracy but darn it, wouldn't you know a left wing liberal president would have to be implicated in the plot. Bill Clinton was busy bombing defenseless Yugoslavia while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the US. His A.G. issued an order preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI. Isn't that the smoking gun that implicates Clinton in the plot?
Since we discarded the "free fall" physics 101 theory" let's consider the political fallout. The (mostly) radical left wing tin foil hat conspiracy theory fans are in a bind. They want to turn the jihad attack on 9-11 into a government conspiracy but darn it, wouldn't you know a left wing liberal president would have to be implicated in the plot. Bill Clinton was busy bombing defenseless Yugoslavia while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the US. His A.G. issued an order preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI. Isn't that the smoking gun that implicates Clinton in the plot?

who is "WE"

its NISTS theory so now you are a tin hat nutter? That is neither truther nor trougher?
Last edited: - Rare Raw 9/11 Footage Released Via "Freedom of Information Act" (High Quality)

ok tin asshats please point out the start and finish of the freefall can you the clock on the tape...WTC 7 Explosion - YouTube

more useless shit from you.

whats the matter crybaby you all sad n shit that NIST blew you tards out of the water and said it freefell AFTER TRUTHERS KICKED NISTS ASS AROUND THE BLOCK and made them correct their pile of shit, you know like yours is starting to feel?
like I said before that your masturbation fantasy
twoofers have never kicked nist's ass or mine ..
what you've shown has been debunked period.
for every delusional claim you make, 10 more will be presented proving you to be wrong..
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Since we discarded the "free fall" physics 101 theory" let's consider the political fallout. The (mostly) radical left wing tin foil hat conspiracy theory fans are in a bind. They want to turn the jihad attack on 9-11 into a government conspiracy but darn it, wouldn't you know a left wing liberal president would have to be implicated in the plot. Bill Clinton was busy bombing defenseless Yugoslavia while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the US. His A.G. issued an order preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI. Isn't that the smoking gun that implicates Clinton in the plot?

who is "WE"

its NISTS theory so now you are a tin hat nutter? That is neither truther nor trougher?
"we is anyone not suffering from conspiracy delusions ..
Since we discarded the "free fall" physics 101 theory" let's consider the political fallout. The (mostly) radical left wing tin foil hat conspiracy theory fans are in a bind. They want to turn the jihad attack on 9-11 into a government conspiracy but darn it, wouldn't you know a left wing liberal president would have to be implicated in the plot. Bill Clinton was busy bombing defenseless Yugoslavia while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the US. His A.G. issued an order preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI. Isn't that the smoking gun that implicates Clinton in the plot?

who is "WE"

its NISTS theory so now you are a tin hat nutter? That is neither truther nor trougher?

Umm, evidence indicates that the Tower was not in a "free fall". Doesn't that fly in the face of "free fall" advocates? Want to talk about something else?
Since we discarded the "free fall" physics 101 theory" let's consider the political fallout. The (mostly) radical left wing tin foil hat conspiracy theory fans are in a bind. They want to turn the jihad attack on 9-11 into a government conspiracy but darn it, wouldn't you know a left wing liberal president would have to be implicated in the plot. Bill Clinton was busy bombing defenseless Yugoslavia while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the US. His A.G. issued an order preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI. Isn't that the smoking gun that implicates Clinton in the plot?

who is "WE"

its NISTS theory so now you are a tin hat nutter? That is neither truther nor trougher?

Umm, evidence indicates that the Tower was not in a "free fall". Doesn't that fly in the face of "free fall" advocates? Want to talk about something else?

possibly the ONLY thing NIST and the truthers agree on and you think it never happened.

Why am I laughing my ass off right now?

No I dont this conspiracy section is the best comedy in town!
wrong! all that means is for 2.5 seconds (imperceptible) to the human eye.I already knew that...but that not the same as as detecting it with out manipulation. to see that nist had to do a frame by frame analysis..
so my statement is correct.. - Rare Raw 9/11 Footage Released Via "Freedom of Information Act" (High Quality)

ok tin asshats please point out the start and finish of the freefall can you the clock on the tape...WTC 7 Explosion - YouTube

did you make that in your moms basement


try this


you people are so incredibly fucked in the head


Just the physics

The physics is simple. They were blown up with L. Paul Bremer's Komatsu thermite-based demolition device. It's the only explanation which is supported by both the laws of classical mechanics and Harrit's findings at the forensic level.

Anyone still contending that anything other than explosives/pyrotechnics brought all three of those towers down needs their head examining by a certified professional.

The official explanation is a direct violation of f=ma, Newton's third law and the first law of thermodynamics. If something is standing upright, then it is in mechanical equilibrium. All the forces acting upon it are balanced, which means if you want it to collapse straight down into its own footprint at freefall speed you only have two options:-

1) Apply extra vertical force (which must clearly be well over 9.81 m/s2, since gravity is constantly pulling down in all circumstances).

2) Blow out the building's opposing resistance to its own weight.

They are the only two options. Since neither Godzilla nor Cloverfield stepped upon the WTC buildings, we can safely conclude they were brought down in a controlled demolition. In fact, this is further evidenced by the symmetry in the collapse, since the WTC buildings were surrounded by a perimeter of 47 core support columns. Of course, this means, in order to render possible a symmetrical collapse, all 47 would have to fail at precisely the same moment in time. Kudos to Professor Jones for making that clear early on.

There is quite simply no question that the WTC buildings were wired with explosives/pyrotechnics. It is scientifically irrefutable.
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They want to turn the jihad attack on 9-11 into a government conspiracy

You missed out the part where you prove it was a jihad attack. You have assumed that to be a true premise, but it is supported by literally nothing, and contradicted by the laws of physics and about a hundred other things.

There is quite simply no way to reason with people like you, because you abandon the rules of logic entirely when you talk. It clearly was not a jihad attack. You do not even know who the hijackers were, given that at least six of them have factually been proven to have been using false identities by the BBC and the Daily Telegraph.

I'm clearly just wasting my time, but boy are you dishonest.
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Just the physics
The physics is simple. They were blown up with L. Paul Bremer's Komatsu thermite-based demolition device. It's the only explanation which is supported by both the laws of classical mechanics and Harrit's findings at the forensic level.

Anyone still contending that anything other than explosives/pyrotechnics brought all three of those towers down needs their head examining by a certified professional.

The official explanation is a direct violation of f=ma, Newton's third law and the first law of thermodynamics. If something is standing upright, then it is in mechanical equilibrium. All the forces acting upon it are balanced, which means if you want it to collapse straight down into its own footprint at freefall speed you only have two options:-

1) Apply extra vertical force (which must clearly be well over 9.81 m/s2, since gravity is constantly pulling down in all circumstances).

2) Blow out the building's opposing resistance to its own weight.

They are the only two options. Since neither Godzilla nor Cloverfield stepped upon the WTC buildings, we can safely conclude they were brought down in a controlled demolition. In fact, this is further evidenced by the symmetry in the collapse, since the WTC buildings were surrounded by a perimeter of 47 core support columns. Of course, this means, in order to render possible a symmetrical collapse, all 47 would have to fail at precisely the same moment in time. Kudos to Professor Jones for making that clear early on.

There is quite simply no question that the WTC buildings were wired with explosives/pyrotechnics. It is scientifically irrefutable.

agreed, generally, I would further argue they used several techniques including but not limited to thermetic devices based on some very strange looking steel and several other aspects of the crime scene.
agreed, generally, I would further argue they used several techniques including but not limited to thermetic devices based on some very strange looking steel and several other aspects of the crime scene.

I just can't believe this is the world I've grown up into, pal. 9/11 was the burning of the Reichstag all over again. Probably millions have died now because of this one piece of false flag terrorism, and still the perpetrators walk about as free men. I know just from my own research that there's enough circumstantial evidence against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bernard Kerik and L. Paul Bremer to warrant an arrest pending a full investigation. Yet still the official channels refuse to deviate from their fairy story, or from the argument that any evidence which disputes it is to be ignored on the grounds it's a "conspiracy theory".

I swear to God, half of these people know they're lying. And the ones that don't are just plain idiots.
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agreed, generally, I would further argue they used several techniques including but not limited to thermetic devices based on some very strange looking steel and several other aspects of the crime scene.
I just can't believe this is the world I've grown up into, pal. 9/11 was the burning of the Reichstag all over again. Probably millions have died now because of this one piece of false flag terrorism, and still the perpetrators walk about as free men. I know just from my own research that there's enough circumstantial evidence against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bernard Kerik and L. Paul Bremer to warrant an arrest pending a full investigation. Yet still the official channels refuse to deviate from their fairy story, or from the argument that any any evidence which disputes it is to be ignored on the grounds it's a "conspiracy theory".

I swear to God, half of these people know they're lying. And the ones that don't are just plain idiots.

Conspiracy theory is a pejorative the cia cooked up. All the latest psychology techniques are always used against the people by those who govern as well as those from long ago that never fail. People never wise up.

Its the old power they have an iron grip and know how to use it.

[ame=]George Carlin on "the American Dream" - YouTube[/ame]
Conspiracy theory is a pejorative the cia cooked up. All the latest psychology techniques are always used against the people by those who govern as well as those from long ago that never fail. People never wise up.

Respectfully, I don't think it has anything to do with the CIA. This is public relations technique which can be traced right back to Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays. Propaganda has been developing as a semi-science for a while now. In America it has reached quite an insane state, where not even science is safe from its grasp. Not just the physics of the WTC collapses either, but biological evolution, and AGW. It's all on the table in America.

Its the old power they have an iron grip and know how to use it.

Apply that to the major political players and I agree one hundred percent.
Forgot to say that I love George Carlin by the way. There was a guy who had it all figured out. Kudos to him, God rest his soul.
So what mass is below the load in this picture? The column is failed!

So what you're telling me is that never, EVER, in the diagram above, can a load increase to a point that creates zero resistance from the buckled column?

Just a yes or no will do.

What's the matter E.L.C.? Don't want to answer?
1) Apply extra vertical force (which must clearly be well over 9.81 m/s2, since gravity is constantly pulling down in all circumstances).

So you agree then that in this diagram...

...that if the load is increased (filled in oval represents the load), it will eventually reach a point where the column will provide zero resistance?

In fact, this is further evidenced by the symmetry in the collapse, since the WTC buildings were surrounded by a perimeter of 47 core support columns.

Surrounded by a perimeter of 47 core support columns?!


Are you high? You need to go recheck your "research".
agreed, generally, I would further argue they used several techniques including but not limited to thermetic devices based on some very strange looking steel and several other aspects of the crime scene.

I just can't believe this is the world I've grown up into, pal. 9/11 was the burning of the Reichstag all over again. Probably millions have died now because of this one piece of false flag terrorism, and still the perpetrators walk about as free men. I know just from my own research that there's enough circumstantial evidence against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bernard Kerik and L. Paul Bremer to warrant an arrest pending a full investigation. Yet still the official channels refuse to deviate from their fairy story, or from the argument that any evidence which disputes it is to be ignored on the grounds it's a "conspiracy theory".

I swear to God, half of these people know they're lying. And the ones that don't are just plain idiots.

The prob with your theory and all 9/11 CTs is how those thermites were planted, when and by whom.
Unless you believe GWB did it during a weekend jamboree with some scouts (who then had to be snuffed), a large and skilled crew had to do the deed without anyone noticing and with none stepping forward to admit their complicity. If you apply 10% of the scrutiny and cynicism to any CT that you use in rejecting the official explanation you would be left with the likelihood that the gov't is being as forthcoming and rational as is HUMANLY possible. Their theory is not perfect but is miles better than anything you CTs have concocted in the past 13 years.
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