The play "Ferguson" heading to Broadway....expect a lot of hate by SJWs....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The play, "Ferguson" is aVerbatim play, a play that essentially is just a reading of the actual Grand Jury testimony about the Ferguson shooting. It was created by Phelim McAleer, and all he did was have actors read direct Grand Jury reveals what actually happened in Ferguson and "hands up, don't shoot" never happened....

EXCLUSIVE: Interview With 'FERGUSON' Playwright, Phelim McAleer

In anticipation of the New York City debut of FERGUSON on October 23, I interviewed playwright, Phelim McAleer, about his work, as well as the controversy surrounding it.

As background, McAleer and his partner, Ann McElhinney, are no strangers to controversy. Together, they wrote a book and film about abortionist Kermit Gosnell. While the film has not yet been released, the book, Gosnell: The Untold Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer, is available on Amazon. Additionally, they've produced several documentary films, including FrackNation, and Not Evil Just Wrong.

FERGUSON, which debuted in Los Angeles in 2015, is what's known as a "verbatim" play. Every word spoken on stage is actual Grand Jury testimony from key eyewitnesses to the shooting death of Michael Brown in 2014.
Cool........SJW and BLM loons rioting and looting in NYC, the epicenter of lefty liberalism. .... :thup:
Thug deserved to be shot for attempting to grab an officers gun.

Sorry, but I am more of a FDR type liberal.

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