The Politics Behind Kennedy's Retirement

What reason do you think Kennedy is retiring?

  • To pack dem votes this Fall

  • To pack GOP votes this Fall

  • Trump pressured him to

  • Age & health

  • To avoid humiliation & being a "eunuch Justice"

  • Other (see my post)

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
The Conspiracy Theories About Anthony Kennedy’s Retirement Are a Liberal Delusion
We are hearing a lot of pet theories about why Kennedy USSC Justice is going to retire soon. Here are a few:

1. For political reasons to pack the dem vote this Fall.
2. For political reasons to get back at the dems this Fall.
3. Because Trump pressured him to somehow
4. Age & health.

But I'd like to offer a pet theory of my own. People who read my posts know that I have referred to Scalia's scathing dissent on Obergefell as 'Scalia's suicide note'. That may seem outrageous, but the Decision rattled the man like no other and in the months following it, he couldn't stop ruminating over it.

Scalia called it "voodoo" or some such label like that. What it was though, and he understood but smoothed it over by calling it "voodoo", was actually judicial fascism. It was a power grab plain and simple. Scalia knew it. Why it bothered him so much was undoubtedly his lifelong passion and reason for being, the preservation of our democracy, was just undermined so significantly in a time of civil unrest and turmoil, that it could lead to the final straw of erosion of the public's trust in the last stop of justice in our country. A country in economic stress, rising crime, rising drug addiction rates, failing morality at every turn in the bend, that perceives it has no justice left is a country that is one step out of the grave. This bothered Scalia greatly. He was found dead in a hotel room with a pillow over his head at one of his favorite resorts in Texas. They won't tell us how he died or if there was a note...

Back to Kennedy. Kennedy has seen the writing in Scalia's dissent and the writing on the wall with where our USSC will be in two years or less: conservative majority appointments. That means that Obergefell will get a second visit. This time under the microscope of the actual US Constitution and not the one the five liberal justices, including himself, fabricated out of thin air to forward an agenda of their buddies on the far, far left. This means that the man who wrote the Opinion will face a rebuke in less than five years on a landmark decision. It will be overturned for any number of fatal flaws in the judicial process that gave this act of tyranny "legitimacy" (it isn't worth the paper it's written on).

So my pet theory is that Kennedy is retiring maybe for some of the reasons above but mainly so that he doesn't face professional humiliation on the Bench. He would, upon Ginsburg's removal either from death or impeachment (she gave a public interview just weeks before Obergefell announcing to the world how she was going to cast, even despite a majority citizen disapproval), be a eunuch on the Court for the remainder of his natural life. That's not something a man would want as his final legacy.

So, vote in the poll. What's your favorite pet theory?
Because of age and health. And this has become a political circus for nitwits that don't even bother to read opinions but have to have it summerized by name their pet opining twats.
Personally I still wonder about the "politics behind" the untimely death of Justice Scalia but that's just me.
Personally I still wonder about the "politics behind" the untimely death of Justice Scalia but that's just me.
Just read his dissent on Obergefell. It's pretty clear. Just a few months later he was found in one of his favorite resorts dead with a pillow over his head. At least that's how I read it.
Personally I still wonder about the "politics behind" the untimely death of Justice Scalia but that's just me.
Just read his dissent on Obergefell. It's pretty clear. Just a few months later he was found in one of his favorite resorts dead with a pillow over his head. At least that's how I read it.

Another batshit conspiracy, Sil? You’re actually arguing that Scalia killed himself?

Can you back any of that with actual evidence?

Wasn’t your nonsense about gays controlling the pope, gays infliltrating Gallup polling, gays controlling justice Kennedy, and Kennedy being gay.....nonsense enough for you?
The Conspiracy Theories About Anthony Kennedy’s Retirement Are a Liberal Delusion
We are hearing a lot of pet theories about why Kennedy USSC Justice is going to retire soon. Here are a few:

1. For political reasons to pack the dem vote this Fall.
2. For political reasons to get back at the dems this Fall.
3. Because Trump pressured him to somehow
4. Age & health.

But I'd like to offer a pet theory of my own. People who read my posts know that I have referred to Scalia's scathing dissent on Obergefell as 'Scalia's suicide note'. That may seem outrageous, but the Decision rattled the man like no other and in the months following it, he couldn't stop ruminating over it.

Scalia called it "voodoo" or some such label like that. What it was though, and he understood but smoothed it over by calling it "voodoo", was actually judicial fascism. It was a power grab plain and simple. Scalia knew it. Why it bothered him so much was undoubtedly his lifelong passion and reason for being, the preservation of our democracy, was just undermined so significantly in a time of civil unrest and turmoil, that it could lead to the final straw of erosion of the public's trust in the last stop of justice in our country. A country in economic stress, rising crime, rising drug addiction rates, failing morality at every turn in the bend, that perceives it has no justice left is a country that is one step out of the grave. This bothered Scalia greatly. He was found dead in a hotel room with a pillow over his head at one of his favorite resorts in Texas. They won't tell us how he died or if there was a note...

Back to Kennedy. Kennedy has seen the writing in Scalia's dissent and the writing on the wall with where our USSC will be in two years or less: conservative majority appointments. That means that Obergefell will get a second visit. This time under the microscope of the actual US Constitution and not the one the five liberal justices, including himself, fabricated out of thin air to forward an agenda of their buddies on the far, far left. This means that the man who wrote the Opinion will face a rebuke in less than five years on a landmark decision. It will be overturned for any number of fatal flaws in the judicial process that gave this act of tyranny "legitimacy" (it isn't worth the paper it's written on).

So my pet theory is that Kennedy is retiring maybe for some of the reasons above but mainly so that he doesn't face professional humiliation on the Bench. He would, upon Ginsburg's removal either from death or impeachment (she gave a public interview just weeks before Obergefell announcing to the world how she was going to cast, even despite a majority citizen disapproval), be a eunuch on the Court for the remainder of his natural life. That's not something a man would want as his final legacy.

So, vote in the poll. What's your favorite pet theory?
He wanted to make sure his successor was not a Soros pick.

Trump agreed to appoint his clerk in exchange for retirement.

Somebody threatened his family.

I have a bunch of other theories, most unrealistic, but his replacement is the one I am going with.

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