The Politics of our health and environment

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
Are you forgetting how politics works? Have you forgotten that legislation and policy is bought and paid for? Have you forgotten that members of Congress are puppets for the rich, the powerful, and the influential? Have you forgotten that the oval office is also bought and paid for? Are you expecting to see our rivers, oceans, streams, lakes, land and air cleaned up after 2016? Inquiring minds want to know.
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
I think we have to be sensible as we move to replace coal with cleaner ways to generate electricity. One virtue or coal is that it is domestic in source whereas petroleum is not so much, judging from our tremendous imports of it in past years. I don't look for the current boom in American petroleum to last more than 10 to 20 years, and then what do we do? Let's use what is available, and use it wisely, and while we are at it develop more sustainable energy sources and more efficient ways to do what we do now with energy. There is money to be made and jobs to be had by steadily introducing alternate energy habits.
We need both, do we not, particularly more jobs?
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
Are you forgetting how politics works? Have you forgotten that legislation and policy is bought and paid for? Have you forgotten that members of Congress are puppets for the rich, the powerful, and the influential? Have you forgotten that the oval office is also bought and paid for? Are you expecting to see our rivers, oceans, streams, lakes, land and air cleaned up after 2016? Inquiring minds want to know.
Perhaps the key is a profit incentive to do so. Money talks in America.
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
Are you forgetting how politics works? Have you forgotten that legislation and policy is bought and paid for? Have you forgotten that members of Congress are puppets for the rich, the powerful, and the influential? Have you forgotten that the oval office is also bought and paid for? Are you expecting to see our rivers, oceans, streams, lakes, land and air cleaned up after 2016? Inquiring minds want to know.
Perhaps the key is a profit incentive to do so. Money talks in America.
If money talks, then explain the failed war on illegal drugs, the obvious failures after spending hundreds of $Billions in 2009, 2010, and 2011 to jump start the economy, and the comical failure of "The Fence" along our southern border.
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
I think we have to be sensible as we move to replace coal with cleaner ways to generate electricity. One virtue or coal is that it is domestic in source whereas petroleum is not so much, judging from our tremendous imports of it in past years. I don't look for the current boom in American petroleum to last more than 10 to 20 years, and then what do we do? Let's use what is available, and use it wisely, and while we are at it develop more sustainable energy sources and more efficient ways to do what we do now with energy. There is money to be made and jobs to be had by steadily introducing alternate energy habits.
We need both, do we not, particularly more jobs?
Yes, we need a lot of things, including alternative energy sources. But, haven't we needed "A LOT" of things over the past 50 years? And, during that time, haven't we had both Republican and Democrat administrations in Washington?
Sonny......unless you are going to make an attempt to actually prove that all members of congress are corrupt and that the president is might want to stop making that claim. It's fun and all....and it makes you feel vindicated whenever corruption is discovered...but it's just you throwing a tantrum when it's all said and done.

Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
Are you forgetting how politics works? Have you forgotten that legislation and policy is bought and paid for? Have you forgotten that members of Congress are puppets for the rich, the powerful, and the influential? Have you forgotten that the oval office is also bought and paid for? Are you expecting to see our rivers, oceans, streams, lakes, land and air cleaned up after 2016? Inquiring minds want to know.
Perhaps the key is a profit incentive to do so. Money talks in America.
If money talks, then explain the failed war on illegal drugs, the obvious failures after spending hundreds of $Billions in 2009, 2010, and 2011 to jump start the economy, and the comical failure of "The Fence" along our southern border.
Let's not mix apples and nuts. The initiatives you have mentioned failed for lack of a profit incentive by the private sector. There is more money to be made in peddling drugs than not peddling them, for example.

Efforts to jump start the economy were over shadowed by punitive regulations, to name one example. Obamacare, for example, is a job killer.
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
Are you forgetting how politics works? Have you forgotten that legislation and policy is bought and paid for? Have you forgotten that members of Congress are puppets for the rich, the powerful, and the influential? Have you forgotten that the oval office is also bought and paid for? Are you expecting to see our rivers, oceans, streams, lakes, land and air cleaned up after 2016? Inquiring minds want to know.
Perhaps the key is a profit incentive to do so. Money talks in America.
If money talks, then explain the failed war on illegal drugs, the obvious failures after spending hundreds of $Billions in 2009, 2010, and 2011 to jump start the economy, and the comical failure of "The Fence" along our southern border.
Let's not mix apples and nuts. The initiatives you have mentioned failed for lack of a profit incentive by the private sector. There is more money to be made in peddling drugs than not peddling them, for example.

Efforts to jump start the economy were over shadowed by punitive regulations, to name one example. Obamacare, for example, is a job killer.

No it isn't.
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
I think we have to be sensible as we move to replace coal with cleaner ways to generate electricity. One virtue or coal is that it is domestic in source whereas petroleum is not so much, judging from our tremendous imports of it in past years. I don't look for the current boom in American petroleum to last more than 10 to 20 years, and then what do we do? Let's use what is available, and use it wisely, and while we are at it develop more sustainable energy sources and more efficient ways to do what we do now with energy. There is money to be made and jobs to be had by steadily introducing alternate energy habits.
We need both, do we not, particularly more jobs?
Yes, we need a lot of things, including alternative energy sources. But, haven't we needed "A LOT" of things over the past 50 years? And, during that time, haven't we had both Republican and Democrat administrations in Washington?
The government needs to restrict itself to enabling policy rather than punitive policy. In other words, lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.

Tell me, where does the EPA get the authority to regulate every little mud hole or drainage ditch on private property?
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
Are you forgetting how politics works? Have you forgotten that legislation and policy is bought and paid for? Have you forgotten that members of Congress are puppets for the rich, the powerful, and the influential? Have you forgotten that the oval office is also bought and paid for? Are you expecting to see our rivers, oceans, streams, lakes, land and air cleaned up after 2016? Inquiring minds want to know.
Perhaps the key is a profit incentive to do so. Money talks in America.
If money talks, then explain the failed war on illegal drugs, the obvious failures after spending hundreds of $Billions in 2009, 2010, and 2011 to jump start the economy, and the comical failure of "The Fence" along our southern border.
Let's not mix apples and nuts. The initiatives you have mentioned failed for lack of a profit incentive by the private sector. There is more money to be made in peddling drugs than not peddling them, for example.

Efforts to jump start the economy were over shadowed by punitive regulations, to name one example. Obamacare, for example, is a job killer.
I see, punitive regulations, as in preventing corporations from poisoning our water and air.

The renewables have not only not failed, they are being installed now at a higher rate than coal, and the electricity they produce is cheaper, and pollution free. If the energy corporatons had to pay the cost of the damage to the health to our citizens, coal would be very expensive to use. And that is just speaking of the damage from the power plants. When you discuss the damage from the mining, that is another whole dimension.
Just to put the myth to sleep about how only republicans support anti- environmental efforts( the theme of the op) here is an article about mountaintop mining. As usual the facts do not support liberal claims.

BREAKING New Poll Finds that Appalachian People Strongly Oppose Mountaintop Removal Appalachian Voices

The EPA has done many good things, but as with all bureaucracies over time they overreach. This has zero to do,with clean water which is already in decent shape and everything to do with Obama wanting to extend control especially over people who disagree with him. Everything Obama does is predicated on concentrating his power. This is a perfect example.
So you say. And care to post where the GOP has proposed regulations that would prevent the toxic runoff from the mountaintop removal type of mining.
So you say. And care to post where the GOP has proposed regulations that would prevent the toxic runoff from the mountaintop removal type of mining.

Care to post the datasets with source code that proves AGW?

Who started the EPA?
More whining by the left/dems/liberals the lovers of BIG GOVERNMENT to be our Masters and tyrants. all the while they (a bunch of UNELECTED bureaucrats appointed to the EPA) are Stepping all over us AND our Representation in congress, WHILE squashing our freedoms and livelihoods to boot

it's sick and unbelievable the Politics they the Democrats plays with OUR LIVES. not caring if something is BAD policy or not.
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If we relax regulations you can bet American companies will pollute up to that level and then tell us that it has saved them money and created jobs, both of which we know by now are lies. Heck as long as overseas laborers are willing to work for free, the jobs will go overseas, until the workers here demand to do the work for free.
If we relax regulations you can bet American companies will pollute up to that level and then tell us that it has saved them money and created jobs, both of which we know by now are lies. Heck as long as overseas laborers are willing to work for free, the jobs will go overseas, until the workers here demand to do the work for free.

really, your crystal ball predict that?
who cares if this government regulates us all out of jobs. they know all that's BEST for us. screw what we want

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