The Politics of our health and environment

Well this a new fear mongering by the Democrats. they done used up the war on womeeeeen folk I guess, now it's Republicans don't care about YOUR HEALTH and mother earth.

Because how would we ever SURVIVE without our mommy and daddies in the guberment to run our lives. I'm just waiting for them to mandate just ONE SHEET of toilet paper TO SAVE mother earth. so what you all smell like shit
To corporate America a bunch of people becoming sick from pollution is more than worth it if the almighty buck can be made. If I were in command water and air would be protected. You pollute them beyond my law, you are shut down, no trial. Nothing. Guilty as charged. Guilty until proven innocent. My dream job: Whistleblower.
So you say. And care to post where the GOP has proposed regulations that would prevent the toxic runoff from the mountaintop removal type of mining.

Care to post the datasets with source code that proves AGW?

Who started the EPA?
Richard Nixon. One of the saddest tragedies in American Politics. Had he been able to control his paranoia, he would be remembered as one of the great Presidents.
Well this a new fear mongering by the Democrats. they done used up the war on womeeeeen folk I guess, now it's Republicans don't care about YOUR HEALTH and mother earth.

Because how would we ever SURVIVE without our mommy and daddies in the guberment to run our lives. I'm just waiting for them to mandate just ONE SHEET of toilet paper TO SAVE mother earth. so what you all smell like shit
People who support continuing to pollute air and water do not care one whit about our health, or the environment that we all live in. You are a classic example of that, Staph.
Well this a new fear mongering by the Democrats. they done used up the war on womeeeeen folk I guess, now it's Republicans don't care about YOUR HEALTH and mother earth.

Because how would we ever SURVIVE without our mommy and daddies in the guberment to run our lives. I'm just waiting for them to mandate just ONE SHEET of toilet paper TO SAVE mother earth. so what you all smell like shit
People who support continuing to pollute air and water do not care one whit about our health, or the environment that we all live in. You are a classic example of that, Staph.

Who pray tell is supporting pollution?

Come on now give it up. Give me names Old Rocks. You know I'm a water conservationist and fight good battles. Up and coming I'm actually hoping you and some others like Dot Com are ready to join me in a massive fight against Bi Pole by my Manitoba government.

You watch what I am ready to do. Not just a keyboard warrior.

Am about to take it to the streets and to the woods. Big deal out here. My daughter and others in the east are going to help as well when I launch.

So when you say that conservatives don't care I really want you to back this up and tell me who is polluting.

I am about to launch a serious rebellion up here. By all means add your water concerns to what I am about to do.
For those that might not understand what this conservative conservationist is talking about because posters like old rocks make us out to be uncaring sons of bitches about the planet, I am a conservationist.

My battle is this one. This is going to be a big deal because I really am your mothers worst nightmare from the 60's true liberal and conservationist.

Fuck enviro whackos. Fuck enviro weenies. We have real problems on our hands.

Up here it's called Bi Pole III.
Conawapa Generating Station
In August 2014 we suspended study and planning activities for a possible hydroelectric development at the Conawapa site and initiated wrap-up activities of the work undertaken to date. The project may be reactivated at a later date, depending on the outcome of an Integrated Resource Planning process, and whether a strong case for investment can be made.

The proposed site is located in northern Manitoba, Canada, in the Fox Lake Resource Management Area:

  • Approximately 30 kilometres (km) downstream of the existing Limestone Generating Station and 70 km upstream of the Nelson River Estuary;
  • Approximately 90 km downstream (east) of Gillam, MB.
The Conawapa Generating Station would be a clean and renewable energy project, and would be the largest project of its kind in Manitoba's history.

  • Generating 1,485 megawatts (MW) capacity, the station would produce about 7,000 gigawatt hours (GWh), enough to service the equivalent of 636,000 homes with clean (low carbon footprint,) renewable energy.
  • Conawapa would increase the overall hydroelectric generating capability of the Lower Nelson River to over 4,800 MW.
  • Average annual energy production: 7,000 gigawatt hours.
  • Flooded land area: approximately 5 square kilometres (almost entirely within the existing river bank).
  • Generator units: 10.
This environmentally conscious project would reuse water already stored and regulated through the Stephens Lake Reservoir, limiting the estimated flooding to 5 square kilometres of land. The flooded land would fall almost entirely within the natural banks of the Nelson River.

The project design, as much as possible, minimizes environmental effects and enhances project benefits. Studies to date have assessed project effects in the following areas:

  • physical, aquatic, and terrestrial environments;
  • socio-economic conditions, including possible effects to surrounding communities and traditional ways of life.
If a decision is made to proceed with the project, construction is expected to take 8.5 years to bring the first of 10 units on-line, with a total construction period of approximately 11 years.
Conawapa Generating Station

500 kV HVDC transmission line
The Bipole III ± 500 kV HVDC transmission line will originate at a Keewatinohk converter station site near the proposed Conawapa Generating Station site; travel west and south towards The Pas; travel south, staying west of Lake Winnipegosis and Lake Manitoba; pass south of Portage la Prairie and Winnipeg to terminate at the Riel Converter Station on the Riel site, in the RM of Springfield. The preferred route is approximately 1,384 km in length.

Bipole III transmission line will be strung on steel tower structures on a 66 m wide right-of-way, with an average tower spacing of approximately 480 m resulting in 3 to 4 towers per mile. In agricultural areas, self-supporting towers will be used to reduce effects on agricultural operations. Guyed towers will be used in forested areas and other areas that are compatible with the use of this tower type.

Transmission - Bipole III Transmission Reliability Project

OK, specifically, are your objections to the power line, or the hydroelectric plant? And are you also addressing what the Tar Sand operations are doing to the land in Canada?
Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.

I don't really think the environment is first and foremost on most voters' minds.
Conawapa Generating Station
In August 2014 we suspended study and planning activities for a possible hydroelectric development at the Conawapa site and initiated wrap-up activities of the work undertaken to date. The project may be reactivated at a later date, depending on the outcome of an Integrated Resource Planning process, and whether a strong case for investment can be made.

The proposed site is located in northern Manitoba, Canada, in the Fox Lake Resource Management Area:

  • Approximately 30 kilometres (km) downstream of the existing Limestone Generating Station and 70 km upstream of the Nelson River Estuary;
  • Approximately 90 km downstream (east) of Gillam, MB.
The Conawapa Generating Station would be a clean and renewable energy project, and would be the largest project of its kind in Manitoba's history.

  • Generating 1,485 megawatts (MW) capacity, the station would produce about 7,000 gigawatt hours (GWh), enough to service the equivalent of 636,000 homes with clean (low carbon footprint,) renewable energy.
  • Conawapa would increase the overall hydroelectric generating capability of the Lower Nelson River to over 4,800 MW.
  • Average annual energy production: 7,000 gigawatt hours.
  • Flooded land area: approximately 5 square kilometres (almost entirely within the existing river bank).
  • Generator units: 10.
This environmentally conscious project would reuse water already stored and regulated through the Stephens Lake Reservoir, limiting the estimated flooding to 5 square kilometres of land. The flooded land would fall almost entirely within the natural banks of the Nelson River.

The project design, as much as possible, minimizes environmental effects and enhances project benefits. Studies to date have assessed project effects in the following areas:

  • physical, aquatic, and terrestrial environments;
  • socio-economic conditions, including possible effects to surrounding communities and traditional ways of life.
If a decision is made to proceed with the project, construction is expected to take 8.5 years to bring the first of 10 units on-line, with a total construction period of approximately 11 years.
Conawapa Generating Station

500 kV HVDC transmission line
The Bipole III ± 500 kV HVDC transmission line will originate at a Keewatinohk converter station site near the proposed Conawapa Generating Station site; travel west and south towards The Pas; travel south, staying west of Lake Winnipegosis and Lake Manitoba; pass south of Portage la Prairie and Winnipeg to terminate at the Riel Converter Station on the Riel site, in the RM of Springfield. The preferred route is approximately 1,384 km in length.

Bipole III transmission line will be strung on steel tower structures on a 66 m wide right-of-way, with an average tower spacing of approximately 480 m resulting in 3 to 4 towers per mile. In agricultural areas, self-supporting towers will be used to reduce effects on agricultural operations. Guyed towers will be used in forested areas and other areas that are compatible with the use of this tower type.

Transmission - Bipole III Transmission Reliability Project

OK, specifically, are your objections to the power line, or the hydroelectric plant? And are you also addressing what the Tar Sand operations are doing to the land in Canada?

First off Bi Pole III is a make work project by the NDP to pay back the unions for their undying support. There's a whole lotta politics going on.

The environment be damned.

I have many problems with this project. One right from the get go is that the bloody ignorant bastards are routing the damn thing thru all our wetlands. They're doing this because of $$$$$. It's cheaper to force a property owner to give up their swamp land after all.

Now being a serious water conservationist and fighter from here to kingdom come over water I take great issue with treating wetlands as garbage land.

They are crucial to our environment. Other mega problem and you bettcha this is the keystone of how I want to rock it, the NDP's planned route destroys south east Manitoba's breeding ground for Monarchs.

Look up where I live. I'm in a major hot spot for Monarchs.

I'm working on lining up some crucial players and high profile celebrities in the fight to preserve the Monarch in Manitoba.

BTW I really do this shit. When I lived in Hawtrey I fought industrialized hog farms on our aquifer. Worked with people that worked with Robert Kennedy.

Became a water conservationist over Grassy Narrows. I've put in a lot of years and it's worth it.
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Well, the gauntlet has been thrown. Now we will see in 2016 who the American voter supports.

GOP pledges to rein in Obama on EPA rules global warming -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says a new federal rule regulating small streams and wetlands will protect the drinking water of more than 117 million people in the country.

Not so, insist Republicans. They say the rule is a massive government overreach that could even subject puddles and ditches to regulation.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is promising to "rein in" the government through legislation or other means.

It's a threat with a familiar ring.

What else are Capito and other Republicans pledging to try to block?

—the administration's plan to curb carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.

—its proposal for stricter limits on smog-forming pollution linked to asthma and respiratory illness

—a separate rule setting the first national standards for waste generated from coal burned for electricity.

The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his environmental legacy, especially his efforts to reduce the pollution linked to global warming.

So, will we choose the health of our citizens and a clean environment, or will we choose to continue to let the vast wealth of a few individuals and corporations determine those matters?

Allready, wind is a cheaper source of electricity than even dirty coal, and solar will be cheaper before we vote in 2016. We have seen rivers poisoned by fly ash spills, chemical spills from processing coal, and the damage from the mountain top removal for mining coal is tremendous. Even from the stacks with scrubbers, the damage done to our children from the asthma created by that pollution costs billions of dollars every year, as well as shortening the lives of our citizens.

There is no reason, economic or otherwise, not to phase out coal, ASAP. And every reason to do it. The emblem for the present GOP should be a dinosaur instead of an elephant.
If there is no reason not to phase out coal ten coal would cease to exist – period.

That is the reality – as renewables become more efficient they WILL replace other forms of energy. The problem most of us have with renewables is that the government wants to force that to happen before such is the case.

If renewables are more economically efficient then why are you even bothering – what actions are blocking them from taking over?

And, what the hell does that have to do with the OP’s supposition? Nothing at all. This appears to be nothing more than a partisan rant against the ‘enemy.’

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