the poor need to wake UP and stop having kids

YEAH! Its the SAME as letting THIEVES keep what they STEAL the EXACT SAME THING!

except having babies isn't a crime, and neither is being a poor kid. you fucking moron.


Taking tax money from me via the Government's illegal and unConstitutional welfare programs is EXACTLY like stealing.

I feel the same way when I look at my retirement account. They take a fourth of my check an leave me with little.
Wrong again.

How exactly do you reach that conclusion? Is it not theft by fraud, at the very least, when one utilizes the Government in an illegal and unConstitutional fashion to take wealth from someone else and have it distributed to them?

If I were to somehow get a law passed requiring Congress to tax the citizenry so that the Government makes my car payments for me every month, would that not be theft by fraud?

It is fraud if they get it when they do not need it and lie.
So here we have a thread that is advocating forcible sterilization of *poor* women, and mandatory abortion....both of which have been identified as human rights violations.

But I'm the asshole for saying that progressives want to violate and kill women and children?

I'm so ready for the US to clean house.

It is not the progressives promoting sterilization. No one is violating and killing women. You are a sick person. Get help.
So here we have a thread that is advocating forcible sterilization of *poor* women, and mandatory abortion....both of which have been identified as human rights violations.

But I'm the asshole for saying that progressives want to violate and kill women and children?

I'm so ready for the US to clean house.

It is not the progressives promoting sterilization. No one is violating and killing women. You are a sick person. Get help.

left-wing nutjobs are ignorant of their own history. Progressives; mostly left-wingers; have supported EUGENICS FOR a hundred years

racism and a desire for eugenics is at the heart of early Progressive ideology
So here we have a thread that is advocating forcible sterilization of *poor* women, and mandatory abortion....both of which have been identified as human rights violations.

But I'm the asshole for saying that progressives want to violate and kill women and children?

I'm so ready for the US to clean house.

It is not the progressives promoting sterilization. No one is violating and killing women. You are a sick person. Get help.

Uh...yes, it is.
So here we have a thread that is advocating forcible sterilization of *poor* women, and mandatory abortion....both of which have been identified as human rights violations.

But I'm the asshole for saying that progressives want to violate and kill women and children?

I'm so ready for the US to clean house.

It is not the progressives promoting sterilization. No one is violating and killing women. You are a sick person. Get help.

Uh...yes, it is.


isn't srlp a progressives?

I generally assume that anybody arguing eugenics is. Though we need to think up a new word for income-driven annihilation.
After all, everybody thinks so highly of the Egyptians for wiping out Hebrew babies when there were too many...

And the Spartans for leaving the weak out for the wolves....

and the Romans for just killing themselves at the drop of a hat...

And the Nazis for advocating the same thing amongst the Poles...

And the slave ship captains for dumping *cargo* rather than risk being fined for smuggling slaves
It's not hard to see the similarity between the National Socialist Democratic Party (Nazi) of the progressive European 30's and the new socialist democratic progressives today. It's like the frog in the boiling water. He doesn't notice it until it's too late.
Except per usual, people do notice it.

And the pukes like pogo and others lie through their teeth to disguise the nightmare they're peddling.

He's arguing in another thread that communism existed before Marx...that it existed in pastoral Christian communities and it's still clicking along famously. Cuz communists are all about faith driven living, and pacifism!

I kid you fucking not.
It costs 1/2 million$ (in TODAY'S money, 1 million or more by the time a baby today has a master's degree, as he'll NEED) to properly raise a kid in the US. If you can't provide that, kind of money/training for your kid you are a jerk for having him.. You wil be condemning your kid to poverty and horror, or condeming tax payers to pay for that kid's incarcertation/welfare (and their kids, on down the line).

A woman can get sterilized with 2 injections, she's out of service just 2 hours. They cause scarring inside of her Fallopian tubes. Nothing shows. We should be giving young, as yet childless girls (all over the world) 5k cash to be sterilized. almost all problems come from overpopulation. Such money would let her start a biz, get an education, or get the hell out of what ever scum hole she's stuck in. fingerprinting would stop "repeats".

HI PokerThere!

Welfare birthrate question |
It costs 1/2 million$ (in TODAY'S money, 1 million or more by the time a baby today has a master's degree, as he'll NEED) to properly raise a kid in the US. If you can't provide that, kind of money/training for your kid you are a jerk for having him.. You wil be condemning your kid to poverty and horror, or condeming tax payers to pay for that kid's incarcertation/welfare (and their kids, on down the line).

A woman can get sterilized with 2 injections, she's out of service just 2 hours. They cause scarring inside of her Fallopian tubes. Nothing shows. We should be giving young, as yet childless girls (all over the world) 5k cash to be sterilized. almost all problems come from overpopulation. Such money would let her start a biz, get an education, or get the hell out of what ever scum hole she's stuck in. fingerprinting would stop "repeats".

Unfortunately, the number of poor in America are growing that have no children, let alone anyone else. The policies of the American government to maintain itself as a global power and to cater mostly to the wants of a wealthy elite are reducing the standard of living for most people. The dream of a the passed that promised some equity in return for work seems to have passed.
So here we have a thread that is advocating forcible sterilization of *poor* women, and mandatory abortion....both of which have been identified as human rights violations.

But I'm the asshole for saying that progressives want to violate and kill women and children?

I'm so ready for the US to clean house.

It is not the progressives promoting sterilization. No one is violating and killing women. You are a sick person. Get help.

left-wing nutjobs are ignorant of their own history. Progressives; mostly left-wingers; have supported EUGENICS FOR a hundred years

racism and a desire for eugenics is at the heart of early Progressive ideology

You make the mistake if painting everyone on the left with one stroke of a wide brush.
So here we have a thread that is advocating forcible sterilization of *poor* women, and mandatory abortion....both of which have been identified as human rights violations.

But I'm the asshole for saying that progressives want to violate and kill women and children?

I'm so ready for the US to clean house.

It is not the progressives promoting sterilization. No one is violating and killing women. You are a sick person. Get help.

Uh...yes, it is.

A well thought out answer. Guess you got me.

Get help.
Stealing is a crime. Having children you cannot support is not.

Maybe it SHOULD be. Ok, it DEFINITELY should be. Especially when you are going to expect ME, who has little to no use for small children, to support YOU and YOUR KID through a wholely illegal and unConstitutional Governmental program.

It is fraud if they get it when they do not need it and lie.

The entire slew of programs they're using to extract this money from the Government are ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL in their entirety. How is THAT not Fraud?
It's a human rights violation. Such programs have never worked and are always abused, resulting in atrocious crimes against women and children.
It's a human rights violation. Such programs have never worked and are always abused, resulting in atrocious crimes against women and children.

I would suggest the more atrocious crimes are being committed against the TAXPAYERS who are paying for these people.
It's a human rights violation. Such programs have never worked and are always abused, resulting in atrocious crimes against women and children.

I would suggest the more atrocious crimes are being committed against the TAXPAYERS who are paying for these people.

How much are we paying, me dear. What percentage of GNP are you having a tissy over. Any idea???

How big is welfare fraud when compared to this:

Then there is that huge percentage of people actually on any kind of welfare:
What is the percentage of Americans on welfare?
Under 1% of Americans are on welfare compared to all Americans.

Do you also spend a lot of your time worrying about people killed by lightning??? Of course not. You just pick the issues from bat shit crazy con web sites meant to make the weak minded angry.
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