the poor need to wake UP and stop having kids

People can find ways of manipulating any scenario you may find yourself in. Welfare was meant to be a hand up to people in dire straits. I'm a Democrat and I was a single mother for years but I don't like what Welfare has become and I believe we need real reform.

We could do a lot with the money we are handing out to people who are fully capable of getting work and doing a job for 40 hours a week which was what I did..

On the other hand, the money some in leadership positions in corporate America earns is obscene compared to employees with families. There must be a happy medium here somewhere.
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My parents could not afford my sister and me....but they still managed to raise 2 (lovely :) ) girls!

Clinton would never have been born nor Lincoln if their parents waited until they could "afford" children....

MOST PARENTS that have children can not afford children when they have them, when they are young....

but over time, if they stay together as a couple, things get and incomes improve for most parents, at least to the level of being able to just get by vs. not even 'making it'....

My father was an enlisted man in the USAF....they got paid do do 50 plus years ago....they were stationed in North Dakota when my sister was born and my mother did not even own a winter coat to go to the base hospital in....her neighbor in their duplex that they lived in loaned her a coat,....and many times my father had to go to the American Red Cross for money so that they could get food....yet, by the time we were young adults they sent 2 girls off to college, with no financial aid....

My Italian grandmother had 10 brothers and sisters, my great grand parents could not afford a one of them....but they still had 10 wonderful children who became an asset to society....

Yes, ideally people should wait until they can afford to have children, but that is simply unrealistic...a woman's prime and safest time to have children is when they are younger, and few are wealthy when they are young.... I know we weren't, that's for certain! Only time, and hard work and pinching every single penny, and a lot of luck, got us out of it, and since we were unable to have children together...that probably helped bring us out of poverty sooner than those who were BLESSED with children...

FORCED Sterilization is immoral....folks, PERIOD.

I think we are for the most part, genetically designed to desire reproduction, this is just normal imho...

having children out of wedlock imho, is mostly a problem with the 'fathers' of these children not wanting to support their own family, their own blood for goodness sakes.... :D
that poor people should not have babies they cant afford is simply common sense

any left-wing loser desperate to debate that is simply an idiot

I agree that people should not have kids that they cannot afford. However, they do, and we are not going to let the kids starve.

but you think they would still have them; and thus starve; if we cut welfare

just face it; the left are first-rate panderersa with no faith in the people they claim to defend

You are making no sense. Why does this not surprise me.
Why would they have children they cant afford if birth control and abortion were free?
Sounds to me like it's the parents fault for having children with no means to support them.
So who's the evil one here?
If you cant feed em? Dont breed em.
but where would your army get its cannon fodder from?, I know some middle class kid went to Vietnam but I would love an accurate demographic of the conscripts.

vietnam was 40 years ago

geesh you left-wing morons need to get some new talking points to prop up your failed left-wing ideology!!
okay you right wing lickspittle all army's find it easier to recruit there cannon fodder from the poor and disadvantaged, you can even get a green card if you join. So if you dont want forced enlistment and you want a full strength army keep the poor breeding.
Now read this twerp and you may grasp the meaning .
It costs 1/2 million$ (in TODAY'S money, 1 million or more by the time a baby today has a master's degree, as he'll NEED) to properly raise a kid in the US. If you can't provide that, kind of money/training for your kid you are a jerk for having him.. You wil be condemning your kid to poverty and horror, or condeming tax payers to pay for that kid's incarcertation/welfare (and their kids, on down the line).

A woman can get sterilized with 2 injections, she's out of service just 2 hours. They cause scarring inside of her Fallopian tubes. Nothing shows. We should be giving young, as yet childless girls (all over the world) 5k cash to be sterilized. almost all problems come from overpopulation. Such money would let her start a biz, get an education, or get the hell out of what ever scum hole she's stuck in. fingerprinting would stop "repeats".

Awesome. THe right wing doesn't want to subsidized birth control pills - but they want to sterilze people

Pro-creation should only be for the wealthy, right?

Birth-rates among the poor are DOWN anyway. THey are still poor.
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I agree that people should not have kids that they cannot afford. However, they do, and we are not going to let the kids starve.

Why not? This is the same as saying that stealing is illegal, but if people do it anyway we'll just let them keep the money/property they stole or the proceeds from selling what they sold. You are promoting the idea that we should allow people to profit from an immoral act, and that makes no sense to me.
I agree that people should not have kids that they cannot afford. However, they do, and we are not going to let the kids starve.

Why not? This is the same as saying that stealing is illegal, but if people do it anyway we'll just let them keep the money/property they stole or the proceeds from selling what they sold. You are promoting the idea that we should allow people to profit from an immoral act, and that makes no sense to me.

YEAH! Its the SAME as letting THIEVES keep what they STEAL the EXACT SAME THING!

except having babies isn't a crime, and neither is being a poor kid. you fucking moron.

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I agree that people should not have kids that they cannot afford. However, they do, and we are not going to let the kids starve.

Why not? This is the same as saying that stealing is illegal, but if people do it anyway we'll just let them keep the money/property they stole or the proceeds from selling what they sold. You are promoting the idea that we should allow people to profit from an immoral act, and that makes no sense to me.
It's NOT immoral to want and bear a's NORMAL to want and bear a is genetically programed in most of us females to want and to bear a child....none of us would be here today, if this were not the case....thus it is NOT immoral to have children, and never will be, again, in my opinion.
YEAH! Its the SAME as letting THIEVES keep what they STEAL the EXACT SAME THING!

except having babies isn't a crime, and neither is being a poor kid. you fucking moron.


Taking tax money from me via the Government's illegal and unConstitutional welfare programs is EXACTLY like stealing.
It's NOT immoral to want and bear a's NORMAL to want and bear a is genetically programed in most of us females to want and to bear a child....none of us would be here today, if this were not the case....thus it is NOT immoral to have children, and never will be, again, in my opinion.

It is most definitely immoral for ANYONE to expect ANYONE ELSE to pay for their wants, needs, or desires. If you can't afford to raise the child, don't have the kid. Definitely don't expect ME to pay for you or your kid.

If it's so programmed into you to want kids, why isn't it programmed into you to find a Man who can support you to have them with?
It's NOT immoral to want and bear a's NORMAL to want and bear a is genetically programed in most of us females to want and to bear a child....none of us would be here today, if this were not the case....thus it is NOT immoral to have children, and never will be, again, in my opinion.

It is most definitely immoral for ANYONE to expect ANYONE ELSE to pay for their wants, needs, or desires. If you can't afford to raise the child, don't have the kid. Definitely don't expect ME to pay for you or your kid.

If it's so programmed into you to want kids, why isn't it programmed into you to find a Man who can support you to have them with?

I think it is programmed in us to want the father of our child to be around and be with us....

It's the male who has gone haywire and let fall by the wayside his desire to support his own flesh and blood, his own off spring. :D

Hardly anyone could AFFORD children when they had children, at least this was the case in my and my parent's and my grand parent's time.... I don't see why that is any different now....unless you think the younger generation is some kind of superior generation that all earn a ton of bucks during prime child bearing years vs their preceding relatives?

We do have a problem, but the problem is men not supporting their own flesh and blood...:eusa_angel:
I think it is programmed in us to want the father of our child to be around and be with us....

It's the male who has gone haywire and let fall by the wayside his desire to support his own flesh and blood, his own off spring. :D

Hardly anyone could AFFORD children when they had children, at least this was the case in my and my parent's and my grand parent's time.... I don't see why that is any different now....unless you think the younger generation is some kind of superior generation that all earn a ton of bucks during prime child bearing years vs their preceding relatives?

We do have a problem, but the problem is men not supporting their own flesh and blood...:eusa_angel:

I will agree with you that men do need to support their children as well. That we have no arguement on.

However, what women need to comprehend is that trading sex for "love" rather than requiring the man to prove that "love" by making a long-term commitment to them through that antiquated ideal of "no sex before marriage" DOES NOT WORK. To believe anything else is ridiculous. I'm not saying it's Right, but it is the way society works these days.

By AFFORD, I mean have a plan in place to provide for the child and the family (as in TWO parents, living together, in a committed relationship). If you do not have a plan on how you intend to provide for a child, do not bring one into this world. Basic common sense.
It costs 1/2 million$ (in TODAY'S money, 1 million or more by the time a baby today has a master's degree, as he'll NEED) to properly raise a kid in the US. If you can't provide that, kind of money/training for your kid you are a jerk for having him.. You wil be condemning your kid to poverty and horror, or condeming tax payers to pay for that kid's incarcertation/welfare (and their kids, on down the line).

A woman can get sterilized with 2 injections, she's out of service just 2 hours. They cause scarring inside of her Fallopian tubes. Nothing shows. We should be giving young, as yet childless girls (all over the world) 5k cash to be sterilized. almost all problems come from overpopulation. Such money would let her start a biz, get an education, or get the hell out of what ever scum hole she's stuck in. fingerprinting would stop "repeats".

Do kids make you poor? Only blind bureaucrats and anti-American lefties seem to think that way. There are millions of stories about (legal) immigrants entering the US with $20.00 in their pockets and working hard and becoming rich even with a bunch of kids. Society came a long way in a few years. Now it seems that hiring someone to kill your unborn child and voluntary sterilization is the ticket to happiness.
I agree that people should not have kids that they cannot afford. However, they do, and we are not going to let the kids starve.

Why not? This is the same as saying that stealing is illegal, but if people do it anyway we'll just let them keep the money/property they stole or the proceeds from selling what they sold. You are promoting the idea that we should allow people to profit from an immoral act, and that makes no sense to me.

Stealing is a crime. Having children you cannot support is not.
YEAH! Its the SAME as letting THIEVES keep what they STEAL the EXACT SAME THING!

except having babies isn't a crime, and neither is being a poor kid. you fucking moron.


Taking tax money from me via the Government's illegal and unConstitutional welfare programs is EXACTLY like stealing.

Wrong again.
Progressives, being criminal thinkers themselves, don't understand the concept of private property or earnings. You will never convince them that it's wrong and bad to take what other people have.
Wrong again.

How exactly do you reach that conclusion? Is it not theft by fraud, at the very least, when one utilizes the Government in an illegal and unConstitutional fashion to take wealth from someone else and have it distributed to them?

If I were to somehow get a law passed requiring Congress to tax the citizenry so that the Government makes my car payments for me every month, would that not be theft by fraud?
I've enjoyed all the dependent tax write offs for housing and kids, not to mention my real estate taxes and earned income for the past 30 years this June 11, 2014.....Thanks everyone...
So here we have a thread that is advocating forcible sterilization of *poor* women, and mandatory abortion....both of which have been identified as human rights violations.

But I'm the asshole for saying that progressives want to violate and kill women and children?

I'm so ready for the US to clean house.

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