The pro life case against killing baby murderers

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Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Moderation Edit --- Threads like this one are over the line in directly advocating violent crime.
We are asking for the USMB community to use some restraint in toning down the rhetoric. Which of late --- has become appalling -- from all sides of issues and discussion..

We will not change our Moderation principles to go after every violent expression, because we don't want to be censors or deal in judging content. But CLEARLY -- you can not advocate violent criminal acts on this message board..

I'll be bumping this thread regularly as a reminder of this request..

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The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Don't like a law then you murder innocent people like a police officer?

Before you even write Black Lives Matter let me be very straight with you they are no better than someone like you, so I do not view them in a positive light.

Killing innocent people because you dislike a law is just plain stupid. I do not like the fact that I can not smoke pot in the state of Texas legally, but I sure the hell will not go out and kill someone because it is illegal.

I also do not support abortion and find Planned Parenthood to be wrong, but I would never condone open fire on the public because of my dislike for Planned Parenthood.

See you have stated your opinion on the subject then it is safe to write that you are unhinged in the head to even consider Rudolph or those like Rudolph as a hero, and it make me wonder if you believe Tim McVeigh was a patriot?
The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Oh palease.... they're nuts, not heroes.

Geeze Louise. You don;t pretest murder by murdering.. that's just as evil.

The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Don't like a law then you murder innocent people like a police officer?

Before you even write Black Lives Matter let me be very straight with you they are no better than someone like you, so I do not view them in a positive light.

Killing innocent people because you dislike a law is just plain stupid. I do not like the fact that I can not smoke pot in the state of Texas legally, but I sure the hell will not go out and kill someone because it is illegal.

I also do not support abortion and find Planned Parenthood to be wrong, but I would never condone open fire on the public because of my dislike for Planned Parenthood.

See you have stated your opinion on the subject then it is safe to write that you are unhinged in the head to even consider Rudolph or those like Rudolph as a hero, and it make me wonder if you believe Tim McVeigh was a patriot?
Cop should have stayed out of the way. He wasn't the target but if he WAS trying to stop him from doing a righteous deed then the cop was just as guilty as the regimes in DC that support baby murder. Yes McVeigh was a patriot. Absolutely. He did same thing government did he just didn't have a gun and badge that made it legal.
The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Oh palease.... they're nuts, not heroes.

Geeze Louise. You don;t pretest murder by murdering.. that's just as evil.

The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Don't like a law then you murder innocent people like a police officer?

Before you even write Black Lives Matter let me be very straight with you they are no better than someone like you, so I do not view them in a positive light.

Killing innocent people because you dislike a law is just plain stupid. I do not like the fact that I can not smoke pot in the state of Texas legally, but I sure the hell will not go out and kill someone because it is illegal.

I also do not support abortion and find Planned Parenthood to be wrong, but I would never condone open fire on the public because of my dislike for Planned Parenthood.

See you have stated your opinion on the subject then it is safe to write that you are unhinged in the head to even consider Rudolph or those like Rudolph as a hero, and it make me wonder if you believe Tim McVeigh was a patriot?
Cop should have stayed out of the way. He wasn't the target but if he WAS trying to stop him from doing a righteous deed then the cop was just as guilty as the regimes in DC that support baby murder. Yes McVeigh was a patriot. Absolutely. He did same thing government did he just didn't have a gun and badge that made it legal.

Thank you for your response and you're a fucking lunatic!
The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Oh palease.... they're nuts, not heroes.

Geeze Louise. You don;t pretest murder by murdering.. that's just as evil.

The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Don't like a law then you murder innocent people like a police officer?

Before you even write Black Lives Matter let me be very straight with you they are no better than someone like you, so I do not view them in a positive light.

Killing innocent people because you dislike a law is just plain stupid. I do not like the fact that I can not smoke pot in the state of Texas legally, but I sure the hell will not go out and kill someone because it is illegal.

I also do not support abortion and find Planned Parenthood to be wrong, but I would never condone open fire on the public because of my dislike for Planned Parenthood.

See you have stated your opinion on the subject then it is safe to write that you are unhinged in the head to even consider Rudolph or those like Rudolph as a hero, and it make me wonder if you believe Tim McVeigh was a patriot?
Cop should have stayed out of the way. He wasn't the target but if he WAS trying to stop him from doing a righteous deed then the cop was just as guilty as the regimes in DC that support baby murder. Yes McVeigh was a patriot. Absolutely. He did same thing government did he just didn't have a gun and badge that made it legal.

Thank you for your response and you're a fucking lunatic!
Nothing like a "pro-lifer" contemplating murder.
You have murder in your heart.
And HATE! And PRIDE! I have lots of stuff in my heart..I don't have much empathy though :D for Veterans,The Homeless,The Unborn...bout it.
The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Oh palease.... they're nuts, not heroes.

Geeze Louise. You don;t pretest murder by murdering.. that's just as evil.

The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Don't like a law then you murder innocent people like a police officer?

Before you even write Black Lives Matter let me be very straight with you they are no better than someone like you, so I do not view them in a positive light.

Killing innocent people because you dislike a law is just plain stupid. I do not like the fact that I can not smoke pot in the state of Texas legally, but I sure the hell will not go out and kill someone because it is illegal.

I also do not support abortion and find Planned Parenthood to be wrong, but I would never condone open fire on the public because of my dislike for Planned Parenthood.

See you have stated your opinion on the subject then it is safe to write that you are unhinged in the head to even consider Rudolph or those like Rudolph as a hero, and it make me wonder if you believe Tim McVeigh was a patriot?
Cop should have stayed out of the way. He wasn't the target but if he WAS trying to stop him from doing a righteous deed then the cop was just as guilty as the regimes in DC that support baby murder. Yes McVeigh was a patriot. Absolutely. He did same thing government did he just didn't have a gun and badge that made it legal.

Thank you for your response and you're a fucking lunatic!
No problem! Thanks for the compliment. When people in a society find no problem with a "doctor" murdering babies by merely changing what they are called then I take much pleasure in being called a lunatic.
Odium, you are becoming more unhinged by the day. Again, get a grip.
The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Oh palease.... they're nuts, not heroes.

Geeze Louise. You don;t pretest murder by murdering.. that's just as evil.

The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Don't like a law then you murder innocent people like a police officer?

Before you even write Black Lives Matter let me be very straight with you they are no better than someone like you, so I do not view them in a positive light.

Killing innocent people because you dislike a law is just plain stupid. I do not like the fact that I can not smoke pot in the state of Texas legally, but I sure the hell will not go out and kill someone because it is illegal.

I also do not support abortion and find Planned Parenthood to be wrong, but I would never condone open fire on the public because of my dislike for Planned Parenthood.

See you have stated your opinion on the subject then it is safe to write that you are unhinged in the head to even consider Rudolph or those like Rudolph as a hero, and it make me wonder if you believe Tim McVeigh was a patriot?
Cop should have stayed out of the way. He wasn't the target but if he WAS trying to stop him from doing a righteous deed then the cop was just as guilty as the regimes in DC that support baby murder. Yes McVeigh was a patriot. Absolutely. He did same thing government did he just didn't have a gun and badge that made it legal.

Thank you for your response and you're a fucking lunatic!
Nothing like a "pro-lifer" contemplating murder.
Oh I am not contemplating murdering anyone I just approve of killing baby killers. Only a sick sick mind doesn't care that MILLIONS of babies are murdered every year but they shit a brick when a baby killer is taken out.
Odium, you are becoming more unhinged by the day. Again, get a grip.
Again this from someone who seems to have no problem with a "doctor" murdering MILLIONS of babies but cry tears when 1 baby murderer is killed. Simply amazing.
You have murder in your heart.
And HATE! And PRIDE! I have lots of stuff in my heart..I don't have much empathy though :D for Veterans,The Homeless,The Unborn...bout it.
The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Oh palease.... they're nuts, not heroes.

Geeze Louise. You don;t pretest murder by murdering.. that's just as evil.

The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Don't like a law then you murder innocent people like a police officer?

Before you even write Black Lives Matter let me be very straight with you they are no better than someone like you, so I do not view them in a positive light.

Killing innocent people because you dislike a law is just plain stupid. I do not like the fact that I can not smoke pot in the state of Texas legally, but I sure the hell will not go out and kill someone because it is illegal.

I also do not support abortion and find Planned Parenthood to be wrong, but I would never condone open fire on the public because of my dislike for Planned Parenthood.

See you have stated your opinion on the subject then it is safe to write that you are unhinged in the head to even consider Rudolph or those like Rudolph as a hero, and it make me wonder if you believe Tim McVeigh was a patriot?
Cop should have stayed out of the way. He wasn't the target but if he WAS trying to stop him from doing a righteous deed then the cop was just as guilty as the regimes in DC that support baby murder. Yes McVeigh was a patriot. Absolutely. He did same thing government did he just didn't have a gun and badge that made it legal.

Thank you for your response and you're a fucking lunatic!
No problem! Thanks for the compliment. When people in a society find no problem with a "doctor" murdering babies by merely changing what they are called then I take much pleasure in being called a lunatic.

Novel idea, and get the law changed and if you can not and fail then accept the failure and own it and do not kill innocent people you believe you are some Holy Warrior like ISIL...
Odium, you are becoming more unhinged by the day. Again, get a grip.
Again this from someone who seems to have no problem with a "doctor" murdering MILLIONS of babies but cry tears when 1 baby murderer is killed. Simply amazing.

Actually the Cop that was killed did not kill any of those babies, and was not the doctor, so again you support murder when it is the cop job to uphold the law, and yes you are a fucking lunatic and I am laughing at you because you're nothing but a neo-Nazi keyboard warrior spewing hatred and stupidity, but continue because you are making me feel better with the damn laughter!
Odium, you are becoming more unhinged by the day. Again, get a grip.
Again this from someone who seems to have no problem with a "doctor" murdering MILLIONS of babies but cry tears when 1 baby murderer is killed. Simply amazing.

Simply bullshit. I am pro-life. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.

Yesterday it was death penalty for gays and bringing ISIS here. Today is it approving of murder. You're becoming more foolish by the day.
The pro-life case against killing abortion providers
Its defending those that can't defending themselves. Simple as that. I will never apologize for it either. Men like Rudolph,Griffin etc are heroes.

Funny though how every 'hero' in history who used violence to affect change for an injustice died or otherwise removed themselves from being able to affect the change they desired. Where everyone who stuck with non-violence succeeded.
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