The problem with jon stewart's lab leak schtick


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

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Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

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I am not sure anybody really minds that Jon Stewart leans toward a lab leak theory. Not much partisan about the lab leak theory. I and many people in the center especially along with some in center right and left, recognized it as a valid theory almost from the beginning. It is a lot less incredulous than, sudden exposure of a bat coronavirus, from a wet market where people bought wild bat to eat, after safely eating wild bat and pangolin for many years. It ain't a new delicacy over there. Add to that, the virus not showing up in other wet markets around that bat eating country, where eating bats (I guess) is like Chinese soul food, and you have a localization of outbreak that geographically coincides with proximity to the Wuhan lab. It is really not much of a stretch of imagination or probability and in no way akin to the right wing nut ball theory of a biologic weapon purposely released to attack the planet, starting with their own population centers, without a vaccine that would protect their own people. They aren't stupid, just damned communists. Lab leak theory just hinges on the human failing, of make a mistake due to complacency carelessness. Healthcare workers here pick up infections from patients and infections in hospitals by similar carelessness. Again, not much of a stretch of imagination.

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

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Ohhh I hate that bastard Colbert. If I told you what I wished happen to him and his family, it would frighten and disturb you
Stewarts only issue here is the fact that chocolate is no longer made in Hershey. It moved production to Mexico.

That aside the author here answers her own question as opposed to asking the correct question. It's allowed because those who host it said it was allowed. As she notes..........

The question is then why should it have been so quickly deleted before? Those who feel vindicated most certainly should like the video.

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

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I am not sure anybody really minds that Jon Stewart leans toward a lab leak theory. Not much partisan about the lab leak theory. I and many people in the center especially along with some in center right and left, recognized it as a valid theory almost from the beginning. It is a lot less incredulous than, sudden exposure of a bat coronavirus, from a wet market where people bought wild bat to eat, after safely eating wild bat and pangolin for many years. It ain't a new delicacy over there. Add to that, the virus not showing up in other wet markets around that bat eating country, where eating bats (I guess) is like Chinese soul food, and you have a localization of outbreak that geographically coincides with proximity to the Wuhan lab. It is really not much of a stretch of imagination or probability and in no way akin to the right wing nut ball theory of a biologic weapon purposely released to attack the planet, starting with their own population centers, without a vaccine that would protect their own people. They aren't stupid, just damned communists. Lab leak theory just hinges on the human failing, of make a mistake due to complacency carelessness. Healthcare workers here pick up infections from patients and infections in hospitals by similar carelessness. Again, not much of a stretch of imagination.
What do you think about the perspective that the article describes?
Stewarts only issue here is the fact that chocolate is no longer made in Hershey. It moved production to Mexico.

That aside the author here answers her own question as opposed to asking the correct question. It's allowed because those who host it said it was allowed. As she notes..........

The question is then why should it have been so quickly deleted before? Those who feel vindicated most certainly should like the video.
This seems to be the question from the article that we should be asking:

"Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?"

The lab leak concept was misinformation, conspiracy theory, and fake news before, but now it is suddenly not?
Stewarts only issue here is the fact that chocolate is no longer made in Hershey. It moved production to Mexico.

That aside the author here answers her own question as opposed to asking the correct question. It's allowed because those who host it said it was allowed. As she notes..........

The question is then why should it have been so quickly deleted before? Those who feel vindicated most certainly should like the video.
This seems to be the question from the article that we should be asking:

"Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?"

The lab leak concept was misinformation, conspiracy theory, and fake news before, but now it is suddenly not?

Why the clip is allowed is because the hosts have said it was. Again the question is why was it so quickly deleted before. The first question has already been answered.
Maybe the doctor in China should have said the virus was leaked from a lab during his stand-up routine...

You can get away with anything as long as you claim you were being sarcastic or that no one should take you seriously.....

I still arrive at the end result.....Since China leaked the what?

Our initial response to it was still shit...
Ditto for Stephen Colbert. A talentless hack whose main strength is beating a dead horse until it's dust.
He's proof that the networks value gas lighting over ratings.
Yep, and 600,000 dead Americans and millions of Americans who have had their lives not something to be making jokes about.
BTW, Colbert is not funny because he is an unhinged hate filled jerk.
Are you able to see the hypocrisy that is outlined in the article?

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

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I am not sure anybody really minds that Jon Stewart leans toward a lab leak theory. Not much partisan about the lab leak theory. I and many people in the center especially along with some in center right and left, recognized it as a valid theory almost from the beginning. It is a lot less incredulous than, sudden exposure of a bat coronavirus, from a wet market where people bought wild bat to eat, after safely eating wild bat and pangolin for many years. It ain't a new delicacy over there. Add to that, the virus not showing up in other wet markets around that bat eating country, where eating bats (I guess) is like Chinese soul food, and you have a localization of outbreak that geographically coincides with proximity to the Wuhan lab. It is really not much of a stretch of imagination or probability and in no way akin to the right wing nut ball theory of a biologic weapon purposely released to attack the planet, starting with their own population centers, without a vaccine that would protect their own people. They aren't stupid, just damned communists. Lab leak theory just hinges on the human failing, of make a mistake due to complacency carelessness. Healthcare workers here pick up infections from patients and infections in hospitals by similar carelessness. Again, not much of a stretch of imagination.
What do you think about the perspective that the article describes?
Does somebody's opinion of what he said matter to me? I saw him talking about it live on Colbert, night before last. I have had a similar viewpoint for many months. He is just funnier than I am. What do you think, sudden wet market bat, lab leak stupidity, or Communist Chinese plot to rule the world?

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

More :

I am not sure anybody really minds that Jon Stewart leans toward a lab leak theory. Not much partisan about the lab leak theory. I and many people in the center especially along with some in center right and left, recognized it as a valid theory almost from the beginning. It is a lot less incredulous than, sudden exposure of a bat coronavirus, from a wet market where people bought wild bat to eat, after safely eating wild bat and pangolin for many years. It ain't a new delicacy over there. Add to that, the virus not showing up in other wet markets around that bat eating country, where eating bats (I guess) is like Chinese soul food, and you have a localization of outbreak that geographically coincides with proximity to the Wuhan lab. It is really not much of a stretch of imagination or probability and in no way akin to the right wing nut ball theory of a biologic weapon purposely released to attack the planet, starting with their own population centers, without a vaccine that would protect their own people. They aren't stupid, just damned communists. Lab leak theory just hinges on the human failing, of make a mistake due to complacency carelessness. Healthcare workers here pick up infections from patients and infections in hospitals by similar carelessness. Again, not much of a stretch of imagination.
What do you think about the perspective that the article describes?
Does somebody's opinion of what he said matter to me? I saw him talking about it live on Colbert, night before last. I have had a similar viewpoint for many months. He is just funnier than I am. What do you think, sudden wet market bat, lab leak stupidity, or Communist Chinese plot to rule the world?
What do you think of the hypocrisy that was outlined in the article?

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

More :

I am not sure anybody really minds that Jon Stewart leans toward a lab leak theory. Not much partisan about the lab leak theory. I and many people in the center especially along with some in center right and left, recognized it as a valid theory almost from the beginning. It is a lot less incredulous than, sudden exposure of a bat coronavirus, from a wet market where people bought wild bat to eat, after safely eating wild bat and pangolin for many years. It ain't a new delicacy over there. Add to that, the virus not showing up in other wet markets around that bat eating country, where eating bats (I guess) is like Chinese soul food, and you have a localization of outbreak that geographically coincides with proximity to the Wuhan lab. It is really not much of a stretch of imagination or probability and in no way akin to the right wing nut ball theory of a biologic weapon purposely released to attack the planet, starting with their own population centers, without a vaccine that would protect their own people. They aren't stupid, just damned communists. Lab leak theory just hinges on the human failing, of make a mistake due to complacency carelessness. Healthcare workers here pick up infections from patients and infections in hospitals by similar carelessness. Again, not much of a stretch of imagination.
What do you think about the perspective that the article describes?
Does somebody's opinion of what he said matter to me? I saw him talking about it live on Colbert, night before last. I have had a similar viewpoint for many months. He is just funnier than I am. What do you think, sudden wet market bat, lab leak stupidity, or Communist Chinese plot to rule the world?
What do you think of the hypocrisy that was outlined in the article?
Not much. Don't you have a BS filter? I have thought this since about march of last year. I have been pretty sure the theory would not go away. Likewise, I am not concerned by the "hypocrisy" people changing their minds to accept that plausible theories on this subject will be expressed in the mainstream. My sense of outrage at hypocrisy is worn the fk out. I have worked in the private sector and public sector, and watched politics since the early/mid 1960s. Hypocrisy is pretty damned common. I got better things to get upset about. Besides, I do not form my opinions based on YouTube or social media. That is for you guys, and good luck with it.
This seems to be the question from the article that we should be asking:

"Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?"

The lab leak concept was misinformation, conspiracy theory, and fake news before, but now it is suddenly not?

That's right, just like the COLLUSION fake news was sworn to be true by the left and lamestream media. That is until it was proven FAKE. The Steel Dossier was said by the left to be the gospel until it was proven to be FAKE. Another? That President Trump ordered his administration to forcibly clear Lafayette Park for a ‘photo op’ at St. John’s Church. Proven FAKE.

How many more would you like?

As you know, Dr. Fauci allocated millions of dollars to the Wuhan for, what is called, gain-of-function. In other words, how to make the already lethal virus, even more dangerous. Do you honestly believe that is FAKE too?

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

More :

I am not sure anybody really minds that Jon Stewart leans toward a lab leak theory. Not much partisan about the lab leak theory. I and many people in the center especially along with some in center right and left, recognized it as a valid theory almost from the beginning. It is a lot less incredulous than, sudden exposure of a bat coronavirus, from a wet market where people bought wild bat to eat, after safely eating wild bat and pangolin for many years. It ain't a new delicacy over there. Add to that, the virus not showing up in other wet markets around that bat eating country, where eating bats (I guess) is like Chinese soul food, and you have a localization of outbreak that geographically coincides with proximity to the Wuhan lab. It is really not much of a stretch of imagination or probability and in no way akin to the right wing nut ball theory of a biologic weapon purposely released to attack the planet, starting with their own population centers, without a vaccine that would protect their own people. They aren't stupid, just damned communists. Lab leak theory just hinges on the human failing, of make a mistake due to complacency carelessness. Healthcare workers here pick up infections from patients and infections in hospitals by similar carelessness. Again, not much of a stretch of imagination.
What do you think about the perspective that the article describes?
Does somebody's opinion of what he said matter to me? I saw him talking about it live on Colbert, night before last. I have had a similar viewpoint for many months. He is just funnier than I am. What do you think, sudden wet market bat, lab leak stupidity, or Communist Chinese plot to rule the world?

I think you missed the point.
There is no way to use any bio weapon "to rule the world".
But it is easy to use a bio weapon like covid-19 to make billions in profits off a 2009 SARS tests and vaccine no one wanted to buy.
Maybe the doctor in China should have said the virus was leaked from a lab during his stand-up routine...

You can get away with anything as long as you claim you were being sarcastic or that no one should take you seriously.....

I still arrive at the end result.....Since China leaked the what?

Our initial response to it was still shit...

^^^This post makes Chairman Xi smile.


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