The problem with jon stewart's lab leak schtick

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

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I am not sure anybody really minds that Jon Stewart leans toward a lab leak theory. Not much partisan about the lab leak theory. I and many people in the center especially along with some in center right and left, recognized it as a valid theory almost from the beginning. It is a lot less incredulous than, sudden exposure of a bat coronavirus, from a wet market where people bought wild bat to eat, after safely eating wild bat and pangolin for many years. It ain't a new delicacy over there. Add to that, the virus not showing up in other wet markets around that bat eating country, where eating bats (I guess) is like Chinese soul food, and you have a localization of outbreak that geographically coincides with proximity to the Wuhan lab. It is really not much of a stretch of imagination or probability and in no way akin to the right wing nut ball theory of a biologic weapon purposely released to attack the planet, starting with their own population centers, without a vaccine that would protect their own people. They aren't stupid, just damned communists. Lab leak theory just hinges on the human failing, of make a mistake due to complacency carelessness. Healthcare workers here pick up infections from patients and infections in hospitals by similar carelessness. Again, not much of a stretch of imagination.
What do you think about the perspective that the article describes?
Does somebody's opinion of what he said matter to me? I saw him talking about it live on Colbert, night before last. I have had a similar viewpoint for many months. He is just funnier than I am. What do you think, sudden wet market bat, lab leak stupidity, or Communist Chinese plot to rule the world?

I think you missed the point.
There is no way to use any bio weapon "to rule the world".
But it is easy to use a bio weapon like covid-19 to make billions in profits off a 2009 SARS tests and vaccine no one wanted to buy.
It is not established, it was a bioweapon. It does not fit as a bioweapon. You did not establish making a profit off a 2009 SARS test. There were quite a few COVID-19 tests by different companies out there and still are. Too many at this stage of the game in my opinion. Everybody that understood or understands the danger, wanted the vaccine. Heck even Trump, who downplayed the seriousness from day one, wanted it. Your point lacks any point, as it is not supported by facts.
Maybe the doctor in China should have said the virus was leaked from a lab during his stand-up routine...

You can get away with anything as long as you claim you were being sarcastic or that no one should take you seriously.....

I still arrive at the end result.....Since China leaked the what?

Our initial response to it was still shit...

The "so what" is that if the leak came from deliberate gain of function research, then perhaps the whole epidemic was just to make money selling test kits and vaccines?
After all, why did we wait over a year, deliberately "flattening the curve", instead of ending it quickly with deliberate infection of those under 40?
Bats were not for sale at Huanan Seafood Market. SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative did not come from Hubei though an expressway connects both locations.
It is not established, it was a bioweapon. It does not fit as a bioweapon. You did not establish making a profit off a 2009 SARS test. There were quite a few COVID-19 tests by different companies out there and still are. Too many at this stage of the game in my opinion. Everybody that understood or understands the danger, wanted the vaccine. Heck even Trump, who downplayed the seriousness from day one, wanted it. Your point lacks any point, as it is not supported by facts.

The danger from covid-19 are significantly lower than those of flu.
First of all, flu typically kills 30k to 60k per month, while covid typically kills fewer than 30k per month.
Covid only seems to kill more because we are preventing herd immunity, by "flattening the curve", and that won't let it end.
Second is that the virus itself has harmed no one at all, and instead it is ONLY an over reaction by our own immune system that has harmed anyone, the "cytokine storm". But that is insane, because we know how to treat immune system over reactions with immuno-suppressants, and no one should be dying.

I never suggested covid was a bioweapon, but a deliberate marketing ploy.
The fact there is more than one company making trillions off this convenient epidemic, is irrelevant.
More than one company also had previously invested in this Wuhan lab.
I don't think any rational person wanted a vaccine.
There is a limit to how much you can program into your immune system.
We likely have already reached our limit.
Allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases indicate that.
Nor is there any point to any epidemic that is not endemic to humans, (meaning it can't come back).

Sure I have no proven facts, but the point is all the facts we do know, such as the lab studying it also leaked it, we failed to quarantine it, we deliberately prevented herd immunity, we carefully nurtured it for over a year and a half, the vaccines are fake and have no purpose, is all very suspicious.
I thought Jon Stewart put himself out to pasture years ago? :cow:

Does he have a new platform? :dunno:

Great article that highlights the problem that Stewart's shtick presents:​

"It’s Not Funny"​

"But maybe it shouldn’t. Maybe we should be asking why a clip like this was suddenly allowed to trend on Twitter. Why wasn’t it flagged for misinformation on Facebook or removed from YouTube?

After a Hong Kong virologist said in September that the coronavirus was man-made in a Chinese lab, PolitiFact issued a phony fact-check, saying, “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” — a fact check they were forced to walk back in May.

Not even three months ago, the New York Times and other corporate media outlets slammed the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as a “debunked COVID-19 origin theory.” Facebook, meanwhile, was busy censoring posts that entertained the idea that the virus escaped from the Chinese lab.

All this media and Big Tech nonsense continued even after the State Department issued a report in January, when Trump still occupied the White House, that there was evidence COVID-19 started as the result of a Wuhan lab experiment.

Then suddenly it stopped. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” Facebook said on May 26."

More :

It came from the lab. If you need a washed up comedian to clue you into that you're lost in the woods.

We knew near immediately exactly where it came from. Well, people with common sense knew
The danger from covid-19 are significantly lower than those of flu.
First of all, flu typically kills 30k to 60k per month, while covid typically kills fewer than 30k per month.
Covid only seems to kill more because we are preventing herd immunity, by "flattening the curve", and that won't let it end.
Second is that the virus itself has harmed no one at all, and instead it is ONLY an over reaction by our own immune system that has harmed anyone, the "cytokine storm". But that is insane, because we know how to treat immune system over reactions with immuno-suppressants, and no one should be dying.

I never suggested covid was a bioweapon, but a deliberate marketing ploy.
The fact there is more than one company making trillions off this convenient epidemic, is irrelevant.
More than one company also had previously invested in this Wuhan lab.
I don't think any rational person wanted a vaccine.
There is a limit to how much you can program into your immune system.
We likely have already reached our limit.
Allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases indicate that.
Nor is there any point to any epidemic that is not endemic to humans, (meaning it can't come back).

Sure I have no proven facts, but the point is all the facts we do know, such as the lab studying it also leaked it, we failed to quarantine it, we deliberately prevented herd immunity, we carefully nurtured it for over a year and a half, the vaccines are fake and have no purpose, is all very suspicious.
False. You cannot point to any year and a half, where flu killed 700,000 Americans.
False again. Here are the annual US Flu deaths/ These are per year no per month as you falsly stated.

I will not bother with the rest of your post, as I did not read it. Two falsehoods in the first two lines, pretty well does it for me, making your post useless propaganda unsupported by reality.
the demafascist wanted the story censored before because 1) trump was right about 2) it made their chinese puppet masters look bad

so the propagandist at tweeter et al did what the demafascist wanted

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