The Problem With The American Professional Political Class is That They Are All Liars

Maher was right about libtards being Stalin loving .

Still waiting for you to show us those 'libtards' that love Stalin.

So far the best you can come up with is a quote from Maher.

Not one actual person who has made a statement in support of Stalin.

Not one.
Here an elected Representative, Dhimmicrat of course, and a Republican RINO, just lies like a whore to Congress and the American people, saying one thing in English and an entirely different thing in Spanish to Mexicans.

Why should anyone listen to these liars?

“That is my statement,” he said, waving a piece of paper. “I’d just like to put it in the record, once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan didn’t read it,” he snarled. “Or take the time to read it.”
“Secondly, on the floor of the House of Representatives, on July 9, quote — and this is in the record, and I’d like to put it in the record once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan doesn’t read,” he spat, “what is actually said, in the English language, in the English language, that I have said.”
This was a deeply disingenuous thing for Gutierrez to say about Steinle’s murder: In English, he said he could “only imagine the grief her family is feeling” on the Congressional record. One week later, he said in Spanish her death was “a little thing.” Politicians talk out both sides of their mouth, but thanks to mass immigration, the U.S. can see its elected representatives do so in different languages.

Luis Gutierrez Explodes on Center for Immigration Study's Expert During Testimony

Kasich said the 12 million illegals should be “legalized once we find out who they are,” and Rubio said Obama’s executive amnesty “can’t be terminated because there are already people benefiting from it.”
Rubio’s statement was made in Spanish on the Spanish-language network Univision, which is reason enough to eliminate him from serious consideration. When somebody is running for president of the United States, why should we have to get somebody to translate his remarks into English?
Why indeed? Bilingualism has corroded political discourse rather than strengthened it. Lying in a different language is a becoming bipartisan pastime. Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez mocked Kathryn Steinle’s death during a Spanish Telemundo interview, calling it a “little thing.” Steinle was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien. Gutierrez exploded with rage when an expert immigration witness calmly called him out during a congressional hearing.
Breitbart News exposed how Rubio himself endorsed Obama’s first executive action acted on behalf of illegal aliens, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in Spanish to Jorge Ramos, then his campaign claimed he didn’t—then they did when pressed.
“I believe DACA is important. It can’t be terminated from one moment to the next, because there are already people benefiting from it.
Schlafly to Rubio: Lying About Amnesty in Spanish Disqualifies You from the Presidential Race

Politicians lying?

I am shocked
Here an elected Representative, Dhimmicrat of course, and a Republican RINO, just lies like a whore to Congress and the American people, saying one thing in English and an entirely different thing in Spanish to Mexicans.

Why should anyone listen to these liars?

“That is my statement,” he said, waving a piece of paper. “I’d just like to put it in the record, once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan didn’t read it,” he snarled. “Or take the time to read it.”
“Secondly, on the floor of the House of Representatives, on July 9, quote — and this is in the record, and I’d like to put it in the record once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan doesn’t read,” he spat, “what is actually said, in the English language, in the English language, that I have said.”
This was a deeply disingenuous thing for Gutierrez to say about Steinle’s murder: In English, he said he could “only imagine the grief her family is feeling” on the Congressional record. One week later, he said in Spanish her death was “a little thing.” Politicians talk out both sides of their mouth, but thanks to mass immigration, the U.S. can see its elected representatives do so in different languages.

Luis Gutierrez Explodes on Center for Immigration Study's Expert During Testimony

Kasich said the 12 million illegals should be “legalized once we find out who they are,” and Rubio said Obama’s executive amnesty “can’t be terminated because there are already people benefiting from it.”
Rubio’s statement was made in Spanish on the Spanish-language network Univision, which is reason enough to eliminate him from serious consideration. When somebody is running for president of the United States, why should we have to get somebody to translate his remarks into English?
Why indeed? Bilingualism has corroded political discourse rather than strengthened it. Lying in a different language is a becoming bipartisan pastime. Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez mocked Kathryn Steinle’s death during a Spanish Telemundo interview, calling it a “little thing.” Steinle was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien. Gutierrez exploded with rage when an expert immigration witness calmly called him out during a congressional hearing.
Breitbart News exposed how Rubio himself endorsed Obama’s first executive action acted on behalf of illegal aliens, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in Spanish to Jorge Ramos, then his campaign claimed he didn’t—then they did when pressed.
“I believe DACA is important. It can’t be terminated from one moment to the next, because there are already people benefiting from it.
Schlafly to Rubio: Lying About Amnesty in Spanish Disqualifies You from the Presidential Race

Politicians lying?

I am shocked
Again, libtard apathy like yours is part of what creates this kleptocracy.

And you being a Marxist ass hat want the system to collapse anyway.
Here an elected Representative, Dhimmicrat of course, and a Republican RINO, just lies like a whore to Congress and the American people, saying one thing in English and an entirely different thing in Spanish to Mexicans.

Why should anyone listen to these liars?

“That is my statement,” he said, waving a piece of paper. “I’d just like to put it in the record, once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan didn’t read it,” he snarled. “Or take the time to read it.”
“Secondly, on the floor of the House of Representatives, on July 9, quote — and this is in the record, and I’d like to put it in the record once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan doesn’t read,” he spat, “what is actually said, in the English language, in the English language, that I have said.”
This was a deeply disingenuous thing for Gutierrez to say about Steinle’s murder: In English, he said he could “only imagine the grief her family is feeling” on the Congressional record. One week later, he said in Spanish her death was “a little thing.” Politicians talk out both sides of their mouth, but thanks to mass immigration, the U.S. can see its elected representatives do so in different languages.

Luis Gutierrez Explodes on Center for Immigration Study's Expert During Testimony

Kasich said the 12 million illegals should be “legalized once we find out who they are,” and Rubio said Obama’s executive amnesty “can’t be terminated because there are already people benefiting from it.”
Rubio’s statement was made in Spanish on the Spanish-language network Univision, which is reason enough to eliminate him from serious consideration. When somebody is running for president of the United States, why should we have to get somebody to translate his remarks into English?
Why indeed? Bilingualism has corroded political discourse rather than strengthened it. Lying in a different language is a becoming bipartisan pastime. Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez mocked Kathryn Steinle’s death during a Spanish Telemundo interview, calling it a “little thing.” Steinle was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien. Gutierrez exploded with rage when an expert immigration witness calmly called him out during a congressional hearing.
Breitbart News exposed how Rubio himself endorsed Obama’s first executive action acted on behalf of illegal aliens, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in Spanish to Jorge Ramos, then his campaign claimed he didn’t—then they did when pressed.
“I believe DACA is important. It can’t be terminated from one moment to the next, because there are already people benefiting from it.
Schlafly to Rubio: Lying About Amnesty in Spanish Disqualifies You from the Presidential Race

Politicians lying?

I am shocked
Again, libtard apathy like yours is part of what creates this kleptocracy.

And you being a Marxist ass hat want the system to collapse anyway. I said before- you just label 'libtard' anyone who dares point out your bullshit.

You are just another Right Wing Nut Job, pulling crap from your ass.
What lie has Trump told?

I know libtards like you lie about him all the time, like saying he claims all Mexican immigrants are criminals or that McCain was not a hero.

These libtard lies are being exposed for the lies that they are and this is breaking the establishments grip as cum buckets like you run out of excuses, roflmao.

eat shit, dimwit
Here an elected Representative, Dhimmicrat of course, and a Republican RINO, just lies like a whore to Congress and the American people, saying one thing in English and an entirely different thing in Spanish to Mexicans.

Why should anyone listen to these liars?

“That is my statement,” he said, waving a piece of paper. “I’d just like to put it in the record, once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan didn’t read it,” he snarled. “Or take the time to read it.”
“Secondly, on the floor of the House of Representatives, on July 9, quote — and this is in the record, and I’d like to put it in the record once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan doesn’t read,” he spat, “what is actually said, in the English language, in the English language, that I have said.”
This was a deeply disingenuous thing for Gutierrez to say about Steinle’s murder: In English, he said he could “only imagine the grief her family is feeling” on the Congressional record. One week later, he said in Spanish her death was “a little thing.” Politicians talk out both sides of their mouth, but thanks to mass immigration, the U.S. can see its elected representatives do so in different languages.

Luis Gutierrez Explodes on Center for Immigration Study's Expert During Testimony

Kasich said the 12 million illegals should be “legalized once we find out who they are,” and Rubio said Obama’s executive amnesty “can’t be terminated because there are already people benefiting from it.”
Rubio’s statement was made in Spanish on the Spanish-language network Univision, which is reason enough to eliminate him from serious consideration. When somebody is running for president of the United States, why should we have to get somebody to translate his remarks into English?
Why indeed? Bilingualism has corroded political discourse rather than strengthened it. Lying in a different language is a becoming bipartisan pastime. Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez mocked Kathryn Steinle’s death during a Spanish Telemundo interview, calling it a “little thing.” Steinle was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien. Gutierrez exploded with rage when an expert immigration witness calmly called him out during a congressional hearing.
Breitbart News exposed how Rubio himself endorsed Obama’s first executive action acted on behalf of illegal aliens, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in Spanish to Jorge Ramos, then his campaign claimed he didn’t—then they did when pressed.
“I believe DACA is important. It can’t be terminated from one moment to the next, because there are already people benefiting from it.
Schlafly to Rubio: Lying About Amnesty in Spanish Disqualifies You from the Presidential Race

Politicians lying?

I am shocked
Again, libtard apathy like yours is part of what creates this kleptocracy.

And you being a Marxist ass hat want the system to collapse anyway. I said before- you just label 'libtard' anyone who dares point out your bullshit.

You are just another Right Wing Nut Job, pulling crap from your ass.

You are a Marxist, so what? That makes you a libtard
Maher was right about libtards being Stalin loving .

Still waiting for you to show us those 'libtards' that love Stalin.

So far the best you can come up with is a quote from Maher.

Not one actual person who has made a statement in support of Stalin.

Not one.
Maher said it not me, so go badger him, dumbass.

Of course- because you just parrot what other people tell you- you just assume Maher is right- just like you assume that anyone who you disagree with is a 'libtard'
What lie has Trump told?

I know libtards like you lie about him all the time, like saying he claims all Mexican immigrants are criminals or that McCain was not a hero.

These libtard lies are being exposed for the lies that they are and this is breaking the establishments grip as cum buckets like you run out of excuses, roflmao.

eat shit, dimwit

Poor, poor Jimmie, so willing to suck Donald's dick hoping he will get a special prize.

Fact-checking Trump's claim that thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled

Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

Click on the ruling to see all of Trump's statements for that ruling.
Here an elected Representative, Dhimmicrat of course, and a Republican RINO, just lies like a whore to Congress and the American people, saying one thing in English and an entirely different thing in Spanish to Mexicans.

Why should anyone listen to these liars?

“That is my statement,” he said, waving a piece of paper. “I’d just like to put it in the record, once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan didn’t read it,” he snarled. “Or take the time to read it.”
“Secondly, on the floor of the House of Representatives, on July 9, quote — and this is in the record, and I’d like to put it in the record once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan doesn’t read,” he spat, “what is actually said, in the English language, in the English language, that I have said.”
This was a deeply disingenuous thing for Gutierrez to say about Steinle’s murder: In English, he said he could “only imagine the grief her family is feeling” on the Congressional record. One week later, he said in Spanish her death was “a little thing.” Politicians talk out both sides of their mouth, but thanks to mass immigration, the U.S. can see its elected representatives do so in different languages.

Luis Gutierrez Explodes on Center for Immigration Study's Expert During Testimony

Kasich said the 12 million illegals should be “legalized once we find out who they are,” and Rubio said Obama’s executive amnesty “can’t be terminated because there are already people benefiting from it.”
Rubio’s statement was made in Spanish on the Spanish-language network Univision, which is reason enough to eliminate him from serious consideration. When somebody is running for president of the United States, why should we have to get somebody to translate his remarks into English?
Why indeed? Bilingualism has corroded political discourse rather than strengthened it. Lying in a different language is a becoming bipartisan pastime. Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez mocked Kathryn Steinle’s death during a Spanish Telemundo interview, calling it a “little thing.” Steinle was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien. Gutierrez exploded with rage when an expert immigration witness calmly called him out during a congressional hearing.
Breitbart News exposed how Rubio himself endorsed Obama’s first executive action acted on behalf of illegal aliens, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in Spanish to Jorge Ramos, then his campaign claimed he didn’t—then they did when pressed.
“I believe DACA is important. It can’t be terminated from one moment to the next, because there are already people benefiting from it.
Schlafly to Rubio: Lying About Amnesty in Spanish Disqualifies You from the Presidential Race

Politicians lying?

I am shocked
Again, libtard apathy like yours is part of what creates this kleptocracy.

And you being a Marxist ass hat want the system to collapse anyway. I said before- you just label 'libtard' anyone who dares point out your bullshit.

You are just another Right Wing Nut Job, pulling crap from your ass.

You are a Marxist, so what? That makes you a libtard

You are a Fascist and a Hitler lover, so what?

That makes you a Right Wing Nut Job.
Maher was right about libtards being Stalin loving .

Still waiting for you to show us those 'libtards' that love Stalin.

So far the best you can come up with is a quote from Maher.

Not one actual person who has made a statement in support of Stalin.

Not one.
Maher said it not me, so go badger him, dumbass.
You quoted him so you must take responsibility for it.

Jimmie takes no responsibility for any of his posts.
Maher was right about libtards being Stalin loving .

Still waiting for you to show us those 'libtards' that love Stalin.

So far the best you can come up with is a quote from Maher.

Not one actual person who has made a statement in support of Stalin.

Not one.
Maher said it not me, so go badger him, dumbass.
You quoted him so you must take responsibility for it.

Jimmie takes no responsibility for any of his posts.
Most cowards don't!
Maher was right about libtards being Stalin loving .

Still waiting for you to show us those 'libtards' that love Stalin.

So far the best you can come up with is a quote from Maher.

Not one actual person who has made a statement in support of Stalin.

Not one.
Maher said it not me, so go badger him, dumbass.
You quoted him so you must take responsibility for it.

Jimmie takes no responsibility for any of his posts.
Lol, Maher made a great observation and I do not have defend his use of said quotation when I simply reference it, moron.

Face it the great scam of Marxism is over and it is dead in the water. You Marxists will once again become marginalized and ignored in American politics and eventually world wide.
Maher was right about libtards being Stalin loving .

Still waiting for you to show us those 'libtards' that love Stalin.

So far the best you can come up with is a quote from Maher.

Not one actual person who has made a statement in support of Stalin.

Not one.
Maher said it not me, so go badger him, dumbass.
You quoted him so you must take responsibility for it.

Jimmie takes no responsibility for any of his posts.
Lol, Maher made a great observation and I do not have defend his use of said quotation when I simply reference it, moron.

Face it the great scam of Marxism is over and it is dead in the water. You Marxists will once again become marginalized and ignored in American politics and eventually world wide.

Marxism has been dead for decades- that you are trying to keep it alive is pretty hilarious- as silly as your lies.
As to libtards of today that love Stalin, well we still have the New York Times that still showcases its Pulitzer prize for Walter Duranty who got that prize by defending and lying to cover up Stalins purges and mass starvation.

We have the 'Stalin Society' which is popular among socialists in the UK. Stalin Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Stalin Society is a British discussion group for individuals who see Joseph Stalin as a great Marxist-Leninist and wish to preserve his legacy, which they believe to be positive. The society originated as a consequence of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and what the members perceived as a subsequent increase in the criticism of Stalin.[1] According to the Stalin Society's website, "[t]he Stalin Society was formed in 1991 to defend Stalin and his work on the basis of fact and to refute capitalist, revisionist, opportunist and Trotskyist propaganda directed against him."[2] Kamal Majid, a founding member of the Stalin Society, is the vice-chair of the Stop the War Coalition.[3][4]"

And look at how many libtards have sung the praises of Cstro, who admires Stalin and emulates the man.

Hollywood's Mindless Love Affair With Castro

The actor Jack Lemmon was praised by the Castro government at his death for being "a friend of Cuba." America-bashing filmmaker Oliver Stone was treated like royalty by the dictator during a visit to Havana. Danny Glover travels there quite a bit, as do Ed Asner, Harry Belafonte, Gina Lollobrigida and others.....Film director Steven Spielberg accepted an invitation in 2002 from Cuba's film institute to attend a Cuban film festival featuring Spielberg's work. His movies E.T., Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Empire of the Sun, Jaws and Duel were shown at four Havana theaters--at least if the Castro government propaganda is to be believed.

Omar Gonzales, Castro's director of the Cuba School of Film and Television, gushed over Spielberg. ...

Fontova has compiled many astounding quotes about the brutal dictator from those who have been snowed:

  • "Viva Fidel! Viva Che! Castro is the most honest and courageous politician I've ever met." --Jesse Jackson.
  • "Very selfless and moral. One of the world's wisest men." --Oliver Stone.
  • "Cuba's Elvis." --Dan Rather.
  • "Castro is at the same time the island, the men, the cattle, and the earth. He is the whole island." --Jean Paul-Sartre.
  • "A dream come true!" --Naomi Campbell.
  • "If you believe in freedom, if you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro!" --Harry Belafonte.
  • "A genius." --Jack Nicholson.
  • "Fidel, I love you. We both have beards. We both have power and want to use it for good purposes." --Francis Ford Coppola.
  • "The first and greatest hero to appear in the world since the Second World War." --Norman Mailer.
  • "Socialism works. I think Cuba might prove that." --Chevy Chase.
  • "Castro is an extraordinary man. He is warm and understanding and seems extremely humane." --Gina Lollobrigida.

ROFLMAO, finding a libtard who does not praise Stalinist Marxism is the real challenge, lol
Marxism has been dead for decades- that you are trying to keep it alive is pretty hilarious- as silly as your lies.

Lol, what bullshit you spew to hide what is today in plain sight; the Marxist dominance of our media and entertainment industries.
Three posts of total bullshit by jimblowme .
That just screams desperate!

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