The promises of an inexperienced community organizer

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This video is from 1 year ago and in it he touts all the jobs and positives this "infrastructure" will provide.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Obama On Jobs: We Are Headed In The Right Direction‬‏[/ame]

Now one year later we have to ask where are these jobs? Where is the progress? We created 18k jobs last month. Which if you think about it is a loss since we need to create well over 100k just to keep up with our population growth. And that doesn't even take into account the unemployed or underemployed.

Now Obama wants more "infrastructure" money spent. We went down this road already and got buptkiss for it. All that money spent so some dude can stand in the middle of the street holding a stop/slow sign for the 3 months it takes to fix whatever he is working on. Only to return to the unemployment line when the project is finished.

We need "REAL" solutions. Solutions for everyone not just hard hat workers. Solutions that are long term. All this money being spent on these temporary jobs merely kicks the problem down the road. Hasn't anyone noticed that when he pays out for a project we get a temporary spike in the numbers only to have them collapse later?

It's time for "REAL CHANGE" And why is it when the numbers are positive he takes credit for it but when they are bad he blames everything from the weather to republicans?

Stop playing politics with everyone's lives Mr O
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why dont you look at the whole years record instead of just one months record?

i think we all know why grampa has selective alzhimers

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