The Propaganda Trash that Forum Outcasts wanted you to swallow . Which many of you did.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Watch the first few minutes .

All about eyes being gouged out , multiple rape , unborn babies ripped out of their mother's stomach , beheaded children and kids oven baked alive .

All deliberate lies and propagated here by the Forum Outcasts and Trolls .
The simple and Gullible idiots who troll disgusting garbage .

I told you weeks ago what kicks off the video and the organisations who scammed mutil millions out of Gullibles -- particularly Jewish people --- who believed the filth .

So Raspberry and Sayiamanarse .
Going to deny your stupidity and wickedness ?

Or just more of your low IQ deflection and denial garbage ?
Disgusting individuals , though other brands available

What is it about Islam that does this to those of you who had the capability to be human and one point in your life?

Islam hasn't done anything to me - since I do not believe in the ridiculous concept of a GOD (you know the one that told you - though shalt not kill).

You need to ask Zionists and their supporters as to where supposedly the logic lies in - killing 18,000 Palestinians to "avenge" the death of 1200 in Israel. Whilst persistently denying and obscuring the FACT - that solely Zionists kicked off this entire shit 74 years ago.
Watch the first few minutes .

All about eyes being gouged out , multiple rape , unborn babies ripped out of their mother's stomach , beheaded children and kids oven baked alive .

All deliberate lies and propagated here by the Forum Outcasts and Trolls .
The simple and Gullible idiots who troll disgusting garbage .

I told you weeks ago what kicks off the video and the organisations who scammed mutil millions out of Gullibles -- particularly Jewish people --- who believed the filth .

So Raspberry and Sayiamanarse .
Going to deny your stupidity and wickedness ?

Or just more of your low IQ deflection and denial garbage ?
Disgusting individuals , though other brands available

How is it that you’re so fucking sure that none of it happened?
Islam hasn't done anything to me - since I do not believe in the ridiculous concept of a GOD (you know the one that told you - though shalt not kill).

You need to ask Zionists and their supporters as to where supposedly the logic lies in - killing 18,000 Palestinians to "avenge" the death of 1200 in Israel. Whilst persistently denying and obscuring the FACT - that solely Zionists kicked off this entire shit 74 years ago.
You just indicated that Hamas did not murder enough innocent people in their original barbaric act.

You are too steeped in your genocidal antisemitism to acknowledge that the reaction would not have occurred without the original action.
You just indicated that Hamas did not murder enough innocent people in their original barbaric act.

You are too steeped in your genocidal antisemitism to acknowledge that the reaction would not have occurred without the original action.
No - YOU are too blindsided in your Zionist genocidal anti-Islam and hatred towards Muslims - so you refuse to see the "original" facts.

The Palestinians were not the ones to illegally immigrate into British Palestine, attack and rob others lands - and continuously denying a sovereign State towards those refugees, whom they created and displaced forcefully 75 years ago.

Since Jews created violence and injustice in 1948, and their new State of Israel, supports ongoing violence and injustice towards Palestinians - then don't fu... complain if they get to taste their own medicine. It is Israel that constantly defies UN resolutions - and NOT the Palestinians.

What you are exerting/expressing is called Hypocrisy at it's best.
Luiza the asylum escapee strikes again! Making the claim that Palestinian Animals did not commit Oct. 7. These are the pieces of shit anti American neanderthals we grant visas to and allow entry into the U.S.

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You just indicated that Hamas did not murder enough innocent people in their original barbaric act.

You are too steeped in your genocidal antisemitism to acknowledge that the reaction would not have occurred without the original action.
Soulless subhumanoids like Kruska were happy and PROUD of what occurred on Oct. 7, and went out and protested FOR Hamas the very next day on Oct. 8 blamin Jews and Israel for bring it upon themselves. This occurred for many days after, until Israel finally went in. Not only that, but they celebrated and ate sweets the horrific acts.

Question is, what happened to all the celebrations and happiness over the 1400 Jews butchered? Doesn’t it say in your Koran that no matter what you do, rape, behead, torture, kill etc., AND DIE in Jihad, you go to heaven? Are you guys picking and choosing now? Now that Israel is kicking Hamas’ asses, shouldn’t they be thankful that Israel is helping them DIE faster with one way tickets to Islamic heaven?!
No - YOU are too blindsided in your Zionist genocidal anti-Islam and hatred towards Muslims - so you refuse to see the "original" facts.

The Palestinians were not the ones to illegally immigrate into British Palestine, attack and rob others lands - and continuously denying a sovereign State towards those refugees, whom they created and displaced forcefully 75 years ago.

Since Jews created violence and injustice in 1948, and their new State of Israel, supports ongoing violence and injustice towards Palestinians - then don't fu... complain if they get to taste their own medicine. It is Israel that constantly defies UN resolutions - and NOT the Palestinians.

What you are exerting/expressing is called Hypocrisy at it's best.
Illegally immigrate into British Palestine. Ha ha ha. What an idiot. There is not an ounce of truth or historical accuracy in anything you claim.

The British decided to create the Jewish homeland in the British mandate. Jordan aka Transjordan was to be Arab Palestine and West of Jordan was to be Jewish Palestine. It wasnt up to a bunch of invading Arab squatters what was to be done with land THEY NEVER CONTROLLED for the last 600 years prior to the. British mandate.
How is it that you’re so fucking sure that none of it happened?
It's all been documented in scrupulous detail -- Where and How the lies were first dreamt up , the chain of repetition and in many instances full denial by the IDF .

But Trolls are never interested in truth , by definition , and once they become Deniers , they are barely worth talking to .
Raspberry and Sayiamanarse are just extreme examples of badly news educated lads who never DYOR .
No - YOU are too blindsided in your Zionist genocidal anti-Islam and hatred towards Muslims - so you refuse to see the "original" facts.

You are so right --- the Trilly Trollies --- you give them hard facts and suddenly they go deaf and blind , so great is their need to hold Faith in and with their preconceptions .

I gave them chapter and verse on the Jewish Fake organisations responsible for the propaganda and Fake News in a recent Topic .
Hard simple facts .

But it was all too much for them , assuming they even bothered to read the OP or follow up links and the source .

You cannot get a leopard to change its spots . Let alone stop Rats eating the sewer filth . .
Islam hasn't done anything to me - since I do not believe in the ridiculous concept of a GOD (you know the one that told you - though shalt not kill).

You need to ask Zionists and their supporters as to where supposedly the logic lies in - killing 18,000 Palestinians to "avenge" the death of 1200 in Israel. Whilst persistently denying and obscuring the FACT - that solely Zionists kicked off this entire shit 74 years ago.
The Children of Israel have every right to live in the Land of Israel. If the Palestinians accepted that right 74 years ago they would be much better off.

You are so right --- the Trilly Trollies --- you give them hard facts and suddenly they go deaf and blind , so great is their need to hold Faith in and with their preconceptions .

I gave them chapter and verse on the Jewish Fake organisations responsible for the propaganda and Fake News in a recent Topic .
Hard simple facts .

But it was all too much for them , assuming they even bothered to read the OP or follow up links and the source .

You cannot get a leopard to change its spots . Let alone stop Rats eating the sewer filth . .
Hard facts? Ha ha ha. You’ve yet to produce one. Just the insane ramblings of a mentally ill antisemtic lunatic probably on the Hamas payroll.

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