The quality of threads and debates has dropped on this board

Bandwagon much?

Case in point.

How does that help any conversation?

It doesn't any more than your dishonest thread about me. It doesn't anymore than you not pointing out their lack of input.

I've made several threads lately about gop stupidity or mistakes. Most of you either ignored it or chimed in with pointless "i told you so" remarks. No discussion of where they went wrong. No discussion of motives. Just me vs you.

And the fact that you jumped on me for my post and not their stupid bingo responses proves my point.

Yes. It's all about you. Everyone hates you.

It has nothing to do with what you post.

Good luck with that.
True but I'd like to offer two points.

Those threads are outnumbered 10 to one by nonsense.

If not a hundred to one!

And lastly I've seen many of the threads you speak of quickly devolved into garbage and completely derailed.

That's probably the biggest danger here, trolls crapping on good discussions.

It's not just TM and Shaman, either: Rightwinger and Shallow are notorious for doing this as well.

Does this thread qualify as a 'good discussion'?

Because I'm prairie dogg'n over here and I have to find a suitable latrine post haste.
Case in point.

How does that help any conversation?

It doesn't any more than your dishonest thread about me. It doesn't anymore than you not pointing out their lack of input.

I've made several threads lately about gop stupidity or mistakes. Most of you either ignored it or chimed in with pointless "i told you so" remarks. No discussion of where they went wrong. No discussion of motives. Just me vs you.

And the fact that you jumped on me for my post and not their stupid bingo responses proves my point.

Yes. It's all about you. Everyone hates you.

It has nothing to do with what you post.

Good luck with that.

I was talking about you and your ilk. Of course I used my threads as my point of view.

I'll take your response as an admission of guilt as you completely ignored the point.
You're never going to be able to convince the Left of the error of their ways, ever. Especially, the current bunch
I had all the mind broadening necessary after meeting those pretty, imported French girls on the tobacco fields of my youth. At my current age, I've pretty much seen and experienced it all. Youre going to get a viewpoint based on my life experiences and that's all. I'm not going to be converted to your viewpoint, ever.
If you don't like a particular post, you bury it out of sight.

Not all those on the left are bad.
You can say the same about some on the right as well.
True but I'd like to offer two points.

Those threads are outnumbered 10 to one by nonsense.

If not a hundred to one!

And lastly I've seen many of the threads you speak of quickly devolved into garbage and completely derailed.

That's probably the biggest danger here, trolls crapping on good discussions.

It's not just TM and Shaman, either: Rightwinger and Shallow are notorious for doing this as well.

Does this thread qualify as a 'good discussion'?

Because I'm prairie dogg'n over here and I have to find a suitable latrine post haste.

This thread is an observation. Should I be surprised you're trolling in it?
And it is bullshit meaningless crap like TDM's quoted post which establishes the point that many threads aren't even worth looking at EXCEPT to mock brain damaged hacks like TDM.

Which is why we need to stop responding to them. I intend to start this minute. I will only respond to a serious poster. Even if they insult me I will respond. I will no longer respond to posts that are pure crap or to posters that refuse to admit they are wrong even when showed that they are wrong.

Props if you can do it. I've tried and usually fail. Plus sometimes your fuse is just all used up and you gotta let it out.

I will find others ways to vent.
I am done pissing in the wind, so to speak.
If not a hundred to one!

That's probably the biggest danger here, trolls crapping on good discussions.

It's not just TM and Shaman, either: Rightwinger and Shallow are notorious for doing this as well.

Does this thread qualify as a 'good discussion'?

Because I'm prairie dogg'n over here and I have to find a suitable latrine post haste.

This thread is an observation. Should I be surprised you're trolling in it?

So no then. Got it. :thup:

Of course that does beg the question why did you post this in the politics forum? :dunno:
Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.

I tend to think that given the right thread and the participation by the right posters, civil debates/discussions can happen. I had a couple of good debates/discussions just last week. :clap2:
Does this thread qualify as a 'good discussion'?

Because I'm prairie dogg'n over here and I have to find a suitable latrine post haste.

This thread is an observation. Should I be surprised you're trolling in it?

So no then. Got it. :thup:

Of course that does beg the question why did you post this in the politics forum? :dunno:

Look at the stupidity gathering pages of responses on the first page and think about that question.
Hitler,Satan,BOOOOSH,Evil Rich, and Racist. Those few words will sum up the whole 2012 Election. Americans are very Dumbed-Down for the most part. They need those simple terms to guide them on how to vote. It is very sad but it is what it is.
:lmao: @ the irony of GMU lamenting the fact that his troll thread has begotten trolling.
Maybe if some smarter conservatives would post here you might get some decent debates.
If you don't like something, it is up to you to do your best to change it.

I have to admit to being one of the offenders here. There are days I like to show off my intellectual chops, but most of the time I just like to wallow.

Every time one tries to start a reasonably intelligent discussion on this board, it gets idiots chiming in with bullshit and off topic crap. Which is why I normally don't bother trying to discuss anything here. Fortunately, I have a more rational place to indulge my passion for intelligent discussion.

Ditto. Once the name calling gets going the thread gets hijacked and any discussion of the issue becomes impossible.
Maybe if some smarter conservatives would post here you might get some decent debates.


You trite dishonest hack fuck piece of shit.

One can never have an intelligent debate with a fanatical hack like left-wing assclowns of carbuncle's "nature."

Carby's so fucking ridiculous, even TDM might laugh at him.
The problem is commonality.

How is one supposed to debate someone who refuses to believe what every single
scientific body on the planet regards to be true, instead opting for a conspiracy theory amongst world scientists?

How is one supposed to debate with someone who refuses to admit deregulation caused the financial meltdown and subsequent recession.

How is one supposed to debate with someone who says "Government cannot force you to pay for something that violates faith or beliefs. Govt has no right to do this."?
Not only can Government force you to pay for something that violates your belief, they can fucking ship your ass off to WAR to make you FIGHT AND DIE for something that violates your beliefs!

How can one debate with a class of people who embrace ignorance, refuse to take responsibility for their actions and fundamentally misunderstand how this country works on a BASIC LEVEL?

That was very well said. It does beg the question not only of how you would debate someone of that mindset, but why you would want to debate them. Doesn't sound like a knowledge source to me.

I just like to insult those who are insulting.
Hitler,Satan,BOOOOSH,Evil Rich, and Racist. Those few words will sum up the whole 2012 Election. Americans are very Dumbed-Down for the most part. They need those simple terms to guide them on how to vote. It is very sad but it is what it is.

If you were to be honest, many in the right also have their set of super repetitive "catch words" too. Ala Socialist, Marxist, class warfare, parasites; etc. Usually it's the same folks from both sides who constantly use their ideologies favorite "flame words".

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