The question is when not if


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
When will the Left pull a Cuomo and invoke the 25th on Biden and install Harris, does anyone want to take a guess?

You can see the anti Biden propaganda buildup beginning with their talking heads in state media sources. Quite shocking but it’s there. These are the same shameless liars that kept telling us how great Biden is, and got him elected in the first place.

Very soon they’re going to say “he’s a nice guy but just not up for the job”, and if that doesn’t work then they’ll pull out a few of the women Biden is known to have fondled or sexually assaulted And then it’s game over from there. Bottom line is he’s served his purpose as a martyr for Marx and globalism, and now it’s time to slaughter the sacrificial lamb. Biden doesn’t seem to know it but the writing is on the wall.

Not even the Democrats think Biden is going to last till 2024, he’s just a placeholder for the next commie fascist leader aka Harris, who was not elected by the people (and completely rejected by the Democrat party during the primaries) to sit on the throne.
When will the Left pull a Cuomo and invoke the 25th on Biden and install Harris, does anyone want to take a guess?

You can see the anti Biden propaganda buildup beginning with their talking heads in state media sources. Quick shocking but it’s there. These are the same liars who kept telling us how great Biden is and got him elected in the first place.

Very soon they’re going to say “he’s a nice guy but just not up for the job”, and if that doesn’t work then they’ll pull out a few of the women Biden is known to have fondled or sexually assaulted. Bottom line is he’s served his purpose as a martyr for Marx and globalism, and now it’s time to slaughter the sacrificial lamb.

Not even the Democrats think Biden is going to last till 2024, he’s just a placeholder for the next commie fascist leader aka Harris, who was not elected by the people (and completely rejected by the Democrat party during the primaries) to sit on the throne.

I won't indulge in this conspiracy other than to say this, if such an extreme idea were even remotely feasible and Biden were to be replaced (which I doubt at this point it is a serious consideration by anyone), it wouldn't happen until after the Mid-Terms when the GOP are firmly in control of the other chambers.
When will the Left pull a Cuomo and invoke the 25th on Biden and install Harris, does anyone want to take a guess?

You can see the anti Biden propaganda buildup beginning with their talking heads in state media sources. Quite shocking but it’s there. These are the same shameless liars that kept telling us how great Biden is, and got him elected in the first place.

Very soon they’re going to say “he’s a nice guy but just not up for the job”, and if that doesn’t work then they’ll pull out a few of the women Biden is known to have fondled or sexually assaulted And then it’s game over from there. Bottom line is he’s served his purpose as a martyr for Marx and globalism, and now it’s time to slaughter the sacrificial lamb. Biden doesn’t seem to know it but the writing is on the wall.

Not even the Democrats think Biden is going to last till 2024, he’s just a placeholder for the next commie fascist leader aka Harris, who was not elected by the people (and completely rejected by the Democrat party during the primaries) to sit on the throne.
JGalt says Harris will never become prez. You two should debate.
JGalt says Harris will never become prez. You two should debate.
Harris is very quite now. She has most likely been slipped the note by Nancy to just sit there and wait until she tells her it’s time.
I didnt notice MSNBC. I dont watch them because they are the leftist version of Faux.
There are reasons why FOX has the ratings it does, and people trust it far more than they do the Leftwing hit job chanels. One of them is they allow opposing views and actually have debates, not boring panels lined up with Leftist hack propagandists nodding their heads in unison.
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Biden is gonna have a severe 'medical event'.

The sheep will not only accept it unquestioningly, they will support it.

Then it's the reign of the Whore of Babylon.

Nice and easy.
Biden is gonna have a sever 'medical event'.

The sheep will not only accept it unquestioningly, they will support it.

Then it's the reign of the Whore of Babylon.

Nice and easy.
Yup, that’s more like it. Notice he has yet to take a single question since the shit hit the fan in Afghanistan.

Q4. Will there be any political fallout?​

A. Perhaps.​

"Knightly astutely points out that the Western Mainstream Media’s surprising criticism of Biden might be meant to precondition the public into accepting Harris’ possible power play against him sometime in the future. This is possible and should be taken seriously.. . ."
When will the Left pull a Cuomo and invoke the 25th on Biden and install Harris, does anyone want to take a guess?

You can see the anti Biden propaganda buildup beginning with their talking heads in state media sources. Quite shocking but it’s there. These are the same shameless liars that kept telling us how great Biden is, and got him elected in the first place.

Very soon they’re going to say “he’s a nice guy but just not up for the job”, and if that doesn’t work then they’ll pull out a few of the women Biden is known to have fondled or sexually assaulted And then it’s game over from there. Bottom line is he’s served his purpose as a martyr for Marx and globalism, and now it’s time to slaughter the sacrificial lamb. Biden doesn’t seem to know it but the writing is on the wall.

Not even the Democrats think Biden is going to last till 2024, he’s just a placeholder for the next commie fascist leader aka Harris, who was not elected by the people (and completely rejected by the Democrat party during the primaries) to sit on the throne.

Let's tell it as it is.

Yes, it is possible that if Mr. Biden's mental fragility worsens, the Elite will decide to gently ease him out with the greatest respect possible.

He is vulnerable because of his ethnicity.

If he were of another ethnicity, NO one of any importance would dare even raise the prospect of removal.

They would just grin and bear it until the gentleman or lady's term ended.

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