The Questionable Military Trial of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators

Your wording contained no such caveat. You said, "Mary Suratt deserved to get off. The others deserved to hang." You were replying to my argument that the military commission's guilty verdicts against the eight suspects are questionable. I said nothing about who was hanged and who was not.

The plain sense of your statement is that all the other suspects deserved to hang. If you genuinely did not mean to say this, you phrased your statement very poorly.
I was speaking about those who hung

I did not care about lesser charges like Mudd or Spangler
Oswald acted alone
Yeah. Sure. Oswald knew all about the change in the route which had been changed that morning. Oswald knew how to shoot a "Curve Bullet". Of course ,the FACT that Oswald was seen 4 floors below 90 Seconds after the deed was done? Or the FACT that 52 witness testimony was changed or ignored by the Warren Coverup? Or the FACT that Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered after interviewing Jack Ruby? Or the FACT that Malcolm Wallace;s finger prints were found in the Depository? Or the FACT that the FBI found no prints on that defective Rifle? Or the FACT that they "Missed" his Palm print AFTER Oswald was killed by Ruby? Add this up and you have "Reasonable Doubt". Are you familiar with that concept.?
Yeah. Sure. Oswald knew all about the change in the route which had been changed that morning. Oswald knew how to shoot a "Curve Bullet". Of course ,the FACT that Oswald was seen 4 floors below 90 Seconds after the deed was done? Or the FACT that 52 witness testimony was changed or ignored by the Warren Coverup? Or the FACT that Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered after interviewing Jack Ruby? Or the FACT that Malcolm Wallace;s finger prints were found in the Depository? Or the FACT that the FBI found no prints on that defective Rifle? Or the FACT that they "Missed" his Palm print AFTER Oswald was killed by Ruby? Add this up and you have "Reasonable Doubt". Are you familiar with that concept.?
Oswald had no idea JFK was coming to Dallas till a week before and no idea of the route of the motorcade till days before
He had to mooch a ride to Irving the day before to get his rifle

Ruby was there to visit Western Union not the police station
Oswald had no idea JFK was coming to Dallas till a week before and no idea of the route of the motorcade till days before
He had to mooch a ride to Irving the day before to get his rifle

Ruby was there to visit Western Union not the police station
But the Route was changed that morning. Now ,as to the most important reason. MOTIVE. Dulles ,Cabell ,and Bissel of the CIA were Fired by Kennedy. Also ,Kennedy was planning to pull out of Vietnam ,pissing off several Generals. Kennedy was getting ready to Retire or Fire J. Edgar Hoover. Kennedy was going to drop LBJ from the 1964 Ticket. Kennedy made many enemies in Texas by scrapping several Oil Perks. This was a Coup. The USSR couldn't have done it better. Have YOU ever fired a Bolt Action Rifle? FACT--The first shot was a dud ,striking JFK in the back. Only went in one inch. Second shot was a miss. Part of that bullet nicked a spectator. The THIRD shot hit Connelly. In the arm ,through the chest ,and into his leg. So ,TWO shots are missing here. At least from the Depository. But one shot ,from across the street hit Kennedy in the throat. Proven by Zapruder film. The KILL shot came from the other side of the street. A low ,flat trajectory. In the FRONT. Blowing out the LEFT back of his head. Can't do that from behind. And the FBI covered all this up AFTER the fact. And they only acknowledge 3 shots fired altogether. "Warren" was a farce. Many were involved ,including Future Senator Arlen Spector and Future President Jerry Ford. Why did the Secret Service wash the Limo right after JFK's body was delivered to Hospital? Easy. At the Behest of a direct order from LBJ. --- I could have proved Oswald Not Guilty easily. And I am no Lawyer.
But the Route was changed that morning. Now ,as to the most important reason. MOTIVE. Dulles ,Cabell ,and Bissel of the CIA were Fired by Kennedy. Also ,Kennedy was planning to pull out of Vietnam ,pissing off several Generals. Kennedy was getting ready to Retire or Fire J. Edgar Hoover. Kennedy was going to drop LBJ from the 1964 Ticket. Kennedy made many enemies in Texas by scrapping several Oil Perks. This was a Coup. The USSR couldn't have done it better. Have YOU ever fired a Bolt Action Rifle? FACT--The first shot was a dud ,striking JFK in the back. Only went in one inch. Second shot was a miss. Part of that bullet nicked a spectator. The THIRD shot hit Connelly. In the arm ,through the chest ,and into his leg. So ,TWO shots are missing here. At least from the Depository. But one shot ,from across the street hit Kennedy in the throat. Proven by Zapruder film. The KILL shot came from the other side of the street. A low ,flat trajectory. In the FRONT. Blowing out the LEFT back of his head. Can't do that from behind. And the FBI covered all this up AFTER the fact. And they only acknowledge 3 shots fired altogether. "Warren" was a farce. Many were involved ,including Future Senator Arlen Spector and Future President Jerry Ford. Why did the Secret Service wash the Limo right after JFK's body was delivered to Hospital? Easy. At the Behest of a direct order from LBJ. --- I could have proved Oswald Not Guilty easily. And I am no Lawyer.
More fake history to support your conspiracy
The route was changed three days before

First shot missed and hit the curb
Second shot hit JFK in the neck then hit Connelly
Third shot blew his brains out
But the Route was changed that morning. Now ,as to the most important reason. MOTIVE. Dulles ,Cabell ,and Bissel of the CIA were Fired by Kennedy. Also ,Kennedy was planning to pull out of Vietnam ,pissing off several Generals. Kennedy was getting ready to Retire or Fire J. Edgar Hoover. Kennedy was going to drop LBJ from the 1964 Ticket. Kennedy made many enemies in Texas by scrapping several Oil Perks. This was a Coup. The USSR couldn't have done it better. Have YOU ever fired a Bolt Action Rifle? FACT--The first shot was a dud ,striking JFK in the back. Only went in one inch. Second shot was a miss. Part of that bullet nicked a spectator. The THIRD shot hit Connelly. In the arm ,through the chest ,and into his leg. So ,TWO shots are missing here. At least from the Depository. But one shot ,from across the street hit Kennedy in the throat. Proven by Zapruder film. The KILL shot came from the other side of the street. A low ,flat trajectory. In the FRONT. Blowing out the LEFT back of his head. Can't do that from behind. And the FBI covered all this up AFTER the fact. And they only acknowledge 3 shots fired altogether. "Warren" was a farce. Many were involved ,including Future Senator Arlen Spector and Future President Jerry Ford. Why did the Secret Service wash the Limo right after JFK's body was delivered to Hospital? Easy. At the Behest of a direct order from LBJ. --- I could have proved Oswald Not Guilty easily. And I am no Lawyer.
It’s so easy to hand his ass to him on a platter and own him as you just did and I have everyday fir over a decade now but why do you even tell this to our biggest resident troll of usmb when you should know by now he is a shill from Langley San Souci now if you wanted to tell me that it would make sense because I hear things that I had not heard of before and like to learn more and more all the time so why do you waste your breath on this shill instead of open minded and objective people like me instead.

You should at least ask Whitehall that instead of wrongwinger,wrongwinger is a shill from Langley so your wasrpting your breath where Whitehall at least isn’t paid to come here and troll,he is just a stupid fuck,he will run off without answering the question but him you,should at least try,he at least won’t lie and will remain silent knowing you owned him. :abgg2q.jpg:
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It’s so easy to hand his ass to him on a platter and own him as you just did and I have everyday fir over a decade now but why do you even tell this to our biggest resident troll of usmb when you should know by now he is a shill from Langley San Souci now if you wanted to tell me that it would make sense because I hear things that I had not heard of before and like to learn more and more all the time so why do you waste your breath on this shill instead of open minded and objective people like me instead.
I like to see whether I am speaking to a Human or a Democrat. I got my answer. That guy swallows anything the Media says.
I like to see whether I am speaking to a Human or a Democrat. I got my answer. That guy swallows anything the Media says.
That would be Whitehall that swallows anything the media says,as I said he is just a stupid fuck incapable of critical thinking where this one is a shill from Langley paid to troll here so Whitehall is worth the trouble, this one is not.don’t send Whitehall a pm and ask him to address your evidence though that oswald was innocent and multiple shooters were involved,he gets frustrated on being proven wrong and will add you to ignore if you do so. :abgg2q.jpg:
That would be Whitehall that swallows anything the media says,as I said he is just a stupid fuck incapable of critical thinking where this one is a shill from Langley paid to troll here so Whitehall is worth the trouble, this one is not.don’t send Whitehall a pm and ask him to address your evidence though that oswald was innocent and multiple shooters were involved,he gets frustrated on being proven wrong and will add you to ignore if you do so. :abgg2q.jpg:
On ignore? For bringing FACTS to His/Her attention? By not acknowledging Reasonable Doubt? Oswald was set up. As if the CIA has not done this kind of wetwork before. But some Saps are just gullible. Back when it happened ,a lot of people wanted to blame the Russians or the Cubans. That was stupid. Neither had anything to gain. This was an inside job. LBJ and J. Edgar had everything to gain.
Oswald was set up. As if the CIA has not done this kind of wetwork before.

How did the CIA set up Oswald in the TSB with a job before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas?
Why would the CIA equip their assassin with a $19.95 surplus bolt action rifle ?
Why would the CIA allow Oswald to be captured?
After 60 years, the Warren Report has proven to be remarkably accurate.

If not, you are welcome to provide a more accurate theory
I HAVE a copy. It was phony from the start. I already presented a good case. But you did not read it. Just parrot the Same old shit. As I said. If Oswald had gone to trial instead of being put down ,the whole TRUTH would have come out. BTW--There is a book called "Hit List". It tells about how many witnesses died early due to "Suicide ,Heart Attacks ,and Accidents" because they had info contrary to J. Edgars "Lone Nut" theory. It was a Coup.
How did the CIA set up Oswald in the TSB with a job before JFK even knew he was going to Dallas?
Why would the CIA equip their assassin with a $19.95 surplus bolt action rifle ?
Why would the CIA allow Oswald to be captured?
Because Oswald didn't do it. And that funky rifle was not the "Kill" weapon. And anyone who believes Arlen Spectors "Magic Bullet" theory has his head up his ass. Since you DO believe it ,I have some Land to sell ya.
Because Oswald didn't do it. And that funky rifle was not the "Kill" weapon. And anyone who believes Arlen Spectors "Magic Bullet" theory has his head up his ass. Since you DO believe it ,I have some Land to sell ya.
I love chatting with Conspiracty Theorists
Any facts they find inconvenient….They just make up their own
Have you ever fired a Bolt Action Rifle? BTW-I have been to Dealy Plaza. ---Also , please say it. You BELIEVE the "Magic Bullet" theory. Just to prove how stupid you are.
I can’t believe that after 60 years you still spout that magic bullet nonsense.
It has been repeatedly shown that the trajectory of the bullet could hit both JFK and Connelly and you still cling to the lie.

But, that’s what you get with conspiracy theorists
San Souci he actually still believes oswald shot kennedy,I’m totally serious,no joke ask him. :laughing0301: He has me on ignore because I proved him wrong and he refused to address the evidence so he got frustrated I took him to school and has had me on ignore ever sense so you will have to ask him for me.:laughing0301:
You're full of shit.
Uhhhh, I already pointed this out. That was my point. You said that all eight, except for Mary Surratt, deserved their fate, deserved to hang, but even the bloodthirsty commission disagreed with you and only sentenced four of the eight to hang.

You can never admit when you're wrong, can you?
No. He cannot.

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