The Quran is a more violent book than the Bible

maybe , who knows , the little evidence I have is that the 'koran' is terribly violent when compared to the bible , new testament that Christians adhere to . Anyway , best thing to do in my opinion is to watch and see what muslims DO in their hellholes and compare that to what Christians do in the same or very similar hellholes Petri !!
Genocide is genocide and equally abominable whether committed by xtians, muslims, nazis, capitalists, or anyone else.
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only ones currently doing genocide is muslims as they spread their religion and build a caliphate 'mrobama' , err , I mean Grandma !!
I will now bore the USMB ---with one of my repetitive declarations. I have read the
scriptural writings of MANY PEOPLES--------(when young and blank minded)
After reading them-----from the bible to the Ramayana------It never occurred to me that I KNEW the religions that they represented. I was right----I didn't. ----the koran is not the issue-------the issue that galvanizes muslims to genocide-----IS THE RELIGION ELABORATED BY ISLAMIC CLERICS BASED ON THEIR INTERPRETATION OF THE KORAN OVER THE PAST-------a bit more than 1000 years. Sadly ----those interpretations have had a disasterous effect on the minds
of more than a BILLION PEOPLE

Kosh-----there are events described in the bible which included calls TO WAR----
there are lots of POEMS about future misery which some idiots describe as
ADULATION of misery. ------based on some insight into the life and times of
Jesus-------His attack on the money changers in the TEMPLE COURTYARD---
was a call to rebellion against Rome -------but lots of Christian "theologians"---
have declared that it was somehow an attack on greedy capitalist Pharisees.
INTERPRETATION IS EVERYTHING--------I have encountered muslims who
consider something about an army of flying monkeys in the RAMAYANA as some
king of "logical" indictment of Hinduism. Islam is islam as interpreted by
Islamic scholars. Christianith is Christianity as interpreted by Christian scholars
and Judaism is Judaism as interpreted by Jewish scholars and Hinduism is Hinduism as interpreted by Hindu scholars. Listen to the scholars
Point One,
At first we should pay attention that Tom H. C. Anderson is not an expert and scholar, neither the Bible and the Quran. Anderson compared words of the Bible and the Quran through text analytics method. Anderson emphasized that his analysis is not exhaustive, nor is it intended to advance any agenda or to conclusively prove anyone's point. Anderson brought out that terrorism is connected to Islamic fundamentalism and is there something inherently violent about Islam.

As the result of Anderson's word comparison he stated that the Bible has more emotions of hate than the Quran and in the Bible was less thoughts related to trust. According to word comparison references to destruction and violence was in the New Testament 2,8%, the Quran 2,1 and the Old Testament 5,3%. Study Bible Quran Koran war violence hate kill destroy beat

Point Two
Nothing is more violent than the genocide ordered to the Hebrews by Jehovah.
Point One,
At first we should pay attention that Tom H. C. Anderson is not an expert and scholar, neither the Bible and the Quran. Anderson compared words of the Bible and the Quran through text analytics method. Anderson emphasized that his analysis is not exhaustive, nor is it intended to advance any agenda or to conclusively prove anyone's point. Anderson brought out that terrorism is connected to Islamic fundamentalism and is there something inherently violent about Islam.

As the result of Anderson's word comparison he stated that the Bible has more emotions of hate than the Quran and in the Bible was less thoughts related to trust. According to word comparison references to destruction and violence was in the New Testament 2,8%, the Quran 2,1 and the Old Testament 5,3%. Study Bible Quran Koran war violence hate kill destroy beat

Point Two
Nothing is more violent than the genocide ordered to the Hebrews by Jehovah.

the genocide of the AMALEKITES------symbolic triumph of good over evil-----
similar to the DESTRUCTION OF TROY in the Odyssey ---symbolic triumph of
-----what happens when a girl runs away
current times is 2016 and all that's needed is to look at muslim violence all around the world . Just a comment !!
current times is 2016 and all that's needed is to look at muslim violence all around the world . Just a comment !!

I find it sufficient to cite the HOLIEST of ISLAMIC LIFETIME TASKS-------the
HOLY HAJJ-------celebrated by hundreds of thousands of people ----MARCHING
around a rock and chanting "DEATH TO _______" -----reminds me of the
play MACBETH--------and the black caldron in the woods ---witches chanting ----

Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.

Double, double, toil and trouble; (10)
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Kosh-----there are events described in the bible which included calls TO WAR----
there are lots of POEMS about future misery which some idiots describe as
ADULATION of misery. ------based on some insight into the life and times of
Jesus-------His attack on the money changers in the TEMPLE COURTYARD---
was a call to rebellion against Rome -------but lots of Christian "theologians"---
have declared that it was somehow an attack on greedy capitalist Pharisees.
INTERPRETATION IS EVERYTHING--------I have encountered muslims who
consider something about an army of flying monkeys in the RAMAYANA as some
king of "logical" indictment of Hinduism. Islam is islam as interpreted by
Islamic scholars. Christianith is Christianity as interpreted by Christian scholars
and Judaism is Judaism as interpreted by Jewish scholars and Hinduism is Hinduism as interpreted by Hindu scholars. Listen to the scholars

Yet so far you have not pointed out where the bible calls for holy wars now against the "infidels"..

Please quote the section of the bible that calls for Holy Wars..

Kosh-----there are events described in the bible which included calls TO WAR----
there are lots of POEMS about future misery which some idiots describe as
ADULATION of misery. ------based on some insight into the life and times of
Jesus-------His attack on the money changers in the TEMPLE COURTYARD---
was a call to rebellion against Rome -------but lots of Christian "theologians"---
have declared that it was somehow an attack on greedy capitalist Pharisees.
INTERPRETATION IS EVERYTHING--------I have encountered muslims who
consider something about an army of flying monkeys in the RAMAYANA as some
king of "logical" indictment of Hinduism. Islam is islam as interpreted by
Islamic scholars. Christianith is Christianity as interpreted by Christian scholars
and Judaism is Judaism as interpreted by Jewish scholars and Hinduism is Hinduism as interpreted by Hindu scholars. Listen to the scholars

Yet so far you have not pointed out where the bible calls for holy wars now against the "infidels"..

Please quote the section of the bible that calls for Holy Wars..

It does not. NEITHER OT nor NT -------however-----face fact.-----
CONSTANTINE------did create in the religion he created-----the basis
for MASSIVE GENOCIDE (historians seem to believe that his mother--
HELEN----was entirely innocent) IMHO-----Constantine = Muhummad =
Stalin = Pol pot = Adolf Hitler. <<< (just my own somewhat peculiar
Tom H. C. Anderson's study conclusions that the Bible is more violent than the Quran is not true, because the different study proves that the Quran is a more violent book than the Bible.

More info: Study Bible Quran Koran war violence hate kill destroy beat
All these Abrahamic story books are reflective of the violent times when they were written.
The worst violence is mental; destroying rationality.
Child abuse, if kids are forced to read that stuff.
Tom H. C. Anderson's study conclusions that the Bible is more violent than the Quran is not true, because the different study proves that the Quran is a more violent book than the Bible.

More info: Study Bible Quran Koran war violence hate kill destroy beat
All these Abrahamic story books are reflective of the violent times when they were written.
The worst violence is mental; destroying rationality.
Child abuse, if kids are forced to read that stuff.

yes------all are------in fact all SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS------are. I like the
ancient writings because they provide insight into the life and times.
You felt abused by having to read THE ODYSSEY ? I read most of that stuff
in my youth-----like from age 10---to 20. For the record-----I happen to know that
plenty of kids get thru high school literature classes on CLIFF's notes and
CLASSIC COMICs-------even my own brothers. I used to like to read. I was
The part where God kills every man, woman, child, puppies, kittens and cute little bunnies is hard to match

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