The Race (Fiction): Capitalism Creative-Writing(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a racecar-capitalism 'allegory' inspired by the films Speed Racer, Days of Thunder, Bobby Deerfield, and Driven.


Racer-X (an American) was the supreme-master of racecar-driving. He wanted the art of racing to become an international symbol of wisdom and terrorism-avoidance. After all, isn't racing connected to peace? Racer-X was considered the 'guru' of honorable competition, but he was terribly worried about his immature and headstrong little brother Speed Racer who wanted to be just like him! Racer-X knew if he didn't guide Speed properly, his little brother would become a juvenile menace on the racetrack.


Speed Racer had just enlisted in a provocative race in Spain and wanted to challenge the dominion of a nefarious group of European racecar drivers known as the Devils. Speed Racer believed he had the necessary skill/talent to defeat the Devils at an important race in Europe, so he eagerly signed up and hoped his admonishing older brother Racer-X wouldn't censor him or prevent him from racing. Speed stealthily made his way to Spain and didn't think his older brother (Racer-X) tracked him there (but he did!).


Fortunately, at the race in Spain, there was another idealistic and somewhat less headstrong American racecar driver named Grease who wanted to challenge the Devils. Grease could potentially provide Speed Racer the necessary complementary 'balance' on the racetrack so Speed would not be too hasty during racing. This would, of course, also make Racer-X's job of watching over his little brother (Speed Racer) easier!


The Devils were ready at the race to create all kinds of hell. It was a Formula 1 race, and both Speed Racer and Grease were well-prepared (even if they were a bit too dangerously idealistic about how they would contend with the villainous Devils). Racer-X was also there of course and disguised so he could race under a false pseudonym ('Tin-Man'). As Speed and Grease swung around the curves of the track and worked together to push the Devils out to the outer slower edges, Tin-Man kept pace to make sure that no one got hurt. It was a terrific race, but in the end, Tin-Man (Racer-X) won!


The Devils stormed out of the track fuming, realizing that Tin-Man had gotten the better of them. One of the Devils remarked that while Speed and Grease were effectively pushing the Devils to the outer slower edges of the track during the race, Tin-Man kept the balance by providing a 'pace-anchor' for the group, thus ensuring there was no unnecessary crash (despite the fiery clash of egos!). Speed and Grease approached Tin-Man and congratulated him and then asked him why he wanted to 'captain' the race. Tin-Man removed his helmet (exposing to the two that he was Racer-X!) and told them, "The Devils represent recklessness, and you two needed to be reminded that racing is like capitalism --- it requires ticketing!"



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