The Racist Redskins

The Washington area's National Football League team has a racist name, "the Redskins," and renewed pressure is mounting on the team to do something about it -- namely, change the damn name of the team to something that isn't plainly risible. Washington's owner, Dan Snyder, is resistant to it, having vowed, "We'll never change the name ... It's that simple. NEVER -- you can use caps."

If we were living in a world where football franchise owners could only speak the truth, Snyder would level with us, and simply say, "The trademark I own is extremely profitable, and I'm not willing to cut into those profits to undertake a costly rebranding of the team, even if that is obviously the right thing to do." (He would also probably say, "I really have no idea what I'm doing most of the time," and "I have essentially been fleecing football fans for every dime in their pockets for years," but that is a different story entirely.)

More: Roger Goodell, In Defending 'Redskins' Name, Must Think That People Are Stupid
lol, the zoo monkey still hard at work...^^^^^^

dear gawd someone put it out of it misery...give it a banana or something
Nowadays the losers that are the native americans have lots of money they can pool from gambling interests and buy the Redskins from Snyder. Then you crybabies will have the RIGHT to call the team anything you want. Until then try minding your own business and allowing Snyder to mind his.

The Injuns had every opportunity to take out the white man with the forked tongue but blew it.

You all should have sunk the boats and killed the invaders. It is a little sad you think we should start caring NOW about your situation. Well...we don't... Not really anyway. We give a politically correct lip service to the Red man but that's all it is. If that's all you get I feel sorry for your expectations.

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