The Radical New Face of the Jewish Settler Movement


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead
Ah wait, so when a rare few Israelis start acting like the Palestinians have been acting for the past 100 years, suddenly "there's trouble ahead"?
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead

A boy with spray paint is a tickling bomb, alright...:rolleyes-41:
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead

A boy with spray paint is a tickling bomb, alright...:rolleyes-41:
They fire-bombed a house and killed people

Meanwhile, two other prominent rabbis at Od Yosef Chai have given the hilltop youths’ penchant for attacking Arabs even stronger religious legitimacy. In their 2010 book, “The King’s Torah (Torat Hamelech), Part One: Laws of Life and Death Between Israel and the Nations,” Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur declared, “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder’” applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew.” Non-Jews, they wrote, are “uncompassionate by nature” and assaults on them “curb their evil inclination,” while infants and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed, since “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.”

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When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead

A boy with spray paint is a tickling bomb, alright...:rolleyes-41:
They fire-bombed a house and killed people

Meanwhile, two other prominent rabbis at Od Yosef Chai have given the hilltop youths’ penchant for attacking Arabs even stronger religious legitimacy. In their 2010 book, “The King’s Torah (Torat Hamelech), Part One: Laws of Life and Death Between Israel and the Nations,” Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur declared, “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder’” applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew.” Non-Jews, they wrote, are “uncompassionate by nature” and assaults on them “curb their evil inclination,” while infants and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed, since “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.”

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Yitzhak Shapira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 2009 he published a book (The King's Torah) in which he writes that it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews (including children) who threaten the lives of Jews

Anything else out of context you'd care to point out to us?
Or are you so stupid you don't know how to use Google?
Oh I will point you out, to the left or to the right
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead

A boy with spray paint is a tickling bomb, alright...:rolleyes-41:
They fire-bombed a house and killed people

Meanwhile, two other prominent rabbis at Od Yosef Chai have given the hilltop youths’ penchant for attacking Arabs even stronger religious legitimacy. In their 2010 book, “The King’s Torah (Torat Hamelech), Part One: Laws of Life and Death Between Israel and the Nations,” Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur declared, “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder’” applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew.” Non-Jews, they wrote, are “uncompassionate by nature” and assaults on them “curb their evil inclination,” while infants and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed, since “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.”

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So this is what you base your claims on? a book nobody ever reads or knows but few radicals?

c'mon, you can think up something better than this, for sure
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead

A boy with spray paint is a tickling bomb, alright...:rolleyes-41:
They fire-bombed a house and killed people

Meanwhile, two other prominent rabbis at Od Yosef Chai have given the hilltop youths’ penchant for attacking Arabs even stronger religious legitimacy. In their 2010 book, “The King’s Torah (Torat Hamelech), Part One: Laws of Life and Death Between Israel and the Nations,” Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur declared, “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder’” applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew.” Non-Jews, they wrote, are “uncompassionate by nature” and assaults on them “curb their evil inclination,” while infants and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed, since “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.”

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So this is what you base your claims on? a book nobody ever reads or knows but few radicals?

c'mon, you can think up something better than this, for sure

Actually, he/she can't.
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead
Just like in the old days, Arabs attack Jews who are living in their ancient holyland, Jews defend themselves and kick the Arab attackers asses. What else is new?
Just like in the old days, Arabs attack Jews who are living in their ancient holyland, Jews defend themselves and kick the Arab attackers asses. What else is new?

The Jews invaded from Europe and other places. The Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine. That's just a fact.

The Jews from Europe joined their brethren who had been migrating there for the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire. The Jews in Judea and Samaria aka West Bank, have every right to be in the ancient religious and spiritual homeland and are defending themselves from the same genocidal Arab Muslim animals that have been attacking and killing Jews in their own holy land for the last 300 years.
That's a fact, jack.

So, you confirm that the Jews came from elsewhere, invaded Palestine inhabited by Christians and Muslims and evicted the inhabitants. Good, we are getting somewhere.
Reading comprehension problems again? I confirmed that the Jews maintained a presence throughout and kept coming back, and their migration increased during the 700 years of the Ottoman empire which gave them a majority in Jerusalem by the mid 1800's.

However, Arab Muslim savages, several times in the history of the Jewish holy land, have attacked and slaughtered Jews, this is even before the Hebron massacre of 1929. So it's no surprise that Jews who are now living in Judea and Samaria are choosing to defend themselves against the offspring of the same Arab Muslim invading savages. More power to them. The land is now conquered Israeli territory and will be annexed in the next few decades.

But there were no Jews in the Holy Land when the Muslims defeated the Christians and conquered Jerusalem. It was part of a Christian nation. How does that compute?

So when Jews are dragged out of Jerusalem it's A-OK!
Doesn't mean they were dragged out of the entire area.
Guess, what, when they had the chance they moved 5 miles back into Jerusalem.
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead

That's an interesting and surprisingly thoughtful article.
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead

A boy with spray paint is a tickling bomb, alright...:rolleyes-41:

It's more than just spraypaint.
When Eliezer Shekhtman moved to Israel from Chicago, he chose to live in Tapuach, a hardcore settlement deep inside the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He had family friends there; his father had been an associate of Meir Kahane, the virulently anti-Arab rabbi.
But after a year, Shekhtman wanted more privacy and moved to a trailer on a hill outside the settlement. Though Israel considers such trailer outposts illegal, Shekhtman’s was hooked up to running water and electricity through Tapuach. The newcomer befriended other boys in the area, including some living even more austerely in tents on nearby hillsides. He spent the Sabbath with these boys and gave them rides in his car, once helping them move a tent.
Shekhtman’s friends were part of the so-called hilltop youth, a loosely affiliated group of Jewish settlers in their teens and 20s who live away from their parents on the hilltops surrounding established settlements. Members of the group have perpetrated so-called “price tag” attacks, using firebombs and spray paint to damage Palestinian property in retribution for Palestinian violence, or as a way of lashing out against the Israeli military.

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There may be Trouble ahead

A boy with spray paint is a tickling bomb, alright...:rolleyes-41:

It's more than just spraypaint.

Not really. I am neither a Liberal nor a Conservative so when I read an article I consider the source of the article.
There are plenty of US Military personnel who are unhappy with any aggressive military action, even when it saves American lives.
Ah wait, so when a rare few Israelis start acting like the Palestinians have been acting for the past 100 years, suddenly "there's trouble ahead"?

It's more than "a rare few"...there's a surprising amount of tolerance and quiet political and religious support that has allowed it to go on for so long. It's disturbing to see religious figures saying what they do. But every time someone tries to start a conversation about this - it's shouted down with "but but the Palestinians".
Ah wait, so when a rare few Israelis start acting like the Palestinians have been acting for the past 100 years, suddenly "there's trouble ahead"?

It's more than "a rare few"...there's a surprising amount of tolerance and quiet political and religious support that has allowed it to go on for so long. It's disturbing to see religious figures saying what they do. But every time someone tries to start a conversation about this - it's shouted down with "but but the Palestinians".

Oh, I'll be glad to have a conversation about it. If you can find me someone with a balanced reasonable point of view. The problem is that those appear to be rare as well.

However, if you ask me, there is some push back in the Jewish and Israeli community in recent years. I think there is a growing trend of being no longer willing to appease the Palestinians. Trading land for peace or peace for peace, or reliquishing rights such as to the Temple Mount doesn't seem to be working. Why should we keep taking it and taking it? The young people in particular are being militarized by ongoing conflict. That is no justification, of course, for immoral behaviour. But what do you do when your people are being stabbed in the streets and the Jewish people are being stabbed in the streets in other countries for being Jewish? What do you do when even in our own land, still we are being treated like animals?
Let's get back on topic please - review the OP if you aren't sure.

26 posts that had nothing to do with the OP have been moved to a new thread in Badlands and infractions have been handed out. If your post was removed and you did not get an infraction (this time) - consider yourself fortunate and make a New Year's resolution to not follow other's in derailments.
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