The Rag


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I started reading this last night. A friend loaned it to me.

from Chapter 1

He was assigned to rat-killing duty in the old Marriott Hotel on the edge of the French Quarter when he found it. He wasn't looking for it. He wasn't looking for anything but rats, and he was doing that only half heartedly. He spotted it when he was shifting a pile of debris behind what was left of the front desk in the once ornate lobby of this high end New Orleans, Louisiana, hotel. It caught his eye because of its colors---- pretty colors that he was only vaguely familiar with.

Pg 4

The USA had not died overnight. It took years of effort by people calling themselves progressives who believed they were the elite and were destined to control the lives and destinies of everyone else. They were totalitarians following in the footsteps of the Communist, Nazi's and Fascists who had gone before them in other countries.

The campaign was steady and insidious. They started by taking control of most of the news outlets and turning them into propaganda organs for the progressive political agenda. At the same time, they gradually took control of the universities and then the entire public school system. The education system was transformed from a place where students learned how to prepare themselves to live in the real world and be productive members of a free society to an agent for reeducation.

A timely novel by a really good author. That Robot Check is the link to amazon page reviews- how stupid to call it a robot check.

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