The Real Benghazi Scandal

50 days left to the election and Obama's tag line being "Al Queda is in the run". It isn't on the run if they just succeeded in killing an American ambassador for the first time in 50 years, now is it?

1979 until now isn't 50 years and Obama won by a margin wider than that "scandal" would have been.

Bitch please, Obama would have won regardless.

Pure fantasy.

Yet you have no evidence whatsoever showing deliberate deception on anyone's part. In fact the evidence there is points in the entirely opposite direction.

We get that you have been fooled by Fox and friends but continuing to push the failed narrative only reinforces your foolishness

The hearing showed Hillary's emails proving that she knew and communicated to people that it wasn't because of a video. Yet she came perpetuating the lie that it was. The hearing provided the public with the evidence, it's up to individual citizens to decide if they want someone with these kinds of values that can lie in this manner as president.

When did she communicate that the Benghazi attack was about a video?

From Sept 12th:

Video: Clinton’s Statement on Libya

Sept 13th:

Sept 14th:

Let's not forget that there were multiple attacks and protests all over the Muslim world for quite a while due to that video.

Embassies under attack over anti-Islam video

Middle East protests: mobs attack six Western embassies as protesters fill streets

You all like to conflate what the WH said and what Hillary said. Hillary never blamed the video for the attack in Benghazi only for the other attacks on diplomatic facilities.

But she used Benghazi and the word video in the same paragraph! Hangin too good for her........
To me the real Ben Ghazi scandal is how Obama and Hillary gave a press conference and lied to the American people about the video. Then they sent Susan Rice and other foot soldiers to continue to lie for weeks, including to the relatives of the victims. How is it that they aren't behind bars for perpetuating this fraud?
What exactly was the lie?

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