The Real Conspiracy


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
This is the real conspiracy. In just any category you can think of, the U.S. ranks lower than most of the other developed countries. Then there are the problems of overpopulation, human caused global warming, etc. But rather than doing something about the problems that are hiding in plain sight, many would prefer to look for hidden conspiracies. It's so stupid! I have another conspiracy for you that is hiding in plain sight. Though he may have made some mistakes, basically, Hitler was right!
Even the hard core conspiracy freaks KNOW that stuff like consumerism is not sustainable ( etc..... ) & the warmonger elite use war as population control so as to not overpopulate the planet.

and while we are at it ...... there were NO airliners hijacked on 9/11/2001

have a nice day

: )
He was not strong enough, a limpwristed vegetarian who could not change his mind when he should. Thank heavens.
This is the real conspiracy. In just any category you can think of, the U.S. ranks lower than most of the other developed countries. Then there are the problems of overpopulation, human caused global warming, etc. But rather than doing something about the problems that are hiding in plain sight, many would prefer to look for hidden conspiracies. It's so stupid! I have another conspiracy for you that is hiding in plain sight. Though he may have made some mistakes, basically, Hitler was right!

Then you should follow your leader.

Yea but he lost, and that's history's worst crime.

The Nazi regime made enemies around the world...... doesn't play well with others.....
This was a HUGE problem, the NEW WORLD ORDER has learned to be a con artist and rip-off everybody and at the same time winning friends & influencing people...... oooh kinkie!
He was not strong enough, a limpwristed vegetarian who could not change his mind when he should. Thank heavens.
I take it you're talking about Hitler. It's easy to throw stones. But having gone through WWI, I bet he did things that would make you shit your pants. As to the rest. I already said that he wasn't perfect. But our so called democracy is a joke.
This is the real conspiracy. In just any category you can think of, the U.S. ranks lower than most of the other developed countries. Then there are the problems of overpopulation, human caused global warming, etc. But rather than doing something about the problems that are hiding in plain sight, many would prefer to look for hidden conspiracies. It's so stupid! I have another conspiracy for you that is hiding in plain sight. Though he may have made some mistakes, basically, Hitler was right!

Then you should follow your leader.

It is people like you who are the reason for all the world's problems. You would do the world a favor by putting a bullet through your brain. Besides, I doubt if you could even lead a troop of girlscouts.
Yea but he lost, and that's history's worst crime.

The Nazi regime made enemies around the world...... doesn't play well with others.....
This was a HUGE problem, the NEW WORLD ORDER has learned to be a con artist and rip-off everybody and at the same time winning friends & influencing people...... oooh kinkie!
When you denied the 9-11 hijacked plane thing, you ruined any credibility you have. I think I'll just skip over anything else you write.
Henry, you are a teenager. You don't get anything. Look at TK, he is 27, and he is totally lost.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to spot a closet Democrat trying far too hard to pass itself off as a Republican.

But keep trying. a's cute only up to a certain point!
Sigh. Hitler as a hero as a messenger on the front is all lie.
I don't know what Hitler did during WW I. From what I heard, he was an ambulance driver. Though that could be wrong. As to what kind of commendations he may have received, I would look it up if I thought it mattered. But whatever he did, he was involved in WW I. That is enough to show that he probably suffered privation and other difficulties that neither of us ever experienced. As to whether or not that made him a hero is for someone else to decide.

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