The real divide is ideological, and the political left is the common enemy


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
Jews Fight Back!
September 27, 2019
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

The Jews that Spero is describing are, like "too many people of color," Democratic house negroes. That's right. I said it! Now say it with me: house negroes. I've been called a Sambo, an Uncle Tom, a deplorable, a race traitor . . . even by white leftist shrews, not to my face, mind you, but every day in some leftist rag or by some talking head on CNN or MSNBC. The race-baiting house negroes feel free to shamelessly accuse patriots of all colors, while cowardly white leftists nod their heads and dutifully flagellate themselves. They're all over the place these days—these house negroes—and their masser is the state. They would that the state be our masser too as they work to reduce America to a socialist dystopia of deprivation, lawlessness, oppression, depravity, dependency. . . . That's the religion of these house negroes, i.e., socialism, their god, the state.

The rash of physical attacks against Jews in Brooklyn and Manhattan began almost a year ago. We have cellphone and street camera footage of many of the attacks, and they are coming from assailants bellowing “Allahu Akbar” and from younger black and Hispanic men often yelling “dirty Jew.” They sneak up on Jewish-garbed citizens using bricks and stones, breaking bones and smashing eyes. There was no mainstream media discussion about this until a few weeks ago, and the major Jewish establishment organizations were basically silent as well. Even now, none of these Jewish organizations are flexing their muscles or evincing anywhere near the type of outrage we should expect.

You can be sure that if the attackers were white or Jewish and the victims Black, Muslim, or Hispanic, the establishment alphabet Jewish organizations (ADL, AJC, NYF, JCRC, Conference of Presidents, and Federations) would be the very first organizing protests against racism and pontificating about something rotten within American society.

My grievance is not why general society is doing little, since most Americans have no clue about what is happening in Boro Park, Williamsburg, or Crown Heights. But the major secular Jewish organizations do know! Nor am I perplexed about why this is not at the top of the list of many officeholders and politicians. After all, the “machers” from the Jewish organizations are not knocking down their doors nor raising Cain -- something Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, CAIR, and Ocasio-Cortez would certainly do if their people were being assaulted by outsiders. Beyond doubt, the establishment Jewish organizations would themselves be knocking down doors right alongside them. They, as they always do, would be proclaiming “how the most important Jewish value is the protection of minorities and fighting racism.” Actually, it is President Trump who has made more of an issue over anti-Jewish remarks coming from the mouths of high-profile members of minority communities than our own Jewish establishment “leadership.”

[. . .]

This devaluing of things specifically Jewish explains how Jewish organizations have allowed Jewish children on college campuses to be bullied, spat upon, harassed, and forced to renounce support of Israel. The ADL and big-city federations have the funds to counteract the BDS movement on campuses, the know-how in doing so, and the clout and savvy to demonize the movement and the Muslim students behind it as full-fledged racists not acceptable on campus. But they haven’t. In fact, the ADL has assertively come out against those states proposing legislation against BDS.

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