The real problem of Blacks leaving the democrat party.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As this column shows, Kanye is a sign of things to come, not the problem.....

Even a five-percent swing among blacks would doom the Democratic Party. Their ideological slavery must be maintained, and black conservatives speaking the truth must be destroyed.

Food stamp usage is in decline, as is black unemployment. Wages are rising, as is black homeownership. Congressional blacks like to insist that this is just a continuation of trends begun under Obama, but Obama did not cut regulations, cut taxes, boost domestic energy, rein in the EPA, and unleash entrepreneurs, black and white, freeing them to pursue their dreams unrestrained by government chains.

Crime (particularly gang crime), drugs, and poverty are concentrated now in urban areas run by Democratic socialists and progressives. What answer would the typical black Chicago resident give if asked if he was better off after eight years of Obama? What answer would he give now, after two years of the Trump boom?

As black economist Thomas Sowell notes, Democrats value the black vote but not black voters, particularly those black Democrat congressmen who come from racially gerrymandered congressional districts:

Democrats need black voters to be fearful, angry, resentful and paranoid. Black votes matter. If Republicans could get 20 percent of black votes, the Democrats would be ruined.

That is what Democrats are terrified of. That can happen only if blacks are denied the truth about their past, present, and future. It is Democrats who owned the slaves, founded the KKK, and wrote the Jim Crow laws. It is Democrats who stood in front of the schoolhouse door and still do, opposing school choice. It is Democrats who turned on the fire hoses and unleashed the dogs. The improvement of black lives under Trump and a free-market economy is no mirage, but a portent that has the Democratic Party running scared.
Yeah. I can feel it. Trump has finally convinced those lazy,shiftless negroes that the GOP only wants to help them leave the Dem plantation.

They now see that hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to achieving economic security and equality under the law. No.longer will they vote for Dems in order to keep their welfare checks. They owe it all to tough love from the true champions of minorities in this nation. Conservatives!
Yeah. I can feel it. Trump has finally convinced those lazy,shiftless negroes that the GOP only wants to help them leave the Dem plantation.

They now see that hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to achieving economic security and equality under the law. No.longer will they vote for Dems in order to keep their welfare checks. They owe it all to tough love from the true champions of minorities in this nation. Conservatives!

Have you seen the cities controlled by democrats lately? The democrats only care about Black Americans one day every 2 years...other than that, they just don't care....
Yeah. I can feel it. Trump has finally convinced those lazy,shiftless negroes that the GOP only wants to help them leave the Dem plantation.

They now see that hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to achieving economic security and equality under the law. No.longer will they vote for Dems in order to keep their welfare checks. They owe it all to tough love from the true champions of minorities in this nation. Conservatives!

As the article also points out....

The problem for Democrats is that blacks are leaving their political plantation in increasing droves. In a bit of irony, they are pouring across ideologically open borders. Heeding candidate Trump's call of "what the hell do you have to lose," they have found they had nothing to lose by embracing the rising job opportunities, declining unemployment, and reduced crime those racist Republicans were offering compared to life in the gerrymandered inner-city Bantustans where liberal Democrats have held sway for decades.

Kanye West represents that increasing stampede, but he is a symptom, not the cause. He must be crazy, CNN and MSNBC tell blacks. Whom are you going to believe about the cause of your plight: us, your own lying eyes, or that crazy Uncle Tom in a MAGA hat? They must demonize him because they can't answer the crazy man's arguments or the fact that an increasing number of blacks are agreeing with him:
Yeah. I can feel it. Trump has finally convinced those lazy,shiftless negroes that the GOP only wants to help them leave the Dem plantation.

They now see that hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to achieving economic security and equality under the law. No.longer will they vote for Dems in order to keep their welfare checks. They owe it all to tough love from the true champions of minorities in this nation. Conservatives!

Yes.....that Republicans want all Americans to succeed is a real problem for democrats...

Black small business formation is skyrocketing as more blacks becomeparticipants in rather than spectators of the free market:

Well, if Donald Trump is a racist and wants to hurt African-Americans and other minorities, let's just say he's failed miserably.

Consider the state of black small businesses, for instance.

Arguably the greatest mover in terms of the financial improvement of any social group is small businesses. So, how are black small businesses doing under the Trump administration? According to a study by Guidant Financial, "year-over-year, we saw a 400% increase in the number of African American owned small businesses."
I'm agreeing with you guys here. This election will prove it. The GOP will gain seats in the house and achieve an even stronger hold on the Senate.

Black Americans, Hispanic Americans ( both types ), women, LGBTQ Americans ( homos ), will all vote red. The Dem party is dead.
Blacks are leaving the Democrat party just like whites are leaving the Republican party.
Yeah. I can feel it. Trump has finally convinced those lazy,shiftless negroes that the GOP only wants to help them leave the Dem plantation.

They now see that hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to achieving economic security and equality under the law. No.longer will they vote for Dems in order to keep their welfare checks. They owe it all to tough love from the true champions of minorities in this nation. Conservatives!

This is how deeply Leftists are tone deaf.

Embarrassing for you
As this column shows, Kanye is a sign of things to come, not the problem.....

Even a five-percent swing among blacks would doom the Democratic Party. Their ideological slavery must be maintained, and black conservatives speaking the truth must be destroyed.

Food stamp usage is in decline, as is black unemployment. Wages are rising, as is black homeownership. Congressional blacks like to insist that this is just a continuation of trends begun under Obama, but Obama did not cut regulations, cut taxes, boost domestic energy, rein in the EPA, and unleash entrepreneurs, black and white, freeing them to pursue their dreams unrestrained by government chains.

Crime (particularly gang crime), drugs, and poverty are concentrated now in urban areas run by Democratic socialists and progressives. What answer would the typical black Chicago resident give if asked if he was better off after eight years of Obama? What answer would he give now, after two years of the Trump boom?

As black economist Thomas Sowell notes, Democrats value the black vote but not black voters, particularly those black Democrat congressmen who come from racially gerrymandered congressional districts:

Democrats need black voters to be fearful, angry, resentful and paranoid. Black votes matter. If Republicans could get 20 percent of black votes, the Democrats would be ruined.

That is what Democrats are terrified of. That can happen only if blacks are denied the truth about their past, present, and future. It is Democrats who owned the slaves, founded the KKK, and wrote the Jim Crow laws. It is Democrats who stood in front of the schoolhouse door and still do, opposing school choice. It is Democrats who turned on the fire hoses and unleashed the dogs. The improvement of black lives under Trump and a free-market economy is no mirage, but a portent that has the Democratic Party running scared.

Dear God may it be so
Yeah. I can feel it. Trump has finally convinced those lazy,shiftless negroes that the GOP only wants to help them leave the Dem plantation.

They now see that hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to achieving economic security and equality under the law. No.longer will they vote for Dems in order to keep their welfare checks. They owe it all to tough love from the true champions of minorities in this nation. Conservatives!

This is how deeply Leftists are tone deaf.

Embarrassing for you

Yes. Tone deaf. MAGA!
Yeah. I can feel it. Trump has finally convinced those lazy,shiftless negroes that the GOP only wants to help them leave the Dem plantation.

They now see that hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to achieving economic security and equality under the law. No.longer will they vote for Dems in order to keep their welfare checks. They owe it all to tough love from the true champions of minorities in this nation. Conservatives!

This is how deeply Leftists are tone deaf.

Embarrassing for you

Yes. Tone deaf. MAGA!

Yes. Look at the economy. I know it hurts your feelings
Yeah. I can feel it. Trump has finally convinced those lazy,shiftless negroes that the GOP only wants to help them leave the Dem plantation.

They now see that hard work and personal responsibility are the keys to achieving economic security and equality under the law. No.longer will they vote for Dems in order to keep their welfare checks. They owe it all to tough love from the true champions of minorities in this nation. Conservatives!

This is how deeply Leftists are tone deaf.

Embarrassing for you

Yes. Tone deaf. MAGA!

Yes. Look at the economy. I know it hurts your feelings

On the contrary! Trump is an economic genius. He has taken this nation from the brink of certain economic ruin to the most powerful economic force in the history of mankind!

He did it all in less than two years! Amazing!
Check out this woman:

Shemeka Michelle

This woman is a fantastic role model for black people and women of all races.

And she originally voted for Jill Stein, so she is yet another powerful +1 for Trump.
It is so much fun to watch the "tolerance and diversity crowd" spew hate and venom at blacks who dare disagree with the Party of Slavery....
I personally think that Black Americans are also becoming vastly more "educated" about truth regarding QUEER-O....

For example....


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