The real reason for face masks

The need to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed was manufactured panic treating worst case as most likely and no overwhelming at all so they quickly moved onto another repressive bullshit measure

So... Because it didn't happen, that means it wasn't true? Seems like a .... Funny statement to make considering what happened in Italy.

Didn't happen here... Don't get me wrong. OF course... We took measures to assure it wouldn't... So... It didn't. o.0
I would say that if it did not happen then the evidence is it was never there as opposed to prevented.
I didn't get the edit in fast enough obviously. Reply to that.

Edit: Well... I guess I did mention Italy even without the edit. I would suggest you look into that.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.
98.8% ???? Stop lying!! Or is it the voices in your head telling you that ??

sorry, I left out a 9, 99.98% survival rate. thanks for the catch
Stop lying God damn! You must be channeling Trump
The need to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed was manufactured panic treating worst case as most likely and no overwhelming at all so they quickly moved onto another repressive bullshit measure

So... Because it didn't happen, that means it wasn't true? Seems like a .... Funny statement to make considering what happened in Italy.

Didn't happen here... Don't get me wrong. OF course... We took measures to assure it wouldn't... So... It didn't. o.0
I would say that if it did not happen then the evidence is it was never there as opposed to prevented.
I didn't get the edit in fast enough obviously. Reply to that.

Edit: Well... I guess I did mention Italy even without the edit. I would suggest you look into that.
I don’t chase your bullshit
If you holler at me to watch out for a car that never appears then you did not prevent anything. It simply was not there as evidenced by the absence of it
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

Sweden embraced herd immunity, while the U.K. abandoned the idea — so why do they BOTH have high COVID-19 fatality rates?

Actually, it is working very well. Sweden's mistake was not protecting nursing home residents early enough, just like in New York City. Want to compare their stats?
Compare stats sure, bring it on. By the way, the herd immunity approach without a vaccine in unworkable because we now know that people can be re-infected. Try to keep up with current events.

continue to hide under your sofa, the rest of are going to continue living our lives.
Is that supposed to be an answer ? Obviously you don't have one. I'm not hiding. I'm being sensible? Go ahead and continue to live your life ..... until you don't have one to live anymore.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.
98.8% ???? Stop lying!! Or is it the voices in your head telling you that ??

Well it's been said that 10 times the known amount have had covid. That would mean currently 54 million people have had it, but we still know the death rate and some of those weren't even covid 19 deaths and it's at about 175000. So divide the former into the latter you get about 99.9%. Or a death rate of .003%.

Thanks for playing.
"It's been said......"??? Brilliant documentation slick

Google works wonders, dumbfuck.

CDC chief stupid mother fucker:

What's it feel like to wake up and be as stupid and ignorant as you, dumbfuck?
I don’t chase your bullshit
If you holler at me to watch out for a car that never appears then you did not prevent anything. It simply was not there as evidenced by the absence of it

Trying to help you out. If you want to continue on that by all means go ahead. Nobody can make you look like anything... You have to do it.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.
98.8% ???? Stop lying!! Or is it the voices in your head telling you that ??

Well it's been said that 10 times the known amount have had covid. That would mean currently 54 million people have had it, but we still know the death rate and some of those weren't even covid 19 deaths and it's at about 175000. So divide the former into the latter you get about 99.9%. Or a death rate of .003%.

Thanks for playing.
"It's been said......"??? Brilliant documentation slick

Google works wonders, dumbfuck.

CDC chief stupid mother fucker:

What's it feel like to wake up and be as stupid and ignorant as you, dumbfuck?
Oh calm the fuck down and stop with the histrionics Calling me a dumb fuck only undermines you own credibility . We don't actually know what the infection rate is. We also don't know for sure how many people actually died. We do know that many who have not died face long term chronic health problems like neurological deficits, kidney failure and cardiac disease. The real issue is the human toll overall. So stop with the bullshit !Please! Learn how to have a civil, adult conversation.
Last edited:
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.
98.8% ???? Stop lying!! Or is it the voices in your head telling you that ??

Well it's been said that 10 times the known amount have had covid. That would mean currently 54 million people have had it, but we still know the death rate and some of those weren't even covid 19 deaths and it's at about 175000. So divide the former into the latter you get about 99.9%. Or a death rate of .003%.

Thanks for playing.
"It's been said......"??? Brilliant documentation slick

Google works wonders, dumbfuck.

CDC chief stupid mother fucker:

What's it feel like to wake up and be as stupid and ignorant as you, dumbfuck?
Oh calm the fuck down and stop with the histrionics Calling me a dumb fuck only undermines you own credibility . We don't actually know what the infection rate is. We also don't know for sure how many people actually died. We do know that many who have not died face long term chronic health problems like neurological deficits, kidney failure and cardiac disease. The real issue is the human toll overall. So stop with the bullshit !Please!
So you are trying to say that the things that have already happened we don’t know about but things for the future we are already certain will be debilitating
Hilarious and typical liberal worst case presuppositions presented as occurrent fact
I don’t chase your bullshit
If you holler at me to watch out for a car that never appears then you did not prevent anything. It simply was not there as evidenced by the absence of it

Trying to help you out. If you want to continue on that by all means go ahead. Nobody can make you look like anything... You have to do it.
No hospitals wuz overwhelmed despite your desperate need to feels so.
No hospitals wuz overwhelmed despite your desperate need to feels so.



In case he can't google, he can read.

ROME — The mayor of one town complained that doctors were forced to decide not to treat the very old, leaving them to die. In another town, patients with coronavirus-caused pneumonia were being sent home.

“In a context of grave shortage of health resources,” the guidelines say, intensive care should be given to “patients with the best chance of success” and those with the “best hope of life” should be prioritized.

The guidelines also say that in “in the interests of maximizing benefits for the largest number,” limits could be put on intensive care units to reserve scarce resources to those who have, first, “greater likelihood of survival and secondly who have more potential years of life.”
Imma gonna take advantage of this face mask thing. Might be getting some dentures and if I do...I have 6 weeks of being completely toothless. I can hide that with a mask. :p
Talking about overwhelming of hospital in America and not some remote spot in Italy fakery buckaroos
Talking about overwhelming of hospital in America and not some remote spot in Italy fakery buckaroos
Yeah... We took measures in time... They did not. Feel free to continue to look stupid. I don't mind or care anymore.

Edit: Why do people want to look stupid rather than be wrong? Hell, I THANK people who correct me when I'm wrong because I don't want to peddle stupid shit. Insanity.
Another apples to oranges comparison by libs shot to hell by me
Wow, and the Dems have even convinced other countries to use masks too!

They're so evil!
I know you're being sarcastic, but I had to agree with your statement. CNN would have no audience if not for the foreign fools. American left wing media is powerful
Sooner or later the truth catches up...

Then it overtakes.
Its a reminder...since very few of us know anyone who have gotten the virus the dems are desperate to keep it on our minds...
3500 killed in 9/11.... you knew none of them, yet you accepted the Patriot Act, giving enormous control over you....

185000 people killed by this virus so far, and you think the gvt telling us to wear a mask,so not to continue to spread it at the same fast rate is some gvt take over plan?

I have no idea what has happened to y'all on the right wing, but y ou have completely lost your marbles!!!

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