The Real Russian Invasion Of America

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Face the Truth Communist Leftists.

Your beloved Marxist Commander in Chief, The Wiretapper General and his Political Whore were having a threesome right under your nose in the State Department and White House with Vladimir Putin, and they asked a willing press to jump in to join them.

Vlad got his American Uranium. He got Billions given to his ally Iran so they could buy our American Uranium from Russia right in front of the world to see, just to put it in their nuclear weapons, and in to their missiles, marked with "Death To America." Putin also got from Obama and Clinton The Crimea, and our Hypersonic Missile Technology.

To reward Clinton and Obama for their service, he gave Clinton $125 Million, and Obama $64 Million for a phony book deal with the money laundered through a Russian influenced Publishing Company and The Clinton Foundation.

And to keep the good times rolling, Clinton and Obama asked for a favor. It cost them $15 Million to hire The KGB to create a burn book full of Propaganda called The Fusion GPS Dossier, which was written by Skirpal (Former Russian Spy) and Steele, and Former British Spy.
Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned nearly to death to silence them about what they knew about The Dossier, but they survived and won't be talking anyways.

Then Clinton, The DNC, and Obama used Russian Toads, like McCain, John Kerry as Couriers to deliver their payload of political destruction, "The Insurance Policy" to make sure "Trump Will Never Be President" to the FBI and DOJ.

Then faithful Russian Moles like James Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein used this Russian Bomb, this Kremlin Krap, Politburo Poop paid for by Obama, Clinton and The DNC to propagandize the FISA Courts to spy on a Presidential Campaign in order to cheat, lie, and steal their way to the White House, and people like Ohr, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper and others, carried out further dirty work to give this Radioactive Russian Rubbish legitimacy....

Make no mistake, this was a COUP, and it was a COUP led by Obama, Clinton, and faithful Russian Stooges on behalf of Vladimir Putin...for the sole purpose of keeping The Graft Machine, and Bribery, and Payouts going for corrupt politicians, FBI officials, DOJ officials and dirty judges.

People should face a firing squad for this, but instead, they'll be drunk on the French Riviera living off of Russian Rubbles they accepted for selling out America and Democracy. Unless there are real penalties to pay for such treachery, we just witnessed the last chapter of a dying Republic.

America is over if America is no longer Just, and No Longer a Nation of Laws, living under the Rule of Law and equal protection and freedoms for all people, regardless of their status, color or creed.
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Great Conspiracy Theory from Nut Job Central. You need a high quality aluminum foil hat for this one. Stay away from the name brand stuff and stick with the more expensive name brand heavy weight foil.
Face the Truth Communist Left Tards.

Your beloved Marxist Commander in Chief, The Wiretapper General and his Political Whore were having a threesome right under your nose in the State Department and White House with Vladimir Putin, and they asked a willing press to jump in to join them.

Vlad got his American Uranium. He got Billions given to his ally Iran so they could buy American Uranium to put in their nuclear weapons. He also got from Obama and Clinton The Crimea, and our Hypersonic Missile Technology.

To reward Clinton and Obama for their service, he gave Clinton $125 Million, and Obama $64 Million for a phony book deal with the money laundered through a Russian influenced Publishing Company.

And to keep the good times rolling, Clinton and Obama asked for a favor. It cost them $15 Million to hire The KGB to create a burn book full of Propaganda called The Fusion GPS Dossier, which was written by Skirpal and Former Russian Spy and Steele, and Former British Spy.

Then they used Russian Toads, like McCain, John Kerry as Couriers to deliver the payload of destruction, "The Insurance Policy" to make sure "Trump Will Never Be President" to the FBI and DOJ.

Then faithful Russian Moles like James Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein used this Russian Bomb, this Kremlin Krap, Politburo Poop paid for by Obama, Clinton and The DNC to propagandize the FISA Courts to spy on a Presidential Campaign in order to cheat, lie, and steal their way to the White House, and people like Ohr, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper and others, carried out further dirty work to give this Radioactive Russian Rubbish legitimacy....

Make no mistake, this was a COUP, and it was a COUP led by Obama, Clinton, and faithful Russian Stooges on behalf of Vladimir Putin...for the sole purpose of keeping The Graft Machine, and Bribery, and Payouts going for corrupt politicians, FBI officials, DOJ officials and dirty judges.

People should face a firing squad for this, but instead, they'll be drunk on the French Riviera living off of Russian Rubbles they accepted for selling out America and Democracy. Unless there are real penalties to pay for such treachery, we just witnessed the last chapter of a dying Republic.

America is over if America is no longer Just, and No Longer a Nation of Laws, living under the Rule of Law and equal protection and freedoms for all people, regardless of their status, color or creed.
There is not one single true statement in that whole post.
Great Conspiracy Theory from Nut Job Central. You need a high quality aluminum foil hat for this one. Stay away from the name brand stuff and stick with the more expensive name brand heavy weight foil.
"trump is torturing children!"
There was NEVER any Russian invasion of America. If somebody believes there was one it only means it's something wrong with her/his brains.

Dear Americans, I almost feel sorry for you because anti-Russian propaganda is huge in your country and you don't get to know the truth about real Russia, not alleged. Sad.
There was NEVER any Russian invasion of America. If somebody believes there was one it only means it's something wrong with her/his brains.

Dear Americans, I almost feel sorry for you because anti-Russian propaganda is huge in your country and you don't get to know the truth about real Russia, not alleged. Sad.
How do you explain Clinton and Obama paying for Russian Propaganda, and giving it to James Comey, and Rosenstein, then using that in a FISA Court for an ILLEGAL WIRE TAPPING WARRANT?
Face the Truth Communist Leftists.

Your beloved Marxist Commander in Chief, The Wiretapper General and his Political Whore were having a threesome right under your nose in the State Department and White House with Vladimir Putin, and they asked a willing press to jump in to join them.

Vlad got his American Uranium. He got Billions given to his ally Iran so they could buy our American Uranium from Russia right in front of the world to see, just to put it in their nuclear weapons, and in to their missiles, marked with "Death To America." Putin also got from Obama and Clinton The Crimea, and our Hypersonic Missile Technology.

To reward Clinton and Obama for their service, he gave Clinton $125 Million, and Obama $64 Million for a phony book deal with the money laundered through a Russian influenced Publishing Company and The Clinton Foundation.

And to keep the good times rolling, Clinton and Obama asked for a favor. It cost them $15 Million to hire The KGB to create a burn book full of Propaganda called The Fusion GPS Dossier, which was written by Skirpal (Former Russian Spy) and Steele, and Former British Spy.
Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned nearly to death to silence them about what they knew about The Dossier, but they survived and won't be talking anyways.

Then Clinton, The DNC, and Obama used Russian Toads, like McCain, John Kerry as Couriers to deliver their payload of political destruction, "The Insurance Policy" to make sure "Trump Will Never Be President" to the FBI and DOJ.

Then faithful Russian Moles like James Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein used this Russian Bomb, this Kremlin Krap, Politburo Poop paid for by Obama, Clinton and The DNC to propagandize the FISA Courts to spy on a Presidential Campaign in order to cheat, lie, and steal their way to the White House, and people like Ohr, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper and others, carried out further dirty work to give this Radioactive Russian Rubbish legitimacy....

Make no mistake, this was a COUP, and it was a COUP led by Obama, Clinton, and faithful Russian Stooges on behalf of Vladimir Putin...for the sole purpose of keeping The Graft Machine, and Bribery, and Payouts going for corrupt politicians, FBI officials, DOJ officials and dirty judges.

People should face a firing squad for this, but instead, they'll be drunk on the French Riviera living off of Russian Rubbles they accepted for selling out America and Democracy. Unless there are real penalties to pay for such treachery, we just witnessed the last chapter of a dying Republic.

America is over if America is no longer Just, and No Longer a Nation of Laws, living under the Rule of Law and equal protection and freedoms for all people, regardless of their status, color or creed.

These people always project. The day they claimed they lost because of Russian interference was the day we should have known they had been working with Russians. Things run together...their scandals are too hard to keep track of...but did the Democrats start hollering "collusion" before or after they were exposed as having compiled that dossier with the KGB? I honestly cant remember.
Face the Truth Communist Leftists.

Your beloved Marxist Commander in Chief, The Wiretapper General and his Political Whore were having a threesome right under your nose in the State Department and White House with Vladimir Putin, and they asked a willing press to jump in to join them.

Vlad got his American Uranium. He got Billions given to his ally Iran so they could buy our American Uranium from Russia right in front of the world to see, just to put it in their nuclear weapons, and in to their missiles, marked with "Death To America." Putin also got from Obama and Clinton The Crimea, and our Hypersonic Missile Technology.

To reward Clinton and Obama for their service, he gave Clinton $125 Million, and Obama $64 Million for a phony book deal with the money laundered through a Russian influenced Publishing Company and The Clinton Foundation.

And to keep the good times rolling, Clinton and Obama asked for a favor. It cost them $15 Million to hire The KGB to create a burn book full of Propaganda called The Fusion GPS Dossier, which was written by Skirpal (Former Russian Spy) and Steele, and Former British Spy.
Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned nearly to death to silence them about what they knew about The Dossier, but they survived and won't be talking anyways.

Then Clinton, The DNC, and Obama used Russian Toads, like McCain, John Kerry as Couriers to deliver their payload of political destruction, "The Insurance Policy" to make sure "Trump Will Never Be President" to the FBI and DOJ.

Then faithful Russian Moles like James Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein used this Russian Bomb, this Kremlin Krap, Politburo Poop paid for by Obama, Clinton and The DNC to propagandize the FISA Courts to spy on a Presidential Campaign in order to cheat, lie, and steal their way to the White House, and people like Ohr, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper and others, carried out further dirty work to give this Radioactive Russian Rubbish legitimacy....

Make no mistake, this was a COUP, and it was a COUP led by Obama, Clinton, and faithful Russian Stooges on behalf of Vladimir Putin...for the sole purpose of keeping The Graft Machine, and Bribery, and Payouts going for corrupt politicians, FBI officials, DOJ officials and dirty judges.

People should face a firing squad for this, but instead, they'll be drunk on the French Riviera living off of Russian Rubbles they accepted for selling out America and Democracy. Unless there are real penalties to pay for such treachery, we just witnessed the last chapter of a dying Republic.

America is over if America is no longer Just, and No Longer a Nation of Laws, living under the Rule of Law and equal protection and freedoms for all people, regardless of their status, color or creed.

These people always project. The day they claimed they lost because of Russian interference was the day we should have known they had been working with Russians. Things run together...their scandals are too hard to keep track of...but did the Democrats start hollering "collusion" before or after they were exposed as having compiled that dossier with the KGB? I honestly cant remember.

You hear no mention of Rotten Russia from The Dems when Russia gave Clinton $125 Million when Obama was in office, nor do you hear about it when Obama, Holder, Clinton and McCain sold our Uranium to Russia, nor do you hear about it when Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein looked the other way when Rosatom was bribing everyone who would take their Rubbles to make Uranium One Happen.

You don't hear about Rotten Russia when Clinton, Obama, and The DNC paid Putin $15 Million for the Fusion GPS Dossier, written by a former Russian and British Spy. You don't hear Rotten Russians when James Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and Yates knowingly lied to the FISA court and Knowingly used Russian Propaganda to solict an Illegal Wiretapping Warrant. And all you heard from Obama when talking about Russia is "stop that you big bully," right before he takes $64 Million dollars for a book he still hasn't written yet.
There was NEVER any Russian invasion of America. If somebody believes there was one it only means it's something wrong with her/his brains.

Dear Americans, I almost feel sorry for you because anti-Russian propaganda is huge in your country and you don't get to know the truth about real Russia, not alleged. Sad.
How do you explain Clinton and Obama paying for Russian Propaganda, and giving it to James Comey, and Rosenstein, then using that in a FISA Court for an ILLEGAL WIRE TAPPING WARRANT?
That's easy, I don't have to explain anything because IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
Face the Truth Communist Leftists.

Your beloved Marxist Commander in Chief, The Wiretapper General and his Political Whore were having a threesome right under your nose in the State Department and White House with Vladimir Putin, and they asked a willing press to jump in to join them.

Vlad got his American Uranium. He got Billions given to his ally Iran so they could buy our American Uranium from Russia right in front of the world to see, just to put it in their nuclear weapons, and in to their missiles, marked with "Death To America." Putin also got from Obama and Clinton The Crimea, and our Hypersonic Missile Technology.

To reward Clinton and Obama for their service, he gave Clinton $125 Million, and Obama $64 Million for a phony book deal with the money laundered through a Russian influenced Publishing Company and The Clinton Foundation.

And to keep the good times rolling, Clinton and Obama asked for a favor. It cost them $15 Million to hire The KGB to create a burn book full of Propaganda called The Fusion GPS Dossier, which was written by Skirpal (Former Russian Spy) and Steele, and Former British Spy.
Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned nearly to death to silence them about what they knew about The Dossier, but they survived and won't be talking anyways.

Then Clinton, The DNC, and Obama used Russian Toads, like McCain, John Kerry as Couriers to deliver their payload of political destruction, "The Insurance Policy" to make sure "Trump Will Never Be President" to the FBI and DOJ.

Then faithful Russian Moles like James Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein used this Russian Bomb, this Kremlin Krap, Politburo Poop paid for by Obama, Clinton and The DNC to propagandize the FISA Courts to spy on a Presidential Campaign in order to cheat, lie, and steal their way to the White House, and people like Ohr, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper and others, carried out further dirty work to give this Radioactive Russian Rubbish legitimacy....

Make no mistake, this was a COUP, and it was a COUP led by Obama, Clinton, and faithful Russian Stooges on behalf of Vladimir Putin...for the sole purpose of keeping The Graft Machine, and Bribery, and Payouts going for corrupt politicians, FBI officials, DOJ officials and dirty judges.

People should face a firing squad for this, but instead, they'll be drunk on the French Riviera living off of Russian Rubbles they accepted for selling out America and Democracy. Unless there are real penalties to pay for such treachery, we just witnessed the last chapter of a dying Republic.

America is over if America is no longer Just, and No Longer a Nation of Laws, living under the Rule of Law and equal protection and freedoms for all people, regardless of their status, color or creed.

C/P'd straight out of some RW psycho site ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

There was NEVER any Russian invasion of America. If somebody believes there was one it only means it's something wrong with her/his brains.

Dear Americans, I almost feel sorry for you because anti-Russian propaganda is huge in your country and you don't get to know the truth about real Russia, not alleged. Sad.
How do you explain Clinton and Obama paying for Russian Propaganda, and giving it to James Comey, and Rosenstein, then using that in a FISA Court for an ILLEGAL WIRE TAPPING WARRANT?
That's easy, I don't have to explain anything because IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
So Comey, Yates, Rosenstein, McCabe did not use Russian Propaganda to secure an Illegal Wiretapping Warrant on The Trump Campaign in order to cheat, lie, steal their way to the White House? So you are saying they never tried to cash in their "Insurance Policy"?

Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Investor's Business Daily
Face the Truth Communist Leftists.

Your beloved Marxist Commander in Chief, The Wiretapper General and his Political Whore were having a threesome right under your nose in the State Department and White House with Vladimir Putin, and they asked a willing press to jump in to join them.

Vlad got his American Uranium. He got Billions given to his ally Iran so they could buy our American Uranium from Russia right in front of the world to see, just to put it in their nuclear weapons, and in to their missiles, marked with "Death To America." Putin also got from Obama and Clinton The Crimea, and our Hypersonic Missile Technology.

To reward Clinton and Obama for their service, he gave Clinton $125 Million, and Obama $64 Million for a phony book deal with the money laundered through a Russian influenced Publishing Company and The Clinton Foundation.

And to keep the good times rolling, Clinton and Obama asked for a favor. It cost them $15 Million to hire The KGB to create a burn book full of Propaganda called The Fusion GPS Dossier, which was written by Skirpal (Former Russian Spy) and Steele, and Former British Spy.
Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned nearly to death to silence them about what they knew about The Dossier, but they survived and won't be talking anyways.

Then Clinton, The DNC, and Obama used Russian Toads, like McCain, John Kerry as Couriers to deliver their payload of political destruction, "The Insurance Policy" to make sure "Trump Will Never Be President" to the FBI and DOJ.

Then faithful Russian Moles like James Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein used this Russian Bomb, this Kremlin Krap, Politburo Poop paid for by Obama, Clinton and The DNC to propagandize the FISA Courts to spy on a Presidential Campaign in order to cheat, lie, and steal their way to the White House, and people like Ohr, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper and others, carried out further dirty work to give this Radioactive Russian Rubbish legitimacy....

Make no mistake, this was a COUP, and it was a COUP led by Obama, Clinton, and faithful Russian Stooges on behalf of Vladimir Putin...for the sole purpose of keeping The Graft Machine, and Bribery, and Payouts going for corrupt politicians, FBI officials, DOJ officials and dirty judges.

People should face a firing squad for this, but instead, they'll be drunk on the French Riviera living off of Russian Rubbles they accepted for selling out America and Democracy. Unless there are real penalties to pay for such treachery, we just witnessed the last chapter of a dying Republic.

America is over if America is no longer Just, and No Longer a Nation of Laws, living under the Rule of Law and equal protection and freedoms for all people, regardless of their status, color or creed.

C/P'd straight out of some RW psycho site ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Written by me, a person far more intelligent and intellectual than you are.

It takes a Village to raise a Leftist Idiot.
In addition to the OP's valid point that Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that we know, without a shadow of a doubt, worked with the Russians to defeat Trump

Who spent millions to "astroturf" Facebook and Twitter with orders to "swarm" any accounts that posted pro trump? LINK

Who paid thugs to violently break up Trump rallies across the country? LINK

Who suborned the primary process and stacked the deck against her opponent leading to two resignations after Wikileaks revealed their duplicity in getting debate questions to Hillary before hand? LINK LINK2

Who had the media as willing accomplishes working in an Orwellian fashion to slant news in her favor even to the point of submitting stories to the Hillary campaign for review and approval? LINK

Who had law enforcement agents working to "stop Trump" like a third world shithole? LINK

Who had a government spy in her opponents campaign and watergate style bugging of his communications? LINK

None of the above attacks on democracy and decency were carried out by Russians. They were carried out by the Democrat party which has been working against America since Ted Kennedy wrote the USSR asking for communist help in defeating Reagan. LINK

Face the Truth Communist Leftists.

Your beloved Marxist Commander in Chief, The Wiretapper General and his Political Whore were having a threesome right under your nose in the State Department and White House with Vladimir Putin, and they asked a willing press to jump in to join them.

Vlad got his American Uranium. He got Billions given to his ally Iran so they could buy our American Uranium from Russia right in front of the world to see, just to put it in their nuclear weapons, and in to their missiles, marked with "Death To America." Putin also got from Obama and Clinton The Crimea, and our Hypersonic Missile Technology.

To reward Clinton and Obama for their service, he gave Clinton $125 Million, and Obama $64 Million for a phony book deal with the money laundered through a Russian influenced Publishing Company and The Clinton Foundation.

And to keep the good times rolling, Clinton and Obama asked for a favor. It cost them $15 Million to hire The KGB to create a burn book full of Propaganda called The Fusion GPS Dossier, which was written by Skirpal (Former Russian Spy) and Steele, and Former British Spy.
Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned nearly to death to silence them about what they knew about The Dossier, but they survived and won't be talking anyways.

Then Clinton, The DNC, and Obama used Russian Toads, like McCain, John Kerry as Couriers to deliver their payload of political destruction, "The Insurance Policy" to make sure "Trump Will Never Be President" to the FBI and DOJ.

Then faithful Russian Moles like James Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein used this Russian Bomb, this Kremlin Krap, Politburo Poop paid for by Obama, Clinton and The DNC to propagandize the FISA Courts to spy on a Presidential Campaign in order to cheat, lie, and steal their way to the White House, and people like Ohr, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper and others, carried out further dirty work to give this Radioactive Russian Rubbish legitimacy....

Make no mistake, this was a COUP, and it was a COUP led by Obama, Clinton, and faithful Russian Stooges on behalf of Vladimir Putin...for the sole purpose of keeping The Graft Machine, and Bribery, and Payouts going for corrupt politicians, FBI officials, DOJ officials and dirty judges.

People should face a firing squad for this, but instead, they'll be drunk on the French Riviera living off of Russian Rubbles they accepted for selling out America and Democracy. Unless there are real penalties to pay for such treachery, we just witnessed the last chapter of a dying Republic.

America is over if America is no longer Just, and No Longer a Nation of Laws, living under the Rule of Law and equal protection and freedoms for all people, regardless of their status, color or creed.

These people always project. The day they claimed they lost because of Russian interference was the day we should have known they had been working with Russians. Things run together...their scandals are too hard to keep track of...but did the Democrats start hollering "collusion" before or after they were exposed as having compiled that dossier with the KGB? I honestly cant remember.

You hear no mention of Rotten Russia from The Dems when Russia gave Clinton $125 Million when Obama was in office, nor do you hear about it when Obama, Holder, Clinton and McCain sold our Uranium to Russia, nor do you hear about it when Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein looked the other way when Rosatom was bribing everyone who would take their Rubbles to make Uranium One Happen.

You don't hear about Rotten Russia when Clinton, Obama, and The DNC paid Putin $15 Million for the Fusion GPS Dossier, written by a former Russian and British Spy. You don't hear Rotten Russians when James Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and Yates knowingly lied to the FISA court and Knowingly used Russian Propaganda to solict an Illegal Wiretapping Warrant. And all you heard from Obama when talking about Russia is "stop that you big bully," right before he takes $64 Million dollars for a book he still hasn't written yet.

I haven't been reading here for a few days..but you did hear that Obama ordered a "stand down" in defending against Russian cyber attacks in the summer 2016?

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
In addition to the OP's valid point that Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that we know, without a shadow of a doubt, worked with the Russians to defeat Trump

Who spent millions to "astroturf" Facebook and Twitter with orders to "swarm" any accounts that posted pro trump? LINK

Who paid thugs to violently break up Trump rallies across the country? LINK

Who suborned the primary process and stacked the deck against her opponent leading to two resignations after Wikileaks revealed their duplicity in getting debate questions to Hillary before hand? LINK LINK2

Who had the media as willing accomplishes working in an Orwellian fashion to slant news in her favor even to the point of submitting stories to the Hillary campaign for review and approval? LINK

Who had law enforcement agents working to "stop Trump" like a third world shithole? LINK

Who had a government spy in her opponents campaign and watergate style bugging of his communications? LINK

None of the above attacks on democracy and decency were carried out by Russians. They were carried out by the Democrat party which has been working against America since Ted Kennedy wrote the USSR asking for communist help in defeating Reagan. LINK

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There was NEVER any Russian invasion of America. If somebody believes there was one it only means it's something wrong with her/his brains.

Dear Americans, I almost feel sorry for you because anti-Russian propaganda is huge in your country and you don't get to know the truth about real Russia, not alleged. Sad.
How do you explain Clinton and Obama paying for Russian Propaganda, and giving it to James Comey, and Rosenstein, then using that in a FISA Court for an ILLEGAL WIRE TAPPING WARRANT?
Watching the forum I can see that someone has been skillfully setting both sides up against Russia: Dems strongly believe it’s Russians who have elected the American president and many Republicans believe Russians have been doing something in favor of Clinton. In my opinion neither one is true, there are smart and powerful people in your country who want to make Russia a boogeyman to keep war industry and “defensive” budgets up.

I know some people from USA who have never voted before Trump appeared on the political stage. They rushed and got registered to vote for Trump because they were sure Hillary Clinton would had started a war against Russia and they did NOT want their sons to go to that war.

Think about that.
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There was NEVER any Russian invasion of America. If somebody believes there was one it only means it's something wrong with her/his brains.

Dear Americans, I almost feel sorry for you because anti-Russian propaganda is huge in your country and you don't get to know the truth about real Russia, not alleged. Sad.
How do you explain Clinton and Obama paying for Russian Propaganda, and giving it to James Comey, and Rosenstein, then using that in a FISA Court for an ILLEGAL WIRE TAPPING WARRANT?
Watching the forum I can see that someone has been skillfully setting both sides up against Russia: Dems strongly believe it’s Russians who have elected the American president and many Republicans believe Russians have been doing something in favor of Clinton. In my opinion neither one is true, there are smart and powerful people in your country who want to make Russia a boogeyman to keep war industry and “defensive” budgets up.

I know some people from USA who have never voted before Trump appeared on the political stage. They went ahead and got registered to vote for Trump because they were sure if Clinton had won she would had started a war against Russia and they did NOT want their sons to go to that war.

AG Sessions: Peter Strzok was escorted out of the FBI because he lost his security clearance

“My take is that it is possible that escorting him out meant that the inspector general’s Russia investigation is going to be brutal for him,” the former official told Fox News. “If you’re the subject or mentioned by name in an OIG report, they typically show you the parts of the report that relate to you.”

The official added: “At the end of the day, one of the drafts of the next inspector general report is making its way around and the findings are alarming to the FBI.”…

The former official also speculated the Strzok’s escort out of the building could be related to a loss of security clearance, or even the findings of personal texts or emails from Strzok and Page that the inspector general was not able to obtain.

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