The real “takers” in America are the unproductive, rent-extracting rich

[*] "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking threads.
Yet here we have the democrats giving them bail-outs. Must be nice to be a hypocrite.
Note the shift - used to be pretty much European nations and the United States on this list. We still lead, but look at the impact globalization has had. Europe is third now behind Asian countries which should be no surprise. We're taking the hit yet millions in other countries are climbing out of poverty for the first time ever due to the evolution of the global economy.

"Once again the U.S. leads the list with 442 billionaires, followed by Asia-Pacific (386), Europe (366), the Americas (129) and the Middle East & Africa (103)."

Inside The 2013 Billionaires List: Facts and Figures - Forbes
Actually, the Real Takers in America are anyone who expects the government to siphon income and wealth from somebody else in order to give it to oneself.
When are you going to tell us who Bill Gates took from?

Note the shift - used to be pretty much European nations and the United States on this list. We still lead, but look at the impact globalization has had. Europe is third now behind Asian countries which should be no surprise. We're taking the hit yet millions in other countries are climbing out of poverty for the first time ever due to the evolution of the global economy.

"Once again the U.S. leads the list with 442 billionaires, followed by Asia-Pacific (386), Europe (366), the Americas (129) and the Middle East & Africa (103)."

Inside The 2013 Billionaires List: Facts and Figures - Forbes

'nuff said.

Just diss the source, that's all it takes, hey? Well, like I told the OP there's lots of people studying world economics today and the book I'm currently reading confirms the OP's thesis. I understand a lot of people can't leave their partisan playbook comfort zones and think in the round, but this doesn't have anything much to do with politics, only to the extent that you can learn who really puts our "elected" officials into office. It's not you and me.

Yea knobby, I do know alot of people are making money by just flipping something. but sometimes those flippers get bored of it, move up and use that cash to start a brick and mortar company like the guy I work for now. we have 38 employess now, when I just started there was just 8 of us last september.

'nuff said.

Just diss the source, that's all it takes, hey? Well, like I told the OP there's lots of people studying world economics today and the book I'm currently reading confirms the OP's thesis. I understand a lot of people can't leave their partisan playbook comfort zones and think in the round, but this doesn't have anything much to do with politics, only to the extent that you can learn who really puts our "elected" officials into office. It's not you and me.

Yea knobby, I do know alot of people are making money by just flipping something. but sometimes those flippers get bored of it, move up and use that cash to start a brick and mortar company like the guy I work for now. we have 38 employess now, when I just started there was just 8 of us last september.

Cool, but those are not the people we are talking about here. People like your boss are salt of the earth types we can all relate to and still have the ability to be if we aspire. One of my daughters is married to a guy who, with his dad, made a multi-million dollar business installing sprinkler systems for fire prevention. When the old man started, he was the only show in the state until others caught on. Those people work their asses off and enjoy their "creature comforts," but they work killer hours.

What we're talking about here goes way beyond that and your boss because your boss like my daughter's husband's business EMPLOY people at a reasonable wage (I'm assuming in your case too). We're not even talking about the 1% anymore. We're talking about the 0.01%. While it's true that includes guys like Bill Gates and some others who are directly related to jobs being created in this "new" economy, it's amazing the % in that group that get rich in their sleep just moving other people's money.

We simply need these people, more of them, reinvesting back into America. They got the clout and political connections to get that done. It's a global economy now and like the link above shows, other nations are catching up with us economically. Shouldn't that concern the people who could really do something about it?
Just diss the source, that's all it takes, hey? Well, like I told the OP there's lots of people studying world economics today and the book I'm currently reading confirms the OP's thesis. I understand a lot of people can't leave their partisan playbook comfort zones and think in the round, but this doesn't have anything much to do with politics, only to the extent that you can learn who really puts our "elected" officials into office. It's not you and me.

Yea knobby, I do know alot of people are making money by just flipping something. but sometimes those flippers get bored of it, move up and use that cash to start a brick and mortar company like the guy I work for now. we have 38 employess now, when I just started there was just 8 of us last september.

Cool, but those are not the people we are talking about here. People like your boss are salt of the earth types we can all relate to and still have the ability to be if we aspire. One of my daughters is married to a guy who, with his dad, made a multi-million dollar business installing sprinkler systems for fire prevention. When the old man started, he was the only show in the state until others caught on. Those people work their asses off and enjoy their "creature comforts," but they work killer hours.

What we're talking about here goes way beyond that and your boss because your boss like my daughter's husband's business EMPLOY people at a reasonable wage (I'm assuming in your case too). We're not even talking about the 1% anymore. We're talking about the 0.01%. While it's true that includes guys like Bill Gates and some others who are directly related to jobs being created in this "new" economy, it's amazing the % in that group that get rich in their sleep just moving other people's money.

We simply need these people, more of them, reinvesting back into America. They got the clout and political connections to get that done. It's a global economy now and like the link above shows, other nations are catching up with us economically. Shouldn't that concern the people who could really do something about it?

what is the title of that book? something I should read....
Robbing the rich could possibly be in my own self interest, but I seriously doubt it. What I have is mine. Wealth created through my own labors, my own mental acuity, and my own capacity for taking risk. I live comfortably, and I suffer no guilt. I know for sure that once you mental midgets deplete the resources of the rich, you will be after me next.

So, what is in my own self interest? To do my best to stop you greedy, grabbing, blood suckers, before you get down to me, and the minimal wealth that I rely on.

I have never understood how supposedly sane adults could so envy the rich, that they spend time trying to figure out how to get their wealth away from them, instead of just putting their efforts toward creating their own wealth.
Good post and good topic. The irony is that I'm reading the below book right now that says that very same thing.

Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else: Chrystia Freeland: 9781594204098: Books

The irony is that you and Nitroz are both equally stupid. "taking" has a specific definition. It means acquiring someone else's property by force without their permission. None of the people you two idiots call "takers" have acquired their wealth in such a fashion. Only government and armed robbers do that.

Circle jerk go bad last night? Anyway, yea, the government is involved because they're the ones who donate huge to getting "their" candidates elected. When you have the government tilting the playing field in your favor, you're off and running.

I don't know where the fuck you are getting "acquiring someone else's property by force." "The People" are not doing that. The people you glorify ARE, and that's why the 1% are the only ones enjoying this "golden age" for them. What's a hedge fund manager produce, besides more wealth for the already wealthy? Nothing.

I get that this subject is way over your head, and that's why the likes of you and Stephony want to drag it down to a simplistic partisan fight, like everything else you sheep are trained to do.

No one needed to drag it down. The article you are discussing already did that. Hedge fund managers do not produce wealth, they transfer it around from one wealthy entity to another wealthy entity, and none of it need bother your pointy little head. It is not your money they are playing with.

Hedge fund managers do not take any wealth by force. Only government and armed thugs can get away with that.

If you are not enjoying this golden age, it is nobody's fault but your own. All you have to do is start a solar energy company, and Obama will throw money at you. Money taken by the power of government from someone who didn't want to give it up.
The irony is that you and Nitroz are both equally stupid. "taking" has a specific definition. It means acquiring someone else's property by force without their permission. None of the people you two idiots call "takers" have acquired their wealth in such a fashion. Only government and armed robbers do that.

Circle jerk go bad last night? Anyway, yea, the government is involved because they're the ones who donate huge to getting "their" candidates elected. When you have the government tilting the playing field in your favor, you're off and running.

I don't know where the fuck you are getting "acquiring someone else's property by force." "The People" are not doing that. The people you glorify ARE, and that's why the 1% are the only ones enjoying this "golden age" for them. What's a hedge fund manager produce, besides more wealth for the already wealthy? Nothing.

I get that this subject is way over your head, and that's why the likes of you and Stephony want to drag it down to a simplistic partisan fight, like everything else you sheep are trained to do.

No one needed to drag it down. The article you are discussing already did that. Hedge fund managers do not produce wealth, they transfer it around from one wealthy entity to another wealthy entity, and none of it need bother your pointy little head. It is not your money they are playing with.

Hedge fund managers do not take any wealth by force. Only government and armed thugs can get away with that.

If you are not enjoying this golden age, it is nobody's fault but your own. All you have to do is start a solar energy company, and Obama will throw money at you. Money taken by the power of government from someone who didn't want to give it up.

I really am curious to understand why and whom talked obama into thinking we could automaticaly compete with china on solar panels? just like the new manhatten project I read obama is throwing cash at some nerds in illinois to develope a new car battery.... pie in the sky.
The problem with the thread and the article, well, one of the many problems, is that the label "takers" implies that they simply take. That is completely wrong. The "Takers" are those who produce nothing yet demand to recieve. The welfare brood mares and the rest of the paracites.

No, you see the "takers" as the welfare queens raising 5 kids by 5 different dads with a check that wouldn't even fill up a big pickup truck with gas. The new "takers" of today ARE true takers who do nothing to provide jobs and when they do, they are so poorly paying as to not afford the worker the opportunity to invest BACK into the economy. Now we're talking the REAL wealthy - the new breed of billionaires who make money in their sleep. So as to not get it fucked up, we're NOT talking about the guy who owns the book publishing company of 50 people, for example. We're talking WEALTHY. Shaq is rich - Bill Gates is WEALTHY.

Ah, the bottom line. The evil billionaires are the ones who are not sharing their wealth sufficiently to satisfy the left wing loons. They don't provide enough jobs, and the jobs they do provide don't pay enough.

Poor, sad, greedy, little pointy headed liberal/socialists, ain't getting their fair share.
XXXXXXX Unlike the Manhattan Project that was supposed to end up with the bomb, obama's plan was to end up with nothing but a transfer of money to his friends. The Emperor's New Clothes. Intentional this time.
Just diss the source, that's all it takes, hey? Well, like I told the OP there's lots of people studying world economics today and the book I'm currently reading confirms the OP's thesis. I understand a lot of people can't leave their partisan playbook comfort zones and think in the round, but this doesn't have anything much to do with politics, only to the extent that you can learn who really puts our "elected" officials into office. It's not you and me.

Yea knobby, I do know alot of people are making money by just flipping something. but sometimes those flippers get bored of it, move up and use that cash to start a brick and mortar company like the guy I work for now. we have 38 employess now, when I just started there was just 8 of us last september.

Cool, but those are not the people we are talking about here. People like your boss are salt of the earth types we can all relate to and still have the ability to be if we aspire. One of my daughters is married to a guy who, with his dad, made a multi-million dollar business installing sprinkler systems for fire prevention. When the old man started, he was the only show in the state until others caught on. Those people work their asses off and enjoy their "creature comforts," but they work killer hours.

What we're talking about here goes way beyond that and your boss because your boss like my daughter's husband's business EMPLOY people at a reasonable wage (I'm assuming in your case too). We're not even talking about the 1% anymore. We're talking about the 0.01%. While it's true that includes guys like Bill Gates and some others who are directly related to jobs being created in this "new" economy, it's amazing the % in that group that get rich in their sleep just moving other people's money.

We simply need these people, more of them, reinvesting back into America. They got the clout and political connections to get that done. It's a global economy now and like the link above shows, other nations are catching up with us economically. Shouldn't that concern the people who could really do something about it?

If you want those people reinvesting in America, then it behoves you to help create an economic environment that draws their investments back to America. None of them owe you or me any consideration, nor do we have any moral justification to call for them to do something that is not in their best financial interest.
Yea knobby, I do know alot of people are making money by just flipping something. but sometimes those flippers get bored of it, move up and use that cash to start a brick and mortar company like the guy I work for now. we have 38 employess now, when I just started there was just 8 of us last september.

Cool, but those are not the people we are talking about here. People like your boss are salt of the earth types we can all relate to and still have the ability to be if we aspire. One of my daughters is married to a guy who, with his dad, made a multi-million dollar business installing sprinkler systems for fire prevention. When the old man started, he was the only show in the state until others caught on. Those people work their asses off and enjoy their "creature comforts," but they work killer hours.

What we're talking about here goes way beyond that and your boss because your boss like my daughter's husband's business EMPLOY people at a reasonable wage (I'm assuming in your case too). We're not even talking about the 1% anymore. We're talking about the 0.01%. While it's true that includes guys like Bill Gates and some others who are directly related to jobs being created in this "new" economy, it's amazing the % in that group that get rich in their sleep just moving other people's money.

We simply need these people, more of them, reinvesting back into America. They got the clout and political connections to get that done. It's a global economy now and like the link above shows, other nations are catching up with us economically. Shouldn't that concern the people who could really do something about it?

what is the title of that book? something I should read....

Here you go: [ame=]Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else: Chrystia Freeland: 9781594204098: Books[/ame]
Robbing the rich could possibly be in my own self interest, but I seriously doubt it. What I have is mine. Wealth created through my own labors, my own mental acuity, and my own capacity for taking risk. I live comfortably, and I suffer no guilt. I know for sure that once you mental midgets deplete the resources of the rich, you will be after me next.

So, what is in my own self interest? To do my best to stop you greedy, grabbing, blood suckers, before you get down to me, and the minimal wealth that I rely on.

I have never understood how supposedly sane adults could so envy the rich, that they spend time trying to figure out how to get their wealth away from them, instead of just putting their efforts toward creating their own wealth.

No one is proposing touching their money. It's just an analysis of the new global economy and how it's producing a new breed of mostly self made ultra wealthy and how it's done. People like us are happy with our lot in life, you are and I am. It's not the book's proposition because I'm not that far into it but my own proposition that I find myself imagining what could be done with that to advance America back to a leading world power, like the Rockefellers and the Carnegies did over 100 years ago.

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