The Real Victims of the Liberal Socialist Democratic Agenda


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
The real victims of the Liberal Socialist Democratic agenda is always the taxpayer. I cannot recall the last time one of their candidates didn't blame all the ills of the nation on the wealthy. It's an old needle-worn scratched record that never finishes playing. It's always stuck in the same grove.

Every proposal these candidates make is to tax the wealthy (which really means the 50% or so that actually pay all the federal income taxes) even more each election cycle. This election cycle is certainly no different. Of course this is quickly lapped up by all their underachieving Liberal Socialist base. "Make the other guy pay for it!" they scream. "He's got no right to be successful when we are not." "He's a bigot and cares nothing for the little guy." It is totally sickening and so very juvenile and small on their part.

This nation is taking in more revenue than at any time in history. Cut spending? Don't you dare!! We won't tighten our belts one iota and we expect increases in entitlements. Why shouldn't we, who have never contributed either blood or revenue not be allowed to have a free college education, free healthcare, and whatever else we damn please. We deserve it. We're Americans. If you disagree then you're a racist and a bigot.
Another fact free post by the willfully ignorant.

Seriously, that's not even close to true or you would have posted links.

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