The real way to really fix Education


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
The only way to fix education is to get it away from being an entitlement and back to being something that is a privilege to do. The only to do that is to stop it from being free. School should be provided at 100% of cost only from K through the fifth grade. After that a child has to maintain a B average to continue their education for free. If a child’s grades drop below a B average then the child’s education must be paid for until it is above a B average again. Even if the child stays out of school or if the parent can only afford for the child to re-take one course then so be it. This will get the parents back involved in their kid’s education.
It's "free" in Europe too and yet they are highly more intelligent than the idiots we're shipping out of the government schools, so I don't think your solution is exactly the right cure for the disease.
The cure for our educational system lies in the home. Until there is an desire for education there, the children will reflect the attitude of their parents. In this nation, there is a lack of respect for education and science, and pride in willfull ignorance. Until that is reversed, we will not see any improvement in the education of our citizens. Same old saw about leading a horse to water.
It's "free" in Europe too and yet they are highly more intelligent than the idiots we're shipping out of the government schools, so I don't think your solution is exactly the right cure for the disease.

Then what is. I'm offering a solution and you are just saying no. What is your solution. Is your solution to move to Europe?
The cure for our educational system lies in the home. Until there is an desire for education there, the children will reflect the attitude of their parents. In this nation, there is a lack of respect for education and science, and pride in willfull ignorance. Until that is reversed, we will not see any improvement in the education of our citizens. Same old saw about leading a horse to water.

That is the goal of my solution. Since people have lost sight in the importance of education we must make it more important that the kids get good grades. We have to drive the parents to care. Sure there will be some that still won’t but we need to try and help those we can.
I think we can fix education by providing more funds for free abortions. In fact, at this point in time, the only thing I'm willing to contribute to is free abortions for ALL. That might fix more than education too. If someone out there believes the little infestation spawning within them should be sucked out and disposed of, I say give them the benefit of doubt. In fact, I like the idea of retro-active abortions too. Disappointed with your little parasite, their grade point average on par with a libtard, wish you had aborted them when you had the chance? Return them to god for credit or exchange as you would return a broken toaster oven. If it's not functioning as a human or toaster oven should, it ain't a human or toasted oven.

Fix education by culling the herd.
Basically to improve education, remove the unions. That will solve tons of problems. We can get rid of incompetant teachers, teachers wont have to pay union dues, and they can use that money to pay for their benefits like regular people. Get rid of social promotion, school lunch program and all the crap that they run so they can get government money. All those programs are a scam. And above all change the curriculum back to real subjects (get rid of race relations classes, black history crap, gay history, indian history, women history, living in, how to get married, all of that garbage)
JOIN THE MILITARY !!! They'll teach you everything they know ! ( how to be a Nazi control freak).
Then they'll pay for your further education and you'll not have to worry about health care ! ( socialism).
'scuse me. I need to go wash my flag. The dogs been sleeping on it and it rained yesterday.
Archived-Articles: Why Shakir Can't Read

I was talking to a friend the other day who teaches at an elementary school and has a student whom I shall name Shakir. Shakir is ten, and he's barely literate. My friend's class is not a large one; she has five to eight students. She also has a teaching assistant, and between them, the kids receive a lot of personal, one-to-one attention. Nevertheless, Shakir still can't read.

A large part of the problem is that Shakir refuses to do his bit to educate himself. Given classwork in school, Shakir engages in a series of acts of avoidance. He will disrupt, pick fights with his classmates, curse, destroy objects in his environment, sleep, declare that he will do nothing, or take the entire day simply to write his name

The uncertainty of the shifting relationships in the boy's life is compounded by the constant housing moves to which his mother subjects the family. On welfare and a recipient of a Section Eight housing grant, Shakir's family experiences a regular housing cycle from apartment in a tough neighborhood to government-sponsored motel/hotel and back before the cycle repeats all over again. What determines the move from apartment in a tough neighborhood to a motel/hotel is his mother. Given an apartment found by the proper authorities, Shakir's mother will not pay rent, even though she receives money to do so.

His mother is either a high school dropout or limped her way to graduation with a poor academic record herself. She does not check his book-bag, makes no effort to ensure that he does his homework, nor does she provide any assistance with his reading. What she will do, when school authorities call her to complain about her son's behavior, is come to the school ready to curse and fight his teachers

There is no way to fix this.
I would say that the model we use is broken. Every guidance counselor in the US thinks that every single child needs to get a four-year college degree, which is ridiculous. High schools are dumbing down the curriculum so that they can get as many kids into college as possible, and colleges are more than happy to oblige by colluding with the federal government and private loan companies to get these kids signed up for as many loans as possible, and they're dumbing down their curriculum to keep kids from flunking out and taking the tuition for which they're borrowing money with them.

The answer is a) to re-invigorate trade and technical schools, b) get high schools out of the mind-set that all kids must go to a university, c) make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy again, and d) get the government out of the business of lending and granting money for college.
Just what is wrong with having a large, uneducated portion of the population?

Look at the Rethugs now. Large percentage of uneducated people and what harm are they doing?
Hell, the rethugs have all the answers to any questions. The answer is; Lower taxes. Any moron can understand that. You sure don't need any fancy education to unnerstan lower taxes.
Eliminate the US Department of Education, disband the UFT, all Federal monies previous spend on education in block granted to the states and they can run whatever educational program they see fit.
Eliminate the US Department of Education, disband the UFT, all Federal monies previous spend on education in block granted to the states and they can run whatever educational program they see fit.

Stupid will not hurt us one bit. We have a healthy dose of stupid going around right now and what harm has it done?

Home school every child in the country. No guvmint spending of any kind on education.

Just why do people think that being smart and educated is a good thing? We don't have that now and what harm has been done.

Except for the very rich. I want them in school for years. The ruling class does need to be able to read and write. But they should have to pay for their education themselves.
Stupid is what made people think "Hope" and "Change" were solid enough economic theories to elect a community organizer to POTUS
Hey cracker, I got my education when America was number 1 in the world in educating young people.

How 'bout you? You still working on your GED? Stay with it. When you get to working with a dictionary, look up "sarcasm". Big word, add it to your vocab.
Hey cracker, I got my education when America was number 1 in the world in educating young people.

How 'bout you? You still working on your GED? Stay with it. When you get to working with a dictionary, look up "sarcasm". Big word, add it to your vocab.
Too late to get your money back, I guess.

Sucks to be you. :lmao:
Stupid gave us George Bush......twice.

Hopefully stupid will give us Obama twice. Turn about and all that.

I like my chances better with Obama supporters than stupid Mittens lovers.

If only the Rethugs had just one legislative action that was to my benefit, I might listen to them.

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