The Reasons Comey was Fired...The Letter that Explains it all...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Jeff Sessions recommended Trump fire James Comey in letter

Several former DOJ's weighed in on the malpractice of James Comey in his handling of selacious stories during and after the election cycle. Many of the AG's explain why the parting from protocol was unacceptable and debilitating to the orgaization which could only be refreshed by removing James Comey.

I could not copy the document but perhaps someone else can. Read it here...

Trump’s Tortuous Path to Firing James Comey – Mother Jones
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Comey was a joke
Complains about how Trump treated him and then leaks to some college sugardaddy
Page 3 of Rosenstein’s letter:

The Director was wrong to usurp the AG’s authority on July 15, 2016 and announce his conclusion that the case be closed without prosecution. It is not the function of the Director to make such an announcement. At the most, the Director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented it to federal prosecutors…the FBI Director is never empowered to supplant federal prosecutors and assume command of the Justice Dept.

The Director announced his own conclusions about the nation’s most sensitive criminal investigation without the duly appointed Justice Dept. leaders.

More to come…
Letting that Crooked Hillary piece of shit off the hook for serious security violations with the lame excuse of "no intent" was one of the most despicable things ever done in our government.
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Continued on p.3

"Compounding the error, the Director (Comey) ignored another longstanding principle, we do not hold press conferences to release derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation…

(Comey) laid out his version of the facts for the news media as if it were a closing argument, but without a trial. It is a textbook example of what federal prosecutors and agents are taught not to do."
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Page 4 of 6…

"My perspective on these issues is shared by Attorney General and Deputy Attorneys Feneral from different eras and both political parties. Judge Laurence Silberman Deputy AG under president Ford wrote that “it is not the bureau’s responsibility to opine whether a matter should be prosecuted. He continues, “(Comey’s) performance was so inappropriate for an FBI director that [he] doubts the bureau will ever completely recover.

Jamie Gorelick, Deputy Attorney General under President Clinton, joined with Larry Thompson, Deputy AG under President GW Bush to opine that the Director had chosen personally to restrike the balance between transparency, departing from the department’s traditions. They concluded that Comey violated his obligation to “preserve, protect and defend” the traditions of the Department and the FBI."
Read Deputy Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein's letter revealing the perceived damage Come brought on to the FBI. Excerpts from former AG's.
Subject: Restoring Public Confidence in the FBI

Trump’s Tortuous Path to Firing James Comey – Mother Jones
The thing is this: If you try to make up something that makes all the pieces fit, you get something like this;

Trump wants to build resorts on the Black Sea and Russia offers him the land for free but he has to do something
to weaken NATO. It's purely conjecture but it makes the disjointed facts come together.

Now if you try to conjecture something that makes $T innocent of anything, you can't come up with a scenario
that works. If he were totally innocent, then he would not have to fire Yates and Comey. Sorry about that.

However, it's disturbing that the Clinton's got away with it (for now). Clinton was never a good candidate anyway, she never engaged Trump on any of the issues. She was just trying to ride her advantage to victory and sidestepped any debate. Her economic plan stunk to high heaven. Sorry about that also.
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Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. Alberto Gonzalez, Eric Holder, Donald Ayer weighed in about the impropriety of [m1] actions continued on p.4.

Page 5…

Ayer’s letter noted, “Perhaps most troubling is the precedent set by this departure from the Department’s widely respected, non-partisan traditions.”

“I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former Department officials. The way (Comey) handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors the Director (comey) cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.”

Read Deputy Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein's letter revealing the perceived damage Come brought on to the FBI. Excerpts from former AG's.
Subject: Restoring Public Confidence in the FBI

Trump’s Tortuous Path to Firing James Comey – Mother Jones
Comey has one characteristic that doesn't belong in the arena, ... he is honest.
He made grievous errors in judgment. Read the Rodenstein letter that encompasses the damaf=ge he did to the Bureau and the reason he needed to be replaced, according to former officials.
Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. Alberto Gonzalez, Eric Holder, Donald Ayer weighed in about the impropriety of [m1] actions continued on p.4.

Page 5…

Ayer’s letter noted, “Perhaps most troubling is the precedent set by this departure from the Department’s widely respected, non-partisan traditions.”

“I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former Department officials. The way (Comey) handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors the Director (comey) cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.”

Umm... that part is not his fault because his boss (Loretta Lynch) told him not to investigate further. You have to listen to your boss.
The thing is this: If you try to make up something that makes all the pieces fit, you get something like this;

Trump wants to build resorts on the Black Sea and Russia offers him the land for free but he has to do something
to weaken NATO. It's purely conjecture but it makes the disjointed facts come together.

Now if you try to conjecture something that makes $T innocent of anything, you can't come up with a scenario
that works. If he were totally innocent, then he would not have to fire Yates and Comey. Sorry about that.

However, it's disturbing that the Clinton's got away with it (for now). Clinton was never a good candidate anyway, she never engaged Trump on any of the issues. She was just trying to ride her advantage to victory and sidestepped any debate. Her economic plan stunk to high heaven. Sorry about that also.

Yet conjecture is BS and there is a very large gap in the dot to dot path to completion. There was never any expectation that Trump would be president, yet all of the company's long ago planned and transaction competed projects are on line with no quid-pro-quo, and NO evidence what so-ever there ever was. Liberals are always trying to use conjecture, propaganda and lies to suppress the truth, and when they get caught, like shitbitch clinton, oshitass and murderer holder, they double down and open all treasonous, felonious, and destructive avenues to escape their due recompense for their crimes.
Read Deputy Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein's letter revealing the perceived damage Come brought on to the FBI. Excerpts from former AG's.
Subject: Restoring Public Confidence in the FBI

Trump’s Tortuous Path to Firing James Comey – Mother Jones
The thing is this: If you try to make up something that makes all the pieces fit, you get something like this;

Trump wants to build resorts on the Black Sea and Russia offers him the land for free but he has to do something
to weaken NATO. It's purely conjecture but it makes the disjointed facts come together.

Now if you try to conjecture something that makes $T innocent of anything, you can't come up with a scenario
that works. If he were totally innocent, then he would not have to fire Yates and Comey. Sorry about that.

However, it's disturbing that the Clinton's got away with it (for now). Clinton was never a good candidate anyway, she never engaged Trump on any of the issues. She was just trying to ride her advantage to victory and sidestepped any debate. Her economic plan stunk to high heaven. Sorry about that also.

I take objection to your comment "Now if you try to conjecture something that makes $T innocent of anything, you can't come up with a scenario that works. If he were totally innocent, then he would not have to fire Yates and Comey. Sorry about that."

Read what all lof the experts declared. He was notpreserving the integrity of the Bureau and I have come to the conclusions that he has a dark side in this whole sordid play.

The question remains, "Just why did Comey leak those memos from the meetings with the president as a prepared statement instead of rewading them to the committee as protocol expects? Why release them a day early?"

Answer...There's nothing there on the Russian Investigation but there is something (according to Comey) on Trump's comment to him. He wanted the focus of the hearings no to be the Russian Investigation, but change it to how mean Trump was to him. Comey even said, he didn't know how to handle the comments, he was stunned and defamed. And he didn't stand up to Trump when he thought he was not being a;ppropriate.

What was Trump inappropriate about? Asking if he was a target of an investigation? Maybe. But Comey answered so it wasn't all that bad. Comey said he was threatening his job...the comments were (from Trump), "I look forward to working with you, " Some threat. He said he wanted loyalty. Comey did not have the balls to tell him he cannot ask that, so he said you will have my honest loyalty. Trump was satisfied with that. Where's the crime? I question Comey's motives for the big leak and in turn I question his honesty

Comey leafed those notes to attempt to get revenge from being fired. He used his position to change the focus of a planned congressional hearing. Is that the kind of Director you want for the people's FBI?
Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. Alberto Gonzalez, Eric Holder, Donald Ayer weighed in about the impropriety of [m1] actions continued on p.4.

Page 5…

Ayer’s letter noted, “Perhaps most troubling is the precedent set by this departure from the Department’s widely respected, non-partisan traditions.”

“I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former Department officials. The way (Comey) handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors the Director (comey) cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.”

Umm... that part is not his fault because his boss (Loretta Lynch) told him not to investigate further. You have to listen to your boss.
The Director does not do what the AG says when it is wrong. He is supposed to investigate and send it to a prosecutor who will decide if the crime is valid. Read the Rodenstein letter. All of the AG's explain his position and how he has changed the FBI from the respected organization it once was and it has become a partisan leverage for the Director.

If he were totally innocent, then he would not have to fire Yates and Comey. Sorry about that.

Umm... that part is not his fault because his boss (Loretta Lynch) told him not to investigate further. You have to listen to your boss.

yates was fired for not doing HER job and applying the LAW, comey was fired for not doing his job, and doing a complete investigation into the obstruction of justice by bill clinton and loretta lynch, and not ordering subpoena for all of the dnc emails to obtain the electronic tracking signature from each one, and to find out what information each one contained since that could have been distributed to any place in the world. Both were NOT DOING THEIR JOBS so they lost them. And lynch is and was not comeys boss, he works for the people of the United States.
I wish more posters would take the time to read the letter and research that went into the firing of Comey, It explains a lot that does makes sense. In a way, it's a lesson in civics and current events. A good read. You have to scroll down to get to the letter. Six pages long.
Jeff Sessions recommended Trump fire James Comey in letter

Several former DOJ's weighed in on the malpractice of James Comey in his handling of selacious stories during and after the election cycle. Many of the AG's explain why the parting from protocol was unacceptable and debilitating to the orgaization which could only be refreshed by removing James Comey.

I could not copy the document but perhaps someone else can. Read it here...

Trump’s Tortuous Path to Firing James Comey – Mother Jones

Well it's kind of hard to deny why Trump fired Comey when Trump gets interviewed on NBC and states that he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation. And that is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.

President Trump on Thursday said he was thinking of “this Russia thing with Trump” when he decided to fire FBI Director James B. Comey, who had been leading the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Recounting his decision to dismiss Comey, Trump told NBC News, “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”Trump’s account flatly contradicts the White House’s initial account of how the president arrived at his decision, undercutting public denials by his aides that the move was influenced in any way by his growing fury with the ongoing Russia probe.
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Here he is on T.V. saying it--and this interview was also brought up by James Comey under testimony.
Donald Trump admits 'this Russia thing' part of reasoning for firing Comey

No one is going to believe that Trump fired James Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton--which was his original story.

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