The Reprehensible Right: Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment

“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

Someone tell the Huckster that this isn't 1890 anymore.

It's amazing the rationalization of these losers.
The reasons that republicans brought that up was not that we are upset that you raise money,

but to point out how utterly stupid the left's talk of the rich being so evul is.
Can you point out where I said that the rich were evil?

Can you point out where I said that you personally said that, or were you just trying to dishonestly dodge my point, like a standard lefty?
You made a sweeping statement that includes me. Now...let's get back to....Can you point out where I said that the rich were evil?

I made a sweeping statement about the left.

Which does include you.

Which does not claim that you personally made that statement.

My post was to point out the reason for the Right's discussion of the LEft fundraising, which was not what you characterized it as.

"Which does include me"...Ok, then. Where did I (the included one) state that the rich were evil?

Saying that a group did something, does not imply that every single individual did it.

YOur confusing on the meaning of simple english words is a form of dishonesty and noted as such.

YOu are dishonest.

My post was to point out the reason for the Right's discussion of the LEft fundraising, which was not what you characterized it as.

Can you point out where I said that the rich were evil?

Can you point out where I said that you personally said that, or were you just trying to dishonestly dodge my point, like a standard lefty?
You made a sweeping statement that includes me. Now...let's get back to....Can you point out where I said that the rich were evil?

I made a sweeping statement about the left.

Which does include you.

Which does not claim that you personally made that statement.

My post was to point out the reason for the Right's discussion of the LEft fundraising, which was not what you characterized it as.

"Which does include me"...Ok, then. Where did I (the included one) state that the rich were evil?

Saying that a group did something, does not imply that every single individual did it.

YOur confusing on the meaning of simple english words is a form of dishonesty and noted as such.

YOu are dishonest.

My post was to point out the reason for the Right's discussion of the LEft fundraising, which was not what you characterized it as.

You JUST SAID that it "includes me"...does it include me or not?
It is an interesting point...that there are things wrong with the 13th Amendment....don't you think?

The bulk of the amendment is one sentence long, and outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime.

What's there not to like.?

The only thing it prevents is people awaiting trial working on chain gangs.
What's funny here is that the RWnuts don't think that normal, sane people can see right through their support for changing the 17th amendment.

It has NOTHING to do with principle. It has EVERYTHING to do with conservatives once more trying to jigger the system to give undue advantage to conservatives.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

Why would you have a problem with term limits for Senators?

Would you go to a surgeon with little experience, or choose one with lots of experience? Would you to a fertilizer salesman, or an attorney for legal advice?
Wry are you trying to say a senator with 30 years in the senate is a better senator than one with 5?.....because there are plenty up there with lots of "experience" who are not that great at what they do...

I'm saying experience trumps inexperience. I'm not opposed to term limits, but if we limit the senate to one term (six years) we are setting up a system to pack The District with former Senators working for the Special Interests.

We've all had the experience of being stuck with teachers who have used the same lesson plan for decades. New blood bring fresh ideas and we sure need that today.

BUT none of this has anything to do with the 17th Amendment, as I noted above, which is a direct attack on democracy in America. When the Republicans found that the USSC overruled their efforts to suppress voting, if the 17th is repealed, we can be sure that gerrymandering will create a one party Congress and soon my fear noted in the signature line will be our future.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
Huckabee calls himself a man of God.

He want's to screw over the poor and middle class in favor of the rich. More Satan than Sanity.

He said the Obama's were lousy parents for letting their daughters listen to Beyonce.

Son’s Past Could Come Back to Bite Huckabee

Huckabee Squashed Charges Against His Son For Stoning, Hanging Dog

Mike Huckabee, An ordained Baptist minister, a monster.
Only a fool would allow anyone to listen to beyonce, not only is she a really shitty singer her and her husband are really shitty people… Fact
Yeah. They should make their kids listen to Kid Rock and Ted Nugent.
Something must be done to end the corruption and rigging of elections that enable Senators to rig/bribe/corrupt their way into serving 40 years in the senate.

Let's, for the sake of argument, say that such is indeed needed. How does eliminating the 17th Amendment do anything to end "the corruption and rigging of elections that enable Senators to rig/bribe/corrupt their way into serving 40 years in the senate?" The 17th Amendment merely allows for the popular election of federal senators. It has nothing to do with the machinations senators and/or senator aspirants undertake "to rig/bribe/corrupt their way into serving 40 years in the senate." Eliminating the 17th may alter the nature by which such rigging, bribery and corruption occurs not stop it from occurring or abate its frequency. Moreover, senators' tenure isn't the problem.

To obtain a rich understanding of the 17th, see "The Meaning of the Seventeenth Amendment and a Century of State Defiance," along with the writings referenced in footnote seven in that document.

I never said it did, sorry I didn't make that clear.
Something must be done to end the corruption and rigging of elections that enable Senators to rig/bribe/corrupt their way into serving 40 years in the senate.

Let's, for the sake of argument, say that such is indeed needed. How does eliminating the 17th Amendment do anything to end "the corruption and rigging of elections that enable Senators to rig/bribe/corrupt their way into serving 40 years in the senate?" The 17th Amendment merely allows for the popular election of federal senators. It has nothing to do with the machinations senators and/or senator aspirants undertake "to rig/bribe/corrupt their way into serving 40 years in the senate." Eliminating the 17th may alter the nature by which such rigging, bribery and corruption occurs not stop it from occurring or abate its frequency. Moreover, senators' tenure isn't the problem.

To obtain a rich understanding of the 17th, see "The Meaning of the Seventeenth Amendment and a Century of State Defiance," along with the writings referenced in footnote seven in that document.

I never said it did, sorry I didn't make that clear.
Amendments are part of the the Bill of Rights. It's funny to watch trumpanzees try to argue that Amendments aren't part of the Constitution......perhaps that's their first salvo at trying to get rid of the Bill of Rights.....

Yes they are Nazi Pete. When you repeal an Amendment, you roll the Constitution back to a previous state.

Not all amendments are positive. The 17th destroyed one of the most important checks and balances built into our system. The Senate is now no different than the house. The Senators are creatures of popular election to be bought and sold at the whims of the populists just as the house is. The point of a Senate elected from state legislatures is that special interests cannot easily influence the Senate, which provides a sober and deliberative body to offset the populist house.

I know, this is all well above your head.

No Nazi Pete, that is historical fact.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
Huckabee calls himself a man of God.

He want's to screw over the poor and middle class in favor of the rich. More Satan than Sanity.

He said the Obama's were lousy parents for letting their daughters listen to Beyonce.

Son’s Past Could Come Back to Bite Huckabee

Huckabee Squashed Charges Against His Son For Stoning, Hanging Dog

Mike Huckabee, An ordained Baptist minister, a monster.

I agree. Huckabee and Ayatollah Pence have a lot in common - RELIGIOUS HYPOCRISY. I respect "true" Christians - but not these evil assholes.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

Why would you have a problem with term limits for Senators?
Because he wants his corrupt big-spending Dim senators to stay in power until they have to be wheeled out of there in a casket.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
Huckabee calls himself a man of God.

He want's to screw over the poor and middle class in favor of the rich. More Satan than Sanity.

He said the Obama's were lousy parents for letting their daughters listen to Beyonce.

Son’s Past Could Come Back to Bite Huckabee

Huckabee Squashed Charges Against His Son For Stoning, Hanging Dog

Mike Huckabee, An ordained Baptist minister, a monster.

I agree. Huckabee and Ayatollah Pence have a lot in common - RELIGIOUS HYPOCRISY. I respect "true" Christians - but not these evil assholes.
Right, you are the final authority on "true Christians" and "true Republicans."

Any guess why no one listens to you?
Something must be done to end the corruption and rigging of elections that enable Senators to rig/bribe/corrupt their way into serving 40 years in the senate.

How about Citizens United v. FEC and CU v. McCutcheon go the way of Drew Scott and Plessy? And that real reform, not the fake shit the R's proposed on health care and soon on tax reform, making every dime donated to a campaign be accounted for by name of the person who donated. No money should be given to anything put before the voters without full transparency of who paid for it. No longer can money be given to a ballot measure or a candidate from "The American people who love apple pie, baseball and God"

How about Citizens United v. FEC and CU v. McCutcheon go the way of Drew Scott and Plessy?

Too much free speech, eh?

Only fools and the willfully ignorant equate the two CU decision about free speech. Four of the nine justices saw it for what it is (and the other five knew exactly what they were doing). The former protected our democratic institutions, and the latter put the final nail into the coffin of Democracy in America.

You know what I think Todd, I think you're one of the fools, an actually believe the Big Lies and propaganda elicited by the forces which fear the hoi polloi, and believe they are the elite to be served by the many.
I thought you turds believed the Supreme Court was the final authority on the Constitution. Now you're saying they are not. So when should we accept their determination?
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

Someone tell the Huckster that this isn't 1890 anymore.

It's amazing the rationalization of these losers.
So we shouldn't use the telephone because it's not 1890 anymore? How about the automobile? Plumbing?
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

Why would you have a problem with term limits for Senators?

Would you go to a surgeon with little experience, or choose one with lots of experience? Would you to a fertilizer salesman, or an attorney for legal advice?
Wry are you trying to say a senator with 30 years in the senate is a better senator than one with 5?.....because there are plenty up there with lots of "experience" who are not that great at what they do...

I'm saying experience trumps inexperience. I'm not opposed to term limits, but if we limit the senate to one term (six years) we are setting up a system to pack The District with former Senators working for the Special Interests.

We've all had the experience of being stuck with teachers who have used the same lesson plan for decades. New blood bring fresh ideas and we sure need that today.

BUT none of this has anything to do with the 17th Amendment, as I noted above, which is a direct attack on democracy in America. When the Republicans found that the USSC overruled their efforts to suppress voting, if the 17th is repealed, we can be sure that gerrymandering will create a one party Congress and soon my fear noted in the signature line will be our future.
Calling it "an attack on democracy" is pure idiocy. Your theory is that any limitation on democracy is an "attack" on it. As if only using gasoline in your car instead of water is an "attack" on your car.

There's nothing inherently superior about democracy as a decision making process. In fact, it's grossly inferior to allowing people to make their own decisions. When you limit the scope of democracy, you increase personal freedom, and that's what you really oppose.
I'm with you on not accepting the judgment of politicians on appointing other politicians to other offices, but why does accepting the judgment of the general population make any more sense? These are the people who elected the first group of politicians in the first place, right? So if I can't trust the first group of politicians to appoint a second group of politicians I fail to see why I should trust the people who elected the first group of politicians to elect a second group of politicians.

You don't pick your state legislature to handle national security or confirming justices, or foreign relations. When my school picks a coach they trust him to pick the football team, not the school board.
Another failure of logic. If I know that my state legislator will have a hand in selecting a Senator to the U.S. Senate then I absolutely would vote based on those issues. The fact that I wouldn't vote based on those issues when they are irrelevant doesn't mean I wouldn't if they were relevant.

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