The Reprehensible Right: Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment

“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

Why don't you move to a country where they wipe your bottom for you ?

The repeal of the 17th amendment would place the senate back in the position the founders intended for watchdogs for the states.

That would be the first step in reducing the federal government to the tasks for which it was originally intended.

Why do you hate the constitution so much ?

Not only that, it would put the people back in place. As watchdogs of the Senators. We really need term limits for those shitheads.
Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

Patriotism requires much more than wearing an American Flag Pin on a suit coat lapel. Standing up to power requires courage and integrity. I will continue to post what I believe: Trump is incompetent and unfit to be President of the United States; McConnell and Ryan need to be replaced by members of Congress who put our country and its citizens first, not themselves, their ambitions, and in McConnell's case not a job for his wife making him beholden to Trump.

True patriotism and the willingness to stand up to power, requires that you support the Second Amendment. So why would you be against that?
I am a full supporter of the 2nd Amendment...always have been. Can you show where I or Wry Catcher have not been?

Not without doing some looking through the archives. But your liberal stance on the subjects leads me to believe that you'd vote for a high-capacity magazine ban in a heartbeat. And being a Democrat as you are, your Party has always pushed for more gun laws.
I have no problem with high-capacity magazines.....but please continue. Tell me more about what I think.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

Why don't you move to a country where they wipe your bottom for you ?

The repeal of the 17th amendment would place the senate back in the position the founders intended for watchdogs for the states.

That would be the first step in reducing the federal government to the tasks for which it was originally intended.

Why do you hate the constitution so much ?
And the 17th Amendment is now what our country intends. Or are you going to assert that everything our Founders intended is set in stone? Because those same Founders created the Amendment process too.
The people directly elect their State Legislatures who in turn elect their US Senators. These Senators are to do the bidding of the State, not the people. This is how our Constitution was setup and we need to return to that.

Our constitution was also set up that the state legislatures chose the president, and that slavery would be the law for at least the next decade.
If you turn over Senate election to the legislatures, you take away the right of the people to choose their Senators,
because the voters in any given state only get to vote for one or two members of the state legislatures.

What does the Constitution have to say about it, Brown Shirt?

lol, the Constitution provides for direct election of Senators, dumbass.

An AMENDMENT altered the Constitution, moron. The Constitution as written held that Senators were to be elected by the state legislatures as a check and balance against populism.
Amendments are part of the the Bill of Rights. It's funny to watch trumpanzees try to argue that Amendments aren't part of the Constitution......perhaps that's their first salvo at trying to get rid of the Bill of Rights.....

TRUMPANZEES! A winner!! Finally, a perfect name for those who continue to support Trump. Of course he must have thought of it first. Toss them a banana and they respond in unison, "lock her up!"
The people directly elect their State Legislatures who in turn elect their US Senators. These Senators are to do the bidding of the State, not the people. This is how our Constitution was setup and we need to return to that.

Our constitution was also set up that the state legislatures chose the president, and that slavery would be the law for at least the next decade.
It was a compromise with language written in to do away with it at a later date. When state legislatures appoint the US Senators for their states, the opportunity for corruption in the form of access and money becomes far less than it is right now. It also returns an important voice to the Federal Government that has been silenced far too long.
/----/ And we know DemocRATS would never call for a repeal of an Amendment just because it worked against them ----- well except for the Electoral College thingy.

The electoral college was in article 2, it wasn't an amendment.

Amendments are to fix problems, and make the constitution better.
Our constitution was also set up that the state legislatures chose the president, and that slavery would be the law for at least the next decade.
It was a compromise with language written in to do away with it at a later date. .

You mean by the 13th amendment?

If you call for the repeal of the 17th, why not the repeal of the 13th, or the 2nd?

Either you believe in the original constitution, or in the amendments.
/----/ And we know DemocRATS would never call for a repeal of an Amendment just because it worked against them ----- well except for the Electoral College thingy.

The electoral college was in article 2, it wasn't an amendment.

Amendments are to fix problems, and make the constitution better.
/----/ I stand correcter sir. Point being Dems wanted to repeal the EC.
Our constitution was also set up that the state legislatures chose the president, and that slavery would be the law for at least the next decade.
It was a compromise with language written in to do away with it at a later date. .

You mean by the 13th amendment?

If you call for the repeal of the 17th, why not the repeal of the 13th, or the 2nd?

Either you believe in the original constitution, or in the amendments.
I believe in the Amendment process. That does not mean I'm some kind of autonomic idiot who thinks that every single admendment to the Constitution is a good alteration of the original document. Prohibition was wrong, and it was repealed. How was it repealed is important? It was repealed with an Amendment, which makes it part of the Constitution.

An amendment repealing the 17th is, in My opinion, the correct thing to do. I was advocating for this many years before this last election so you don't have to bother with phony charges of supporting Trump.

The 13th has some things of merit, other things that are wrong. However, this is a discussion on the 17th. We need to return the voices of the States to the Federal Government.
I believe in the Amendment process. That does not mean I'm some kind of autonomic idiot who thinks that every single admendment to the Constitution is a good alteration of the original document. Prohibition was wrong, and it was repealed. How was it repealed is important? It was repealed with an Amendment, which makes it part of the Constitution.

An amendment repealing the 17th is, in My opinion, the correct thing to do. I was advocating for this many years before this last election so you don't have to bother with phony charges of supporting Trump.

The 13th has some things of merit, other things that are wrong. However, this is a discussion on the 17th. We need to return the voices of the States to the Federal Government.

First amendments require a supermajority in both houses of congress before it even gets off the ground. And then 3/4ths of the states to agree, which is a pretty rare combination.

Why would you want to return to mob rule in choosing the senate?
Being an immature potty mouth doesn't make your point valid. There are no limits on the number of terms a Senator can serve.

States can impose term limits on their senators, or representatives if they choose to. Why do you want to force one states choices onto the other states?
Our constitution was also set up that the state legislatures chose the president, and that slavery would be the law for at least the next decade.
It was a compromise with language written in to do away with it at a later date. .

You mean by the 13th amendment?

If you call for the repeal of the 17th, why not the repeal of the 13th, or the 2nd?

Either you believe in the original constitution, or in the amendments.
I believe in the Amendment process. That does not mean I'm some kind of autonomic idiot who thinks that every single admendment to the Constitution is a good alteration of the original document. Prohibition was wrong, and it was repealed. How was it repealed is important? It was repealed with an Amendment, which makes it part of the Constitution.

An amendment repealing the 17th is, in My opinion, the correct thing to do. I was advocating for this many years before this last election so you don't have to bother with phony charges of supporting Trump.

The 13th has some things of merit, other things that are wrong. However, this is a discussion on the 17th. We need to return the voices of the States to the Federal Government.
Oh do tell us....what things in the 13th Amendment are wrong?
I believe in the Amendment process. That does not mean I'm some kind of autonomic idiot who thinks that every single admendment to the Constitution is a good alteration of the original document. Prohibition was wrong, and it was repealed. How was it repealed is important? It was repealed with an Amendment, which makes it part of the Constitution.

An amendment repealing the 17th is, in My opinion, the correct thing to do. I was advocating for this many years before this last election so you don't have to bother with phony charges of supporting Trump.

The 13th has some things of merit, other things that are wrong. However, this is a discussion on the 17th. We need to return the voices of the States to the Federal Government.

First amendments require a supermajority in both houses of congress before it even gets off the ground. And then 3/4ths of the states to agree, which is a pretty rare combination.

Why would you want to return to mob rule in choosing the senate?
I don't. We have mob rule now. The Members of the U.S. Senate are elected by a majority (mob) of the citizens of their state as per the Constitution with the 17th Amendment.

Repeal it and the U.S. Senate reverts back to the Original Intent of the Founders. That means that each state legislature (members who have been elected by a diverse number of districts with a diverse number of interests) will be required to nominate, vote and approve the two Senators they will send to the Federal Government to speak for them.

These Senators will speak on behalf of the State, not the people in the State except by indirect means of the people electing their legislatures.

This is how it should be. It eliminates the corruption of the mob, buffers any excess of monied interests by putting layers of bureaucracy between the Senators and the special interests by putting the Senator's job at the mercy of the State they represent.

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