The Reprehensible Right: Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment

Every example of the People having the vote translates to 'mob rule' with the RW'ers.
How is it not mob rule?

Who and what is the mob? The American people with the right to vote? lol
What they really meant to say that the mob is those who do not vote the way they want them to vote.
You mean like the people who vote to string you up to the nearest tree? Do you object to their vote? this is now personal? Tell me where that kind of vote is happening.
It happened many times in our past. Anyone who isn't a complete ignoramus knows that.
If you turn over Senate election to the legislatures, you take away the right of the people to choose their Senators,
because the voters in any given state only get to vote for one or two members of the state legislatures.

What does the Constitution have to say about it, Brown Shirt?

lol, the Constitution provides for direct election of Senators, dumbass.

Spot on; too bad the deplorable can't comprehend your response.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

The POINT of the Senate was to limit the potential for mob rule from the directly elected house of representatives.

Going to direct elections for the Senate was stupid.

I don't like Huckabee, and will never forgive him for his role in getting McCain the REpublican nomination, but he has a valid point here.

I would disagree. The fact is that both parties have done their best to undermine the deliberative nature of the Senate. The Democrats getting rid of filibusters for Supreme Court nominees and Republicans getting rid of judicial filibusters altogether. The fact is that the Republican plan for getting rid of Obamacare was a example of mob rule. Republicans had no plan except to kick people off of health insurance. That was exposed first in the House and then in the Senate. Obamacare went through the regular committee procedures. The Heritage Foundation was originally a think tank that put out conservative ideas. Reagan used them when he was President. However under Jim DeMint. Heritage became another conservative hit man rather than a place where conservative ideas could be produced.

The fact is that conservatives need to acknowledge problems and come up with conservative solutions. Just saying no is not a answer. In Reagan's speech "A Time for Choosing", he said that no one should be prevented from seeing a doctor because they can't afford it. He objected to the bureaucratic approach and the fact that some programs also serve Americans regardless of income.

It's a shame that we can't ban House members from running for the Senate. They are attempting to turn the Senate into the same type of mob rule and this applies to Democrats as well as Republicans.
If you turn over Senate election to the legislatures, you take away the right of the people to choose their Senators,
because the voters in any given state only get to vote for one or two members of the state legislatures.

What does the Constitution have to say about it, Brown Shirt?

lol, the Constitution provides for direct election of Senators, dumbass.
Not the original Constitution.
So? Amendments are part of the Bill of Rights.
As Reagan used to say, "here we go again" but Reagan didn't have to deal with the tax exempt gigantic left wing propaganda entity Media Matters. You almost gotta laugh that all MM has to do is cherry pick a comment from (only) republicans and troll it in front of the angry, blood thirsty sharks on the left with a little spin by left wing blogs to make more appealing and presto, you get a hysteria strike (with violence?) and outrage on the left. They don't even have to think about it or research it, all they have to do is go by instinct.
You cited his failed stint as governor, and his failed run for the presidency as examples of his experience. Those failures don't show much evidence of any good ideas you think he might have.

Hillary Clinton ran for for President too. I'm not hearing any good ideas out of her either. Come to think of it, I'm not hearing anything out of her. If she as good of a liberal as Huckabee is a conservative, you'd think she would be advising her party.

The election is over Hillary lost. Get new material.

Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

He won. That doesn't make his plans sane or anything the country can put up with. He's a fool, and should expect continued resistance as long as he keeps behaving like a spoiled brat.
If you turn over Senate election to the legislatures, you take away the right of the people to choose their Senators,
because the voters in any given state only get to vote for one or two members of the state legislatures.

What does the Constitution have to say about it, Brown Shirt?

lol, the Constitution provides for direct election of Senators, dumbass.

An AMENDMENT altered the Constitution, moron. The Constitution as written held that Senators were to be elected by the state legislatures as a check and balance against populism.
Amendments are part of the the Bill of Rights. It's funny to watch trumpanzees try to argue that Amendments aren't part of the Constitution......perhaps that's their first salvo at trying to get rid of the Bill of Rights.....
If you turn over Senate election to the legislatures, you take away the right of the people to choose their Senators,
because the voters in any given state only get to vote for one or two members of the state legislatures.

What does the Constitution have to say about it, Brown Shirt?

lol, the Constitution provides for direct election of Senators, dumbass.

Spot on; too bad the deplorable can't comprehend your response.

I wonder retard, can you grasp at all what the effect of repealing a Constitutional Amendment has?
You cited his failed stint as governor, and his failed run for the presidency as examples of his experience. Those failures don't show much evidence of any good ideas you think he might have.

Hillary Clinton ran for for President too. I'm not hearing any good ideas out of her either. Come to think of it, I'm not hearing anything out of her. If she as good of a liberal as Huckabee is a conservative, you'd think she would be advising her party.

The election is over Hillary lost. Get new material.

Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.
How's owning all three branches of government working out for you?
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
Why states not have Senators from the same party that controls the state legislature? Senators were originally intended to represent the states. Changing their selection to the popular vote was a deliberate move to mob rule rather than republican government.

To repeal the 17th amendment would be a return to mob rule. State legislatures are often very partisan. The Senate was always meant to put the brakes on what the House did. It was meant to be a deliberative body.

That's why turning it over to the mob was a huge mistake. The complaint that it would be "partisan" couldn't be more absurd. One thing is certain, the Washington lobbyists would lose all their influence over Senators, because the size of their campaign funds wouldn't determine whether they held their seats. You don't "put the breaks on the House" by creating another legislative body exactly like the House.

That is what you want. You are not happy with the Senate because they refused to repeal Obamacare.

As Reagan used to say, "here we go again" but Reagan didn't have to deal with the tax exempt gigantic left wing propaganda entity Media Matters. You almost gotta laugh that all MM has to do is cherry pick a comment from (only) republicans and troll it in front of the angry, blood thirsty sharks on the left with a little spin by left wing blogs to make more appealing and presto, you get a hysteria strike (with violence?) and outrage on the left. They don't even have to think about it or research it, all they have to do is go by instinct.

The fact is that these people do not represent the majority of people on the left or right. The fact is that Reagan could talk directly to the American people. Just by proposing tax reform, he got the ball rolling. He knew how to talk to ordinary people and how to talk about ideas. Republicans today have no idea how to do it.
How is it not mob rule?

Who and what is the mob? The American people with the right to vote? lol
What they really meant to say that the mob is those who do not vote the way they want them to vote.
You mean like the people who vote to string you up to the nearest tree? Do you object to their vote? this is now personal? Tell me where that kind of vote is happening.
It happened many times in our past. Anyone who isn't a complete ignoramus knows that.
Give examples of that kind of vote happening in this country for that.
Hillary Clinton ran for for President too. I'm not hearing any good ideas out of her either. Come to think of it, I'm not hearing anything out of her. If she as good of a liberal as Huckabee is a conservative, you'd think she would be advising her party.

The election is over Hillary lost. Get new material.

Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

He won. That doesn't make his plans sane or anything the country can put up with. He's a fool, and should expect continued resistance as long as he keeps behaving like a spoiled brat.

Well there goes the old concept of "reaching across the aisles" and compromise. But then you Democrats never have been very good at compromise.
Amendments are part of the the Bill of Rights. It's funny to watch trumpanzees try to argue that Amendments aren't part of the Constitution......perhaps that's their first salvo at trying to get rid of the Bill of Rights.....

Yes they are Nazi Pete. When you repeal an Amendment, you roll the Constitution back to a previous state.

Not all amendments are positive. The 17th destroyed one of the most important checks and balances built into our system. The Senate is now no different than the house. The Senators are creatures of popular election to be bought and sold at the whims of the populists just as the house is. The point of a Senate elected from state legislatures is that special interests cannot easily influence the Senate, which provides a sober and deliberative body to offset the populist house.

I know, this is all well above your head.
As Reagan used to say, "here we go again" but Reagan didn't have to deal with the tax exempt gigantic left wing propaganda entity Media Matters. You almost gotta laugh that all MM has to do is cherry pick a comment from (only) republicans and troll it in front of the angry, blood thirsty sharks on the left with a little spin by left wing blogs to make more appealing and presto, you get a hysteria strike (with violence?) and outrage on the left. They don't even have to think about it or research it, all they have to do is go by instinct.
It's funny to watch the trumpanzees upset about how the Democrats can raise as much if not more money than the GOP....I don't remember them complaining when it used to be the other way around.
The election is over Hillary lost. Get new material.

Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

He won. That doesn't make his plans sane or anything the country can put up with. He's a fool, and should expect continued resistance as long as he keeps behaving like a spoiled brat.

Well there goes the old concept of "reaching across the aisles" and compromise. But then you Democrats never have been very good at compromise.
What makes you say that Democrats are any worse at compromise than the GOP?
If you turn over Senate election to the legislatures, you take away the right of the people to choose their Senators,
because the voters in any given state only get to vote for one or two members of the state legislatures.

What does the Constitution have to say about it, Brown Shirt?

lol, the Constitution provides for direct election of Senators, dumbass.
Not the original Constitution.
So? Amendments are part of the Bill of Rights.
That doesn't make them good. It especially doesn't make them what the Founding Fathers intended.
The election is over Hillary lost. Get new material.

Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

He won. That doesn't make his plans sane or anything the country can put up with. He's a fool, and should expect continued resistance as long as he keeps behaving like a spoiled brat.

Well there goes the old concept of "reaching across the aisles" and compromise. But then you Democrats never have been very good at compromise.

There are Republicans who know Trump is nuts. It's just a matter of if they have the balls to do what's right for the country, or continue with the crap they have been trying to do.
Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

He won. That doesn't make his plans sane or anything the country can put up with. He's a fool, and should expect continued resistance as long as he keeps behaving like a spoiled brat.

Well there goes the old concept of "reaching across the aisles" and compromise. But then you Democrats never have been very good at compromise.
What makes you say that Democrats are any worse at compromise than the GOP?
Name one thing they have ever compromised on.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
Your argument is nonsensical. The Senate now is controlled by Republicans. Besides your argument just points out how unpopular the democrats really are, all the way to the local level. After 8 years of Obama BS the democrat party is in shambles, just as predicted by the left for the Republicans. Naturally what was predicted by the liberals the opposite occurred.

lol, the day after 'Failure Friday' you assert that it's the Democrats who are in shambles? lol, good one.
Ha, one bill that didn't have a snow balls chance of being repeal is failure? Really? You need not worry, Obamacare is not going anywhere entitlement programs never do. At least the Republicans are not complete lemmings like the democrats have shown. All of them sticking to a sinking ship, fun to watch.

It is means tested so it is not a entitlement program such as Social Security. If people have jobs in which they can get health insurance then there is no need for Obamacare.

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