The Reprehensible Right: Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment

Amendments are part of the the Bill of Rights. It's funny to watch trumpanzees try to argue that Amendments aren't part of the Constitution......perhaps that's their first salvo at trying to get rid of the Bill of Rights.....

Yes they are Nazi Pete. When you repeal an Amendment, you roll the Constitution back to a previous state.

Not all amendments are positive. The 17th destroyed one of the most important checks and balances built into our system. The Senate is now no different than the house. The Senators are creatures of popular election to be bought and sold at the whims of the populists just as the house is. The point of a Senate elected from state legislatures is that special interests cannot easily influence the Senate, which provides a sober and deliberative body to offset the populist house.

I know, this is all well above your head.
What they really meant to say that the mob is those who do not vote the way they want them to vote.
You mean like the people who vote to string you up to the nearest tree? Do you object to their vote? this is now personal? Tell me where that kind of vote is happening.
It happened many times in our past. Anyone who isn't a complete ignoramus knows that.
Give examples of that kind of vote happening in this country for that.
There were laws voted to allow that? Can you quote the statutes please?
You mean like the people who vote to string you up to the nearest tree? Do you object to their vote? this is now personal? Tell me where that kind of vote is happening.
It happened many times in our past. Anyone who isn't a complete ignoramus knows that.
Give examples of that kind of vote happening in this country for that.
There were laws voted to allow that? Can you quote the statutes please?
ROFL! So now you're trying to narrow the definition of mob rule to the point where it becomes utterly meaningless.

The people in the picture voted to string up the two black men. That's democracy in it's purest form.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
Why states not have Senators from the same party that controls the state legislature? Senators were originally intended to represent the states. Changing their selection to the popular vote was a deliberate move to mob rule rather than republican government.
Exactly right. It is the progressive long view strategy. They set up seats to power in government through popular vote, then whenever they gain power, they give free stuff to the largest groups that have benefited from their program. This ensures that they remain in power. They are already working on doing away with the Electoral College so that small districts in Southern California and Southeast New York will control who gets elected to President. If you think they are nasty now, wait until they get a absolute lock on who gets to be President.
If you turn over Senate election to the legislatures, you take away the right of the people to choose their Senators,
because the voters in any given state only get to vote for one or two members of the state legislatures.
Yes, which is how you keep from having concentrated power in one location.

You realize that our House of Representatives is people who are elected by very small groups of people across a large and diverse landscape.

The people directly elect their State Legislatures who in turn elect their US Senators. These Senators are to do the bidding of the State, not the people. This is how our Constitution was setup and we need to return to that.
As Reagan used to say, "here we go again" but Reagan didn't have to deal with the tax exempt gigantic left wing propaganda entity Media Matters. You almost gotta laugh that all MM has to do is cherry pick a comment from (only) republicans and troll it in front of the angry, blood thirsty sharks on the left with a little spin by left wing blogs to make more appealing and presto, you get a hysteria strike (with violence?) and outrage on the left. They don't even have to think about it or research it, all they have to do is go by instinct.
It's funny to watch the trumpanzees upset about how the Democrats can raise as much if not more money than the GOP....I don't remember them complaining when it used to be the other way around.

The reasons that republicans brought that up was not that we are upset that you raise money,

but to point out how utterly stupid the left's talk of the rich being so evul is. this is now personal? Tell me where that kind of vote is happening.
It happened many times in our past. Anyone who isn't a complete ignoramus knows that.
Give examples of that kind of vote happening in this country for that.
There were laws voted to allow that? Can you quote the statutes please?
ROFL! So now you're trying to narrow the definition of mob rule to the point where it becomes utterly meaningless.

The people in the picture voted to string up the two black men. That's democracy in it's purest form.
What was the law voted for that allowed that to legally happen? Or was that a lynching which is considered illegal?
As Reagan used to say, "here we go again" but Reagan didn't have to deal with the tax exempt gigantic left wing propaganda entity Media Matters. You almost gotta laugh that all MM has to do is cherry pick a comment from (only) republicans and troll it in front of the angry, blood thirsty sharks on the left with a little spin by left wing blogs to make more appealing and presto, you get a hysteria strike (with violence?) and outrage on the left. They don't even have to think about it or research it, all they have to do is go by instinct.
It's funny to watch the trumpanzees upset about how the Democrats can raise as much if not more money than the GOP....I don't remember them complaining when it used to be the other way around.

The reasons that republicans brought that up was not that we are upset that you raise money,

but to point out how utterly stupid the left's talk of the rich being so evul is.
Can you point out where I said that the rich were evil?
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
/----/ And we know DemocRATS would never call for a repeal of an Amendment just because it worked against them ----- well except for the Electoral College thingy.
Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

He won. That doesn't make his plans sane or anything the country can put up with. He's a fool, and should expect continued resistance as long as he keeps behaving like a spoiled brat.

Well there goes the old concept of "reaching across the aisles" and compromise. But then you Democrats never have been very good at compromise.
What makes you say that Democrats are any worse at compromise than the GOP?

Well that all depends on whether you believe in Gallup polls. Liberals are always quoting Gallup polls, so I'm assuming you will.

This March 31, 2017 Gallup poll shows that Democrats are less likely to compromise than Republicans. 57% of the Democrats polled said that it's more important to stick to their beliefs, as opposed to 51% of Republicans polled, which believe it;'s more important to compromise.

Read the poll if your like, but even though I'm showing you proof, it won't change your opinion one bit. Sad that you liberals can't change anything, even yourselves.

Democrats Say Their Leaders Should Not Compromise With Trump
You cited his failed stint as governor, and his failed run for the presidency as examples of his experience. Those failures don't show much evidence of any good ideas you think he might have.

Hillary Clinton ran for for President too. I'm not hearing any good ideas out of her either. Come to think of it, I'm not hearing anything out of her. If she as good of a liberal as Huckabee is a conservative, you'd think she would be advising her party.

The election is over Hillary lost. Get new material.

Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

Patriotism requires much more than wearing an American Flag Pin on a suit coat lapel. Standing up to power requires courage and integrity. I will continue to post what I believe: Trump is incompetent and unfit to be President of the United States; McConnell and Ryan need to be replaced by members of Congress who put our country and its citizens first, not themselves, their ambitions, and in McConnell's case not a job for his wife making him beholden to Trump.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
/----/ And we know DemocRATS would never call for a repeal of an Amendment just because it worked against them ----- well except for the Electoral College thingy.
Can you point out where I called for the elimination of the Electoral College?
Hillary Clinton ran for for President too. I'm not hearing any good ideas out of her either. Come to think of it, I'm not hearing anything out of her. If she as good of a liberal as Huckabee is a conservative, you'd think she would be advising her party.

The election is over Hillary lost. Get new material.

Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

Patriotism requires much more than wearing an American Flag Pin on a suit coat lapel. Standing up to power requires courage and integrity. I will continue to post what I believe: Trump is incompetent and unfit to be President of the United States; McConnell and Ryan need to be replaced by members of Congress who put our country and its citizens first, not themselves, their ambitions, and in McConnell's case not a job for his wife making him beholden to Trump.

True patriotism and the willingness to stand up to power, requires that you support the Second Amendment. So why would you be against that?
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
/----/ And we know DemocRATS would never call for a repeal of an Amendment just because it worked against them ----- well except for the Electoral College thingy.
Can you point out where I called for the elimination of the Electoral College?
/----/ My my my - we are very defensive today aren't we? You may not have specifically but Snowflakes have ever since Hildabeast lost the EC. Ask mommy to wipe your snotty nose.
The election is over Hillary lost. Get new material.

Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

Patriotism requires much more than wearing an American Flag Pin on a suit coat lapel. Standing up to power requires courage and integrity. I will continue to post what I believe: Trump is incompetent and unfit to be President of the United States; McConnell and Ryan need to be replaced by members of Congress who put our country and its citizens first, not themselves, their ambitions, and in McConnell's case not a job for his wife making him beholden to Trump.

True patriotism and the willingness to stand up to power, requires that you support the Second Amendment. So why would you be against that?
I am a full supporter of the 2nd Amendment...always have been. Can you show where I or Wry Catcher have not been?
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.
/----/ And we know DemocRATS would never call for a repeal of an Amendment just because it worked against them ----- well except for the Electoral College thingy.
Can you point out where I called for the elimination of the Electoral College?
/----/ My my my - we are very defensive today aren't we? You may not have specifically but Snowflakes have ever since Hildabeast lost the EC. Ask mommy to wipe your snotty nose.
I am a Democrat....if you are going to make sweeping statements, that includes me. You should know that. Now...about that proof that I have called for the Elimination of the Electoral College?
Thank you for finally admitting that.

Finally? Democrats came to terms with that quite quickly. You RWNJs are the ones acting as if the election is still pending. That election is over. You need new material.

If they did finally realize that Trump won, why are they still being obstructive and resistant? Why are the Democrats wasting all their time and money trying to unseat him, instead of working with him? You're not making any sense.

Patriotism requires much more than wearing an American Flag Pin on a suit coat lapel. Standing up to power requires courage and integrity. I will continue to post what I believe: Trump is incompetent and unfit to be President of the United States; McConnell and Ryan need to be replaced by members of Congress who put our country and its citizens first, not themselves, their ambitions, and in McConnell's case not a job for his wife making him beholden to Trump.

True patriotism and the willingness to stand up to power, requires that you support the Second Amendment. So why would you be against that?
I am a full supporter of the 2nd Amendment...always have been. Can you show where I or Wry Catcher have not been?

Not without doing some looking through the archives. But your liberal stance on the subjects leads me to believe that you'd vote for a high-capacity magazine ban in a heartbeat. And being a Democrat as you are, your Party has always pushed for more gun laws.
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Friday called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and the return to senators selected by state legislatures after the Senate GOP's effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare died in a late-night vote.”

Huckabee calls for repeal of 17th Amendment after healthcare failure

Such advocacy of ‘repeal’ is made in bad faith, of course – motivated by rightist partisanism given the majority of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Needless to say, if a majority of the states were controlled by Democrats, we wouldn’t hear anything from the reprehensible right about ‘repealing’ the 17th Amendment.

Why don't you move to a country where they wipe your bottom for you ?

The repeal of the 17th amendment would place the senate back in the position the founders intended for watchdogs for the states.

That would be the first step in reducing the federal government to the tasks for which it was originally intended.

Why do you hate the constitution so much ?
The people in the picture voted to string up the two black men. That's democracy in it's purest form.

Idiot. That's MOB rule, which is similar to lifeboat rule, which is the voice of a small group speaking as if they represented the democracy.
A lot of our problems in this country would be solved if we repealed the 17 amendment and the 16th for that matter.

Only if you believe in personal responsibility.

If you are on the left, such a concept scares you to death.

You'd actually be giving people the ability to help (and screw) themselves.

Can't have people acting for themselves.

After all...they are to stupid.

The OP is a jerk.

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