The Republican Strategy...

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Who keeps telling Republicans that yelling 'faggot', '******' and 'baby killer', breaking windows a la' kristallnacht, threatening to kill a representative's (Ms. Slaughter's) children, and threatening murder in the streets if you don't get your way are appropriate alternatives to casting ballots, arguing the merits of policy, and and behaving like sane adults instead of razed Hitler Youth?

Remind us which party represents tyranny and hates America...
Boy I can't WAIT for November.

The Republicans THINK they got a good thing going...they are so in for another surprise.

This election should be the FINAL nail in their coffin.

☭proletarian☭;2130953 said:
Remind us which party represents tyranny and hates America...

That would be the Communist party.
As far as attitudes go, the Democrats are far closer to Communists than are the Republicans.
Who keeps pretending Republicans are doing such things? Oh yeah, you guys.
☭proletarian☭;2130953 said:
Who keeps telling Republicans that yelling 'faggot', '******' and 'baby killer', breaking windows a la' kristallnacht, threatening to kill a representative's (Ms. Slaughter's) children, and threatening murder in the streets if you don't get your way are appropriate alternatives to casting ballots, arguing the merits of policy, and and behaving like sane adults instead of razed Hitler Youth?

Remind us which party represents tyranny and hates America...

[ame=]YouTube - Dingell: It will take some time for ObamaCare to "control the people"[/ame]

Democrats Uber Alles!!
☭proletarian☭;2130953 said:
Who keeps telling Republicans that yelling 'faggot', '******' and 'baby killer', breaking windows a la' kristallnacht, threatening to kill a representative's (Ms. Slaughter's) children, and threatening murder in the streets if you don't get your way are appropriate alternatives to casting ballots, arguing the merits of policy, and and behaving like sane adults instead of razed Hitler Youth?

Remind us which party represents tyranny and hates America...

Stay will only get worse

And this is the Party that is telling us should be running America?
☭proletarian☭;2130953 said:
Remind us which party represents tyranny and hates America...

That would be the Communist party.
As far as attitudes go, the Democrats are far closer to Communists than are the Republicans.
Hell, I'll take Communism over Fascism and Socialism over both of them.
☭proletarian☭;2133504 said:
☭proletarian☭;2130953 said:
Remind us which party represents tyranny and hates America...

That would be the Communist party.
As far as attitudes go, the Democrats are far closer to Communists than are the Republicans.
Hell, I'll take Communism over Fascism and Socialism over both of them.
And I would rather have freedom over any of those.
Unfortunately Freedom seems anathema to the Democrats anymore.
☭proletarian☭;2133504 said:
That would be the Communist party.
As far as attitudes go, the Democrats are far closer to Communists than are the Republicans.
Hell, I'll take Communism over Fascism and Socialism over both of them.
And I would rather have freedom over any of those.
Unfortunately Freedom seems anathema to the Democrats anymore.
Socio-Communism is liberty, equality, and prosperity.

The old system of the Bourgeois Capitalist enslaves the common man. Socio-Communism frees him from his master and enables him to pursue his happiness. One need only see the sweatshops, villages, and shallow graves in Sri Lanka, India, VietNam, China, and the rest of the 'Third World' (the Non-Protected Proletariat- those labourers who've not yet acquired by ballot or bullet the social and legal protections that the Protected Proletariat enjoy in the socialist society) to see the 'freedom' the bourgeois capitalist advocates for the common man.

The Democrats, like the Republicans, have a vested financial interest in maintaining the status quo and seeing such exploitation continue.
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☭proletarian☭;2133570 said:
Socio-Communism is liberty, equality, and prosperity.

The old system of the Bourgeois Capitalist enslaves the common man. Socio-Communism frees him from his master and enables him to pursue his happiness. One need only see the sweatshops, villages, and shallow graves in Sri Lanka, India, VietNam, China, and the rest of the 'Third World' (the Non-Protected Proletariat- those labourers who've not yet acquired by ballot or bullet the social and legal protections that the Protected Proletariat enjoy in the socialist society) to see the 'freedom' the bourgeois capitalist advocates for the common man.
Wow, a card carrying communist true believer.
I suppose one is born every minute.
☭proletarian☭;2133570 said:
Socio-Communism is liberty, equality, and prosperity.

The old system of the Bourgeois Capitalist enslaves the common man. Socio-Communism frees him from his master and enables him to pursue his happiness. One need only see the sweatshops, villages, and shallow graves in Sri Lanka, India, VietNam, China, and the rest of the 'Third World' (the Non-Protected Proletariat- those labourers who've not yet acquired by ballot or bullet the social and legal protections that the Protected Proletariat enjoy in the socialist society) to see the 'freedom' the bourgeois capitalist advocates for the common man.
Wow, a card carrying communist true believer.
I suppose one is born every minute.

The Proletariat under Bourgeois Capitalism



The Proletariat in a Socialist Society:


America's transition to socialism made America prosperous.

It's regression towards Bourgeois Capitalism and Corporatism have taken Americans' jobs away so that the Capitalists can increase profit margins by exploiting the world's lowest and least protected.
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☭proletarian☭;2130953 said:
Remind us which party represents tyranny and hates America...

That would be the Communist party.
As far as attitudes go, the Democrats are far closer to Communists than are the Republicans.

It was the Repuglican Party (under deserter-in-chief aby bush and draft dodger dick(less) that pushed the Un-Patriotic Act on our country.

Warrantless Wire Taps, illegal search and seizure = Repuglican.
☭proletarian☭;2133736 said:
America's transition to socialism make the American populace.
Can you recognize sentence fragments?
Perhaps your education emphasized socialist values rather than learning. I can see how that correlates; more intellect leads to a rejection of socialism, hence socialists need to keep the proletariat stupid.
First off, you weren't important enough to proofread beyond FF's poorly implemented spellcheck. Secondly, it's already well-established that it is the bourgeois capitalist, like all tyrants, who must keep the proletariat ignorant and uninformed, less the workers organize and end the oppression. That's why America's in no rush to educate today's slave in the sweatshops that make your Nike's and Kathy Lee branded sweaters. If they knew of the philosophy or rights or the victories of their comrades elsewhere in the world, they could easily be incited to rise up against the slavedrivers.
☭proletarian☭;2138269 said:
That's why America's in no rush to educate today's slave in the sweatshops that make your Nike's and Kathy Lee branded sweaters.
In case you missed the memo, those sweatshops for Nike etc are all overseas in third world hellholes. Perhaps you should go over there to find the right fertile ground for your socialism. Ignorant overworked drudges who believe it when you tell them it will get better because they cannot imagine worse.
☭proletarian☭;2138269 said:
That's why America's in no rush to educate today's slave in the sweatshops that make your Nike's and Kathy Lee branded sweaters.
In case you missed the memo, those sweatshops for Nike etc are all overseas in third world hellholes.

And run by American corporations

often in nations with tyrants put in place by the US Army to protect American business interests

Colonialism is the natural result of the Bourgeoisie attempting to use national borders to avoid respecting the rights of the proletariat in nations where the Left has secured the rights and protection of the common man.

Perhaps you should go over there to find the right fertile ground for your socialism

You're an idiot. A nation cannot evolve into socialist state from a state of agrarian subsidy and colonialism/tyranny.

. Ignorant overworked drudges who believe it when you tell them it will get better because they cannot imagine worse.

I believe we have a few posters from Appalachia. Ask them to take you to the old corporate mining towns. Go and ask about the working conditions before the unions formed and forced the bosses to provide a safe working environment and decent pay.

Compare the working conditions of the working class in England in 1844 to that of today, where the nation has entered a socialist stage of development and recognizes the rights of the common man and takes measures to provide a safety net for the sick and injured so they do not starve.
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