The Republican Strategy


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Robert Reich: The Republican Strategy

"The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class -- pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish."

Thats right fucktards, that is your strategy, but we've been on to your bullshit. Divide American and split the cash with rich at the top, you're all pieces of shit.

Public employees are not and have never been the fault for state budget fuck ups, you want to know the real reason? You fucked up, shitty Repugs doing dirty deals with private companies cutting taxes and draining the state of much needed money.
Robert Reich: The Republican Strategy

"The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class -- pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish."

Thats right fucktards, that is your strategy, but we've been on to your bullshit. Divide American and split the cash with rich at the top, you're all pieces of shit.

Public employees are not and have never been the fault for state budget fuck ups, you want to know the real reason? You fucked up, shitty Repugs doing dirty deals with private companies cutting taxes and draining the state of much needed money.

What can I figured it out.Good for you.:clap2: But do you know the real truth about Elvis and where he is living today? :eusa_shhh:
Speaking of Elvis...

During his last days the richest 1% of Americans "earned" less than 10% of total US income.

Today the top one percent takes in over 20%.

Can you figure that out?
Speaking of Elvis...

During his last days the richest 1% of Americans "earned" less than 10% of total US income.

Today the top one percent takes in over 20%.

Can you figure that out?

Like most things that contribute to class warfare, it means vitually nothing.

By the by, do you realize that while you are charging that the Republicans are engaging in Class Warfare, you are engaging in Class Warfare?

Is it possible that you don't even know what you are doing?
Oh, how fun! The mouthpiece of the left using class warfare as an accusation at others when they're the ones to use class warfare. I'm impressed that Fail&Won'tGo remains stuck on stupid.
Speaking of Elvis...

During his last days the richest 1% of Americans "earned" less than 10% of total US income.

Today the top one percent takes in over 20%.

Can you figure that out?

Like most things that contribute to class warfare, it means vitually nothing.

By the by, do you realize that while you are charging that the Republicans are engaging in Class Warfare, you are engaging in Class Warfare?

Is it possible that you don't even know what you are doing?
Anything's possible

However, I was working minimum wage jobs during the decade Elvis died. A single such job at that time paid the rent on a new one bedroom apartment each month with enough left over to maintain a 6 year-old Chevy.

The reason that is economically impossible today is explained by the gains made by the richest 1% of the population over the last four decades.

btw, it will only get worse for 90% of workers if they continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat.
Oh, how fun! The mouthpiece of the left using class warfare as an accusation at others when they're the ones to use class warfare. I'm impressed that Fail&Won'tGo remains stuck on stupid.
Are you actually confused about which one percent of US workers have increased their share of national wealth during the last two years?

US class war begins when 90% of American workers discover the answer to that question.

Which side will you choose?

Stuck on Greed??
Flaylo is right, of course.

My only complaint about his POV is that Reich fails to note that the DEMS are no less in on the scam.

In fact, he goes out of his way to suggest that the DEMS are not part of the game

What is the Democratic strategy to counter this and reclaim America for the rest of us?

Hell, that isn't hard to explain, Richie...their plan is to say all the right things while DOING all the wrongs one, a la Obama

1. Credit card reform that reforms essentially nothing that matters to CC consumers

2. Health care reform that actually works to benefit HC insurance companies, and does virtually nothing to keep the rising cost of HC down

3. Still even more FREE TRADE nonsense with Korea

4. Continuation of the Central Asian wars

5. REnewing the PATRIOT ACT

6. GITMO still open

7.Pissing away the stimulus on pork, the banksters, and load of hairbrained schemes while NOT creating WPA type jobs that actually might help.

8. Pretending that inflation isn't happening so you don't have to cover COLAs

Flaylo, you're about HALF WAY to real political enlightenment.

I'm rootin for ya' to see through the REST OF THE SHAMOCRACY, soon.
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Dear dumbass librul tit suckers,,,,,,, guess what?,, the private sector is tired of working their asses off to pay for your stuff, you gotta learn to pay for your own stuff.. got it??? we're tired and we're broke, now get up off your whiney ass and go back to work.
Robert Reich: The Republican Strategy

"The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class -- pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish."

Thats right fucktards, that is your strategy, but we've been on to your bullshit. Divide American and split the cash with rich at the top, you're all pieces of shit.

Public employees are not and have never been the fault for state budget fuck ups, you want to know the real reason? You fucked up, shitty Repugs doing dirty deals with private companies cutting taxes and draining the state of much needed money.

The dimocratic strategy is to divide the country via a class war.

There really is no difference in the end result just the means by which politicians will lead you sheep to slaughter.
Robert Reich: The Republican Strategy

"The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class -- pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish."

Thats right fucktards, that is your strategy, but we've been on to your bullshit. Divide American and split the cash with rich at the top, you're all pieces of shit.

Public employees are not and have never been the fault for state budget fuck ups, you want to know the real reason? You fucked up, shitty Repugs doing dirty deals with private companies cutting taxes and draining the state of much needed money.


"The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class -- pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

you make this sound like a bad thing...
your right you fabulous fuckin' fabio, we won't be satisfied until seniors and babies are locked in an eternal deathgrip like on star trek,.... loser
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Democrat strategy: Remain cloistered in your upper crust fat cat ruling class ivory tower, soaking up all the goodies you can from the corporate elite mob, while maintaining the façade that you're working for the working man, the poooooooooor and the chiiilllllldrrreeeeennnn.

Let 'em eat cake.
Robert Reich: The Republican Strategy

"The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class -- pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish."

Thats right fucktards, that is your strategy, but we've been on to your bullshit. Divide American and split the cash with rich at the top, you're all pieces of shit.

Public employees are not and have never been the fault for state budget fuck ups, you want to know the real reason? You fucked up, shitty Repugs doing dirty deals with private companies cutting taxes and draining the state of much needed money.

I have to disagree. For one, unions only contain 7.5% of all private workers. You can't really "pit" 7.5% against 92.5%.

The truth is that 7.5% registers people to vote and organizes bake sales and other ways to raise money for the Democrats. Remember, the Democratic Party is a coalition. They Republican Party is 90% white and mostly Christian. Their leadership cares "squat" about their base. Even most of the base probably knows it by now. Someone pointed out that those bake sales and door to door raised 30 million for Democrats. For Republicans, even that 30 million is too much.

Well, Republicans received 75 million from just the Chamber of Commerce and over 100 million during the year and all from just a few big corporations. Corporations who expect to get paid by removing regulations on clean air and clean water. Corporations who want to dump arsenic and mercury to squeeze out a few extra bucks. Corporations who want tax breaks and subsidies so they can move their business to China. And they got it. They even got an apology to BP and they got Republicans to block the Presidents subpoena power so BP couldn't be seriously investigated in the death of nearly a dozen men who had families and seriously damaging 1,000 miles of US coast line, and we won't know the true damage for years. This is what Republicans have been celebrating. That and redefining rape.
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Robert Reich: The Republican Strategy

"The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class -- pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish."

Thats right fucktards, that is your strategy, but we've been on to your bullshit. Divide American and split the cash with rich at the top, you're all pieces of shit.

Public employees are not and have never been the fault for state budget fuck ups, you want to know the real reason? You fucked up, shitty Repugs doing dirty deals with private companies cutting taxes and draining the state of much needed money.



And what exactly is that "far left ideology"?
Speaking of Elvis...

During his last days the richest 1% of Americans "earned" less than 10% of total US income.

Today the top one percent takes in over 20%.

Can you figure that out?

Like most things that contribute to class warfare, it means vitually nothing.

By the by, do you realize that while you are charging that the Republicans are engaging in Class Warfare, you are engaging in Class Warfare?

Is it possible that you don't even know what you are doing?
Anything's possible

However, I was working minimum wage jobs during the decade Elvis died. A single such job at that time paid the rent on a new one bedroom apartment each month with enough left over to maintain a 6 year-old Chevy.

The reason that is economically impossible today is explained by the gains made by the richest 1% of the population over the last four decades.

btw, it will only get worse for 90% of workers if they continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat.

Funny, the right wing wants to "go back" to that time. The time BEFORE their policies damaged the country.
Robert Reich: The Republican Strategy

"The Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class -- pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish."

Thats right fucktards, that is your strategy, but we've been on to your bullshit. Divide American and split the cash with rich at the top, you're all pieces of shit.

Public employees are not and have never been the fault for state budget fuck ups, you want to know the real reason? You fucked up, shitty Repugs doing dirty deals with private companies cutting taxes and draining the state of much needed money.

Yep. And you union morons are stupid enough to fall for it:evil: Mmmooooowwahahahahahaha!!!

Meanwhile, while falling for our brilliant plan, you call Sarah Palin stupid haha?

And yes, big ass tax cuts. Governor Mark Sanford (R) of SC and Mayor Keith Summey (R) of North Charleston worked 10 years to lure Boeing away from Seattle to Charleston for their massive Dreamliner plant and WON by promising insanely good tax deals!!!! And guess what their evil, diabolical plot did? It attracted Boeing AND Google to Charleston, and now 12,000 mid to high paying jobs are arriving in Charleston for it's citizens.

Yes. The evil, diabolical plot of the right. Sure, 12,000 Charleston citizens got good jobs that would've gone to Seattle union workers, but at least we got to give big tax breaks to the company!!! The NOW employed 12,000 citizens of Charelston are just an...unfortunate side effect of the tax break.:lol::evil:
The Liberals, the Marxist, and the Democrats always accuse others of doing what they are doing.

The Democrats at least have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and countless other news media helping with the Class warfare political strategy.
Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub.
Grover Norquist

Read more: Grover Norquist Quotes - BrainyQuote

“We are trying to change the tones in the state capitals - and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship.”
Grover Norquist quote

"Our goal is to inflict pain. It is not good enough to win; it has to be a painful and devastating defeat. We're sending a message here. It is like when the king would take his opponent's head and spike it on a pole for everyone to see."
from the National Review, quoted in The Republican Noise Machine by David Brock, Crown Publishers 2004, pg. 50
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Like most things that contribute to class warfare, it means vitually nothing.

By the by, do you realize that while you are charging that the Republicans are engaging in Class Warfare, you are engaging in Class Warfare?

Is it possible that you don't even know what you are doing?
Anything's possible

However, I was working minimum wage jobs during the decade Elvis died. A single such job at that time paid the rent on a new one bedroom apartment each month with enough left over to maintain a 6 year-old Chevy.

The reason that is economically impossible today is explained by the gains made by the richest 1% of the population over the last four decades.

btw, it will only get worse for 90% of workers if they continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat.

Funny, the right wing wants to "go back" to that time. The time BEFORE their policies damaged the country.
Reich's blog lays out a three part strategy Republicans are employing " deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1% while jobs and wages of everyone else languish":

1. Battle over the federal budget.
2.Attack public unions at the state level
3.Distortion of the US Constitution

All three fronts work to convince those nostalgic for a simpler time to support individuals and institutions that have made record profits from the inequality that's exploded over the last four decades in the US.

The Republican Strategy...

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