The Republicans are the destructionist party, & have been for the last 30 years since Reagan left: to save himself, McCarthy just destroyed the House

This is what happens when a political party, year after year, systematically destroys the norms and institutions of democracy
watch the Jim Jordan interview if the Washington Post piece has a paywall, they discuss the piece in the interview
1. What norms are being destroyed by Republicans? I call bullshit.
2. Typical low IQ democrat OP.
What are they destroying?

our revenue for starters.

our revenue for starters.
You mean by not voting for every spending item in the budget?

our revenue for starters.
All of the inflation has brought in untold hundreds of billions extra in revenue. Old Joe, the tyrant king.

America is not a democracy, it is a Constitutional Republic. You are partially correct about the Republican Party, the RINO faction which I deem to be even worse than a Democrat have done a great job of working with the fascist democrat party in the destructions you mentioned. Really, can ANYONE think of a more corrupt politician and bigger traitor to America than Mitch McConnel?? I can't. Out of the 10 most corrupt politicians in American politics, McConjob has to be in the top 5, maybe top 3.

However, don't fall in the trap of just focusing on one party as the problem. The democrats are the ones at the borders who are angry at illegal aliens because they are not crossing the border fast enough. It is the fascist democrat party and their fellow fascists who are trying to eliminate freedom of speech to those who oppose their radical agenda. It is the democrats who are all for trying to confuse children as to what their real gender is. It is the democrats and their policies that took California from being one of the top ranked states for education to being ranked the worst. It is the democrats who view the criminal as the victim and the victim as the criminal. I can keep going on and on. Oh yeah, and I am not fooled by the GOP big lie of being for smaller government, I have yet to see them come through on that one. Increase in government was at it's all time highest under George W. Bush, easily one of the 3 dumbest people to ever occupy the White House.

Look at the evils of the democrat as well basquebromance. I view both parties as no good, which is why I am American Independent. Those of us who have a negative view of both parties often refer to the democrats and republicans as the uniparty.
This is what happens when a political party, year after year, systematically destroys the norms and institutions of democracy

watch the Jim Jordan interview if the washington post piece has a paywall, they discuss the piece in the interview

Democrats have been destroying the norms and institutions of democracy for the last six years.
This is what happens when a political party, year after year, systematically destroys the norms and institutions of democracy

watch the Jim Jordan interview if the washington post piece has a paywall, they discuss the piece in the interview

um all they did was make the rules what they were before the nancy p and the demafacist changed them
Hit and miss and run OP is worried about the efficacy of the Republican controlled House?

Yeah. Obvious bullshit is obvious and bullshit.

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