WaPost: GOP is stuck in doom loop begun 30 years ago by Pat Buchanan & Newt, GOP will continue to drift as a national party until they face up to it

Buchanan advocated for welfare moms not receiving checks anymore from the government so that they stop having kids. a loving man! lol
And? WTF does that have to do with, "Far-right extremism," and a so called, "doom-loop?"

in my opinion, it's an extreme position. deal with it

The GQP may indeed be "stuck in a doom loop", but it will continue to enjoy some degree of success unless and until the alternative is more appealing. Elections are about choices and contrasts. The Democrats have their own issues, and plenty of things at which the GQP can still point.
Republicans have touched on a formula of hate, fear and misinformation

Trump rode it to victory in 2016

But there was a price to pay. Republicans have been forced to embrace extremists which drives away moderate and independent voters.

The MAGA wing has the party by the throat and will not let go

The GQP may indeed be "stuck in a doom loop", but it will continue to enjoy some degree of success unless and until the alternative is more appealing. Elections are about choices and contrasts. The Democrats have their own issues, and plenty of things at which the GQP can still point.
actually, election is for who can tell the best republican lie to get themselves elected ... we all, well us smart ones know a lie when we hear it ...
Voices such as Pat and Newt have tried to give warnings, but they are just laughed at like you laugh at them now.
I suppose because they never offered viable solutions to the nation's problems. They were far more interested in gaining power by getting their constituents to hate and or fear their perceived enemies.
Read and remember Pat Buchanan: Far-right extremism dominates the GOP. It didn’t start — and won’t end — with Trump.

in 1992, no one cared about immigration policy except Buchanan. he compared the Southern Border to the 10th circle of hell

Great article. The underlying issue in all of this unfortunately is the deep seated racism of White America. The New Deal policies subsidized and grew the white middle class but the closer we moved towards civil rights the more white Americans were willing to embrace free market capitalism, tax cuts and the gutting of welfare so long as it was marketed as putting welfare queens in their rightful place. 50 years later after they've been bled dry by every two bit hustler and prosperity preacher is it any wonder they turn to conspiracy theories for why it all went to shit? Those fuckers are a lost cause (pun intended) and I can't say I feel too bad about that.
I suppose because they never offered viable solutions to the nation's problems. They were far more interested in gaining power by getting their constituents to hate and or fear their perceived enemies.
Viable solutions?

Viable solutions in the Swamp = throwing trillions of dollars at it. It matter little at what or how it is spent on or evaluating it's effectiveness once spent. Just keep throwing money at virtually every man, woman, and child on the planet while running up the largest debt in human history while you accuse those who have a problem with that as extremists.

Why do I even waste my time trying to reach people like yourself? In fact, I bet you think the government needs to spend trillions more money on all the wonderful things you want to fix.

Isn't that right?
The GOP has devolved into a party of culture wars with no coherent policy. There is no governing choice in America. You have the Democrats or a religious cabal. That’s not a choice. That’s a mandate to not vote for the cult.
As usual, the asinine leftard accuses everyone else of what he himself is guilty of.

You don't have a leg to stand on, son. Not even a peg leg.
Buchanan insisted his immigration stance was not about race but culture, and that immigrants couldn't assimilate into US culture, though that was undercut by his insistence that white Europeans should immigrate freely to the US
The question should be put to voters, should voters have the ability to caste a ballot deciding who gets into the US and who does not. If voters relinquish this power, then whoever wants to come into the US can and you will like it, such as MS 13 coming into their country to murder and plunder or the drug cartels.

It's not rocket science

But pukes like Biden lie saying the border is secure, secure of what exactly?
As usual, the asinine leftard accuses everyone else of what he himself is guilty of.

You don't have a leg to stand on, son. Not even a peg leg.
We are being preached to by people like this as being incoherent and idiotic


Just let that sink in a bit.
As usual, the asinine leftard accuses everyone else of what he himself is guilty of.

You don't have a leg to stand on, son. Not even a peg leg.
Two legs here my friend. Link me to the Republican platform (good luck). Here’s the democrats.

Read and remember Pat Buchanan: Far-right extremism dominates the GOP. It didn’t start — and won’t end — with Trump.

in 1992, no one cared about immigration policy except Buchanan. he compared the Southern Border to the 10th circle of hell

Crazy only goes so far.

Eventually you go full QAnon and the whole thing starts to unravel
Read and remember Pat Buchanan: Far-right extremism dominates the GOP. It didn’t start — and won’t end — with Trump.

in 1992, no one cared about immigration policy except Buchanan. he compared the Southern Border to the 10th circle of hell


If you mean "drifting" as in a sense of not getting into lock step with the Establishment trying to run both sides of the aisle ...
It's probably better addressed as Uncompromising Principles coming into Conflict with the Shepherds herding the Sheep, with an Ends Justifies the Means mentality.

The journalist Peter Brimelow’s 1995 best seller, Alien Nation, for example, opened with the suggestion that the country had been defined by a “specific ethnic core” that “has always been white”—and was now in danger of being replaced.

Brimelow was a friend of Buchanan's
White People Built America. America Is for Whites Only.
Buchanan was a relative moderate back in the day. A quarter century of media propaganda that included the justification the Clinton sexual abuses and bombing of Yugoslavia turned the age of information upside down.
"Mass immigration means an America in 2050 with no core majority, made up of minorities of every race, color, religion, and culture on earth...such a country has never existed before." Buchanan In The American Conservative.
If he's right, he's right.

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