The Right Could Not Find Black Trump Supporter So They Made One Up

Lol, you made a statement. I proved you wrong.
15 Black Celebrities Who Support Donald Trump
Editorial: Black men for Trump, What makes them tick?
Trump's African-American Supporters Are Unapologetic


The Black Man Behind BlacksforTrump2020

First the Daily Caller fell for it. ProTrump45: Black Pro-Trump Conservative Begins Pro-Trump Empire

Nicole Mincey is an African American female from Camden, NJ. She grew up in poverty and during this time her mother taught her the importance of hard work and self-responsibility. Her mother was a strong woman and a hardline conservative. Through hard work Nicole is now a college student and owner of ProTrump45, a pro-Trump empire.

Then Trump fell for it. Trump retweeted a Twitter bot — then it got suspended

A Twitter account that tweeted support for President Donald Trump on Saturday was rewarded when Trump shared the compliment and replied, "Thank you Nicole!"

But observers quickly noticed something odd about "Nicole": She didn't seem to be real. And by Sunday night, the account was suspended.

These are the people who think they can spot fake news. :lol:
That is not ProTrump45. ProTrump45 made up a fake black business woman and used a fake black T shirt model as the fake black business woman.

They are trying to make it look like Trump has more black supporters than he really does.

"I travel light so I can run if I need to."

That shows you what intelligent black people think of the racist mobs the Dems are funding.
Lol, you made a statement. I proved you wrong.[
It is impossible to prove me wrong. It is a fact the Right made up a fake business woman. It is a fact Trump and the Daily Caller fell for it. No one can prove the truth wrong.

Trump has such low support from blacks they had to make up some fake ones. For every black supporter you can find there are literally a dozen who hate him. Would you like me to post a dozen anti Trump blacks for every black supporter you fools have found? That would be VERY easy.
1,300,000 plus African American's voted for Trump.
8 percent.

If that is 1,300,000 then 15,000,000 voted for Hillary.

Your OP was obliterated, now you are squealing like a stuck pig and deflecting.
No it is a fact the Right made up a black business woman and the Daily Caller and Trump fell for it. It is you who is squealing. Look at all of you rushing here to cover it up.

Why did they make up a fake black Trump supporter? To make it look like he had more black supporters than a measly single digit 8 percent.
How do you know it was the right?
The Daily Caller said so. They would not lie to you right?
I don't read the daily caller and don't give a damn what they think.
Why do you worship the media so?
Lol, you made a statement. I proved you wrong.[
It is impossible to prove me wrong. It is a fact the Right made up a fake business woman. It is a fact Trump and the Daily Caller fell for it. No one can prove the truth wrong.

Trump has such low support from blacks they had to make up some fake ones. For every black supporter you can find there are literally a dozen who hate him. Would you like me to post a dozen anti Trump blacks for every black supporter you fools have found? That would be VERY easy.
You've had your ass handed to you since the first reply to your OP. Since then the beating got even worse. Why the fuck are you still in this thread?
15 Black Celebrities Who Support Donald Trump
Editorial: Black men for Trump, What makes them tick?
Trump's African-American Supporters Are Unapologetic


The Black Man Behind BlacksforTrump2020

First the Daily Caller fell for it. ProTrump45: Black Pro-Trump Conservative Begins Pro-Trump Empire

Nicole Mincey is an African American female from Camden, NJ. She grew up in poverty and during this time her mother taught her the importance of hard work and self-responsibility. Her mother was a strong woman and a hardline conservative. Through hard work Nicole is now a college student and owner of ProTrump45, a pro-Trump empire.

Then Trump fell for it. Trump retweeted a Twitter bot — then it got suspended

A Twitter account that tweeted support for President Donald Trump on Saturday was rewarded when Trump shared the compliment and replied, "Thank you Nicole!"

But observers quickly noticed something odd about "Nicole": She didn't seem to be real. And by Sunday night, the account was suspended.

These are the people who think they can spot fake news. :lol:
That is not ProTrump45. ProTrump45 made up a fake black business woman and used a fake black T shirt model as the fake black business woman.

They are trying to make it look like Trump has more black supporters than he really does.
It's called "marketing" you moron.

It's a marketing piece. Kind of like "This is John. See John yawn. John has a cold. John chooses NyQuil".

Yup, no black supporters to be found....

Those two are exceptions who prove the rule. The Right had to make up a fake black business woman from New Jersey to make it look like Trump has more minority support than he does.

The Daily Caller and Donald Trump are of the biggest purveyors of fake news out there. Small wonder they fell for it.

You don't see black supporters because you're not looking for them.

The people who made the fake black business woman looked for one did they not? And they could not find one.

And no, they don't prove the exception. They prove you wrong.
The Right had to invent a black business woman who supports Trump. If they were everywhere they would have used a real one.

It sounds to me like more shenanigans by the left

One could say the same about the 8 percent of blacks who voted for Trump.
Who cares? Blacks should have gotten off their asses and voted for the Beast.

Hillary received a significantly lower percentage of the black vote than Obama in 2008 and 2012.
One could say the same about the 8 percent of blacks who voted for Trump.
Who cares? Blacks should have gotten off their asses and voted for the Beast.

Hillary received a significantly lower percentage of the black vote than Obama in 2008 and 2012.
We know. Blacks could have prevented PA, MI and WI from flipping. In fact, cow-towing to things like BLM backfired on the Beast and her stronger together meme.

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