The Right To Bear Arms - Yes...Smart Gun Not So Much


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA

With all those righties demanding their Right to own a fire arm, and yet when it comes to a "Smart Gun" they shut up.

As a person who believes in strong gun control laws, this type of hand gun is one I would buy. Yes, I would register it and yes I would get a licence for it.

Yet, the NRA have a sure fire shit fit about this one hand gun, this one hand gun they fight.
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If they shut up that would be fine. What they are doing is keeping this type of gun off the market, by threatening to kill anyone who tries to sell it.
If they shut up that would be fine. What they are doing is keeping this type of gun off the market, by threatening to kill anyone who tries to sell it.

And of course you can back up yet this another stupid fucking claim?

Of course you can't....

What a rube.
If they shut up that would be fine. What they are doing is keeping this type of gun off the market, by threatening to kill anyone who tries to sell it.

And of course you can back up yet this another stupid fucking claim?

Of course you can't....

What a rube.
Read the news on Google. "Smart gun sellers get death threats" will answer your concern.
I had the chance to see a brief little video on this weapon the other day. The first thing that came to my mind was, that this technology would have a good application in law enforcement, and military applications. I might be off the mark on it, as I don't have enough information on it. All this said, it's a sad state of affair's that someone who takes the time to develop technology and sell like this would get "death threats". It would seem if the technology is as good as they claim then let those who want to buy this weapon or those that are in market for one decide if it is. It's very existence however, won't have any impact on the 2nd Amendment at all, the Supreme Court has made it pretty clear in Heller and that is where we stand at the moment.
If they shut up that would be fine. What they are doing is keeping this type of gun off the market, by threatening to kill anyone who tries to sell it.

And of course you can back up yet this another stupid fucking claim?

Of course you can't....

What a rube.

Death threats stop gun store from selling 'smart' gun. Why? -

Amazing to me how people who know nothing about an issue are the first to insult those who do.
If they shut up that would be fine. What they are doing is keeping this type of gun off the market, by threatening to kill anyone who tries to sell it.

And of course you can back up yet this another stupid fucking claim?

Of course you can't....

What a rube.

Death threats stop gun store from selling 'smart' gun. Why? -

Amazing to me how people who know nothing about an issue are the first to insult those who do.

@ soggy Waiting for an indication of intellect/honesty

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