The Right Wing truly doesn't understand why anyone out there would protest.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand.
They do, at least some do, but are kind of afraid of it and makes them uneasy.

No......we don't, we really don't.

When you protest, you usually protest about a policy, a law, taxation, or something that is direct. WTF are these clowns protesting about, that we had a fair election and the people chose a representative they don't like?

And when you're protesting something, you are asking for change. Okay, so what change do these lowlifes want, that we don't have elections anymore? What?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
When that piece of Left Wing shit Obama was elected tens of millions of Americans were pissed that you idiotic filthy ass Libtards elected the sonofabitch. We didn't like it because we knew he was going to be a disaster for this country and he was. Even worse than we feared.

However, we didn't beat up the Negroes that voted for him like what happen yesterday to the Trump voter. We didn't riot and make an ass out of ourselves like you Moon Bats have been doing for the last three nights.
That is one of the reasons that I tend to support the republicans over the democrats. I just cant align myself with a group that is historically known to be violent children when they dont get their way.
You dont see third party supporters acting like rabid animals either when things dont go according to their desire.
I just dont understand how anyone can look at the way things are and still claim that the democrats are the adults in the room.

You know, I'm beginning to think both parties are divisive.

Democrats want to divide us along ethnic, racial, religious, and sexual preference differences.

Republicans want to divide us along productive/nonproductive, contributing/non-contributing, lawful/unlawful differences.

Guess I know which side I'm going to line up with.
people dont have a choice when it comes to racial, ethnic or sexual preference, religious? yes there is a choice on that one as far as I am concerned.
People do have a choice, or many choices when it comes to being productive and contributing to society in a lawful way.
Being one that believes in choice I tend think that if I am forced to pick a side, Im going to pick the side that judges me on my personal choices, not the side that judges me on things that I am not able to change.


When was the last time you heard somebody say, "I choose to be black" or "I choose to be Finnish" ? Dems exploit and cultivate those divisions. Republicans, frankly, don't give a damn about those differences. We only care about your contributions to society. I can't remember the last time I refused to buy a table because it was made by a gay guy from Vermont.
when was the last time somebody praised you on your reading comprehension.
Stop being a typical liberal and actually try to understand what people write.

Liberal????? Surely, you jest .....

I think you hurt my feelings.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

We understand perfectly fine why people are protesting: because they are Marxist idiots that must try to undermine democratic rule and use bullying tactics and violence in order to scare people into giving them what they want. Progressives are like petulant children, when they don't get their way they throw a tantrum, scream at the top of their lungs, and pout because they aren't getting their way.

Carry on, dipshits.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

We don't empathize, we use common sense and logic.

Yes, it is ok to use derogatory terms, that actually is freedom of speech.

No, illegals are causing huge costs to our schools, hospitals, and many of them are gang bangers, drug dealers, rapists, and murderers.

The stolen jobs bit are the Mexicans in Mexico, and the Chinese, and many other foreign countries that our companies have moved manufacturing over to, thanks to idiotic trade laws.

Yes, men talking about being attracted to beautiful women in a lewd manner, is in fact "locker room" talk.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.

"Anti-Trump protests, some violent, erupt for 3rd night nationwide"

Anti-Trump protests, some violent, erupt for 3rd night nationwide
When that piece of Left Wing shit Obama was elected tens of millions of Americans were pissed that you idiotic filthy ass Libtards elected the sonofabitch. We didn't like it because we knew he was going to be a disaster for this country and he was. Even worse than we feared.

However, we didn't beat up the Negroes that voted for him like what happen yesterday to the Trump voter. We didn't riot and make an ass out of ourselves like you Moon Bats have been doing for the last three nights.
That is one of the reasons that I tend to support the republicans over the democrats. I just cant align myself with a group that is historically known to be violent children when they dont get their way.
You dont see third party supporters acting like rabid animals either when things dont go according to their desire.
I just dont understand how anyone can look at the way things are and still claim that the democrats are the adults in the room.

You know, I'm beginning to think both parties are divisive.

Democrats want to divide us along ethnic, racial, religious, and sexual preference differences.

Republicans want to divide us along productive/nonproductive, contributing/non-contributing, lawful/unlawful differences.

Guess I know which side I'm going to line up with.

Are we not a nation of laws or not?
If not then we are no longer America based entirely on that principle.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.
More lying and crying. The rioters are nothing more than entitled bitches.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

The right gets it.
YEAH because they have been lied to.
Do any one of them know about Trumps New Black deal?
I bet they haven't.
The Blacks who did voted for him.
Are we not a nation of laws or not?
If not then we are no longer America based entirely on that principle.

Obama sure doesn't think we are a nation of laws.

He doesn't enforce our immigration laws and he didn't allow the justice system to apply to Crooked Hillary.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
To an extent yes. But considering that, if true, why do you think raising taxes on them wont make them move even quicker?
If I were in a position to suggest a way to fix this problem I might consider looking at a compromise with industry, We know that we all need better pay, 15 or even 20 an hour is basically not enough to provide for a family in this country. That is a fact. ( at least not in the DC area) My wife and I were making in the general area of 200k a year before we both retired last year, raising one child only, we were not by any means rich. We paid our bills, but its not like we were fine dining and taking expensive European vacations if you know what I mean.
So lets look at this a an option. What if a business were to be granted lower taxes based on what their lowest paid employee earns? If you have employees that are working below 20 an hour, then you pay a higher tax to compensate for the cost to the government in benefits and aid that that person might be in need of.
The more people you have in your employ that make over 20 an hour, the less the business pays in tax because there is less of a chance that employees will have to rely on any assistance to make it.
Doing it this way the price of your goods should be able to stay within an affordable range.
The loss of revenue due to busness tax reductions would end up being recovered in the additional payroll tax that the higher pay scale is going to generate.
This would also eliminate the need in most cases to have a minimum wage mandated by government. You want to run a business and pay everyone 10 or less per hour? go for it, Just dont bitch when you see a 60% tax rate on your profits.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
To an extent yes. But considering that, if true, why do you think raising taxes on them wont make them move even quicker?
If I were in a position to suggest a way to fix this problem I might consider looking at a compromise with industry, We know that we all need better pay, 15 or even 20 an hour is basically not enough to provide for a family in this country. That is a fact. ( at least not in the DC area) My wife and I were making in the general area of 200k a year before we both retired last year, raising one child only, we were not by any means rich. We paid our bills, but its not like we were fine dining and taking expensive European vacations if you know what I mean.
So lets look at this a an option. What if a business were to be granted lower taxes based on what their lowest paid employee earns? If you have employees that are working below 20 an hour, then you pay a higher tax to compensate for the cost to the government in benefits and aid that that person might be in need of.
The more people you have in your employ that make over 20 an hour, the less the business pays in tax because there is less of a chance that employees will have to rely on any assistance to make it.
Doing it this way the price of your goods should be able to stay within an affordable range.
The loss of revenue due to busness tax reductions would end up being recovered in the additional payroll tax that the higher pay scale is going to generate.
This would also eliminate the need in most cases to have a minimum wage mandated by government. You want to run a business and pay everyone 10 or less per hour? go for it, Just dont bitch when you see a 60% tax rate on your profits.

The thing is, if we don't tax the rich then who do we tax? Someone who is making $500,000 a year shouldn't be paying the same amount of taxes as someone making $50,000 a year.

Most 1st world countries redistribute the wealth. This is how they have universal healthcare and affordable university education.
The thing is, if we don't tax the rich then who do we tax? Someone who is making $500,000 a year shouldn't be paying the same amount of taxes as someone making $50,000 a year.

Most 1st world countries redistribute the wealth. This is how they have universal healthcare and affordable university education.

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
To an extent yes. But considering that, if true, why do you think raising taxes on them wont make them move even quicker?
If I were in a position to suggest a way to fix this problem I might consider looking at a compromise with industry, We know that we all need better pay, 15 or even 20 an hour is basically not enough to provide for a family in this country. That is a fact. ( at least not in the DC area) My wife and I were making in the general area of 200k a year before we both retired last year, raising one child only, we were not by any means rich. We paid our bills, but its not like we were fine dining and taking expensive European vacations if you know what I mean.
So lets look at this a an option. What if a business were to be granted lower taxes based on what their lowest paid employee earns? If you have employees that are working below 20 an hour, then you pay a higher tax to compensate for the cost to the government in benefits and aid that that person might be in need of.
The more people you have in your employ that make over 20 an hour, the less the business pays in tax because there is less of a chance that employees will have to rely on any assistance to make it.
Doing it this way the price of your goods should be able to stay within an affordable range.
The loss of revenue due to busness tax reductions would end up being recovered in the additional payroll tax that the higher pay scale is going to generate.
This would also eliminate the need in most cases to have a minimum wage mandated by government. You want to run a business and pay everyone 10 or less per hour? go for it, Just dont bitch when you see a 60% tax rate on your profits.

The thing is, if we don't tax the rich then who do we tax? Someone who is making $500,000 a year shouldn't be paying the same amount of taxes as someone making $50,000 a year.

Most 1st world countries redistribute the wealth. This is how they have universal healthcare and affordable university education.

No gvmnt should get away with taxing and redistributing it's people's wealth to millions of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
To an extent yes. But considering that, if true, why do you think raising taxes on them wont make them move even quicker?
If I were in a position to suggest a way to fix this problem I might consider looking at a compromise with industry, We know that we all need better pay, 15 or even 20 an hour is basically not enough to provide for a family in this country. That is a fact. ( at least not in the DC area) My wife and I were making in the general area of 200k a year before we both retired last year, raising one child only, we were not by any means rich. We paid our bills, but its not like we were fine dining and taking expensive European vacations if you know what I mean.
So lets look at this a an option. What if a business were to be granted lower taxes based on what their lowest paid employee earns? If you have employees that are working below 20 an hour, then you pay a higher tax to compensate for the cost to the government in benefits and aid that that person might be in need of.
The more people you have in your employ that make over 20 an hour, the less the business pays in tax because there is less of a chance that employees will have to rely on any assistance to make it.
Doing it this way the price of your goods should be able to stay within an affordable range.
The loss of revenue due to busness tax reductions would end up being recovered in the additional payroll tax that the higher pay scale is going to generate.
This would also eliminate the need in most cases to have a minimum wage mandated by government. You want to run a business and pay everyone 10 or less per hour? go for it, Just dont bitch when you see a 60% tax rate on your profits.

Okay, but then what you're saying is that government should tax people into submission. That's one of the greatest objections to Obama Care. Government should tax people and companies because of the need for revenue--not to control people to do as the federal overlord wishes of you.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
To an extent yes. But considering that, if true, why do you think raising taxes on them wont make them move even quicker?
If I were in a position to suggest a way to fix this problem I might consider looking at a compromise with industry, We know that we all need better pay, 15 or even 20 an hour is basically not enough to provide for a family in this country. That is a fact. ( at least not in the DC area) My wife and I were making in the general area of 200k a year before we both retired last year, raising one child only, we were not by any means rich. We paid our bills, but its not like we were fine dining and taking expensive European vacations if you know what I mean.
So lets look at this a an option. What if a business were to be granted lower taxes based on what their lowest paid employee earns? If you have employees that are working below 20 an hour, then you pay a higher tax to compensate for the cost to the government in benefits and aid that that person might be in need of.
The more people you have in your employ that make over 20 an hour, the less the business pays in tax because there is less of a chance that employees will have to rely on any assistance to make it.
Doing it this way the price of your goods should be able to stay within an affordable range.
The loss of revenue due to busness tax reductions would end up being recovered in the additional payroll tax that the higher pay scale is going to generate.
This would also eliminate the need in most cases to have a minimum wage mandated by government. You want to run a business and pay everyone 10 or less per hour? go for it, Just dont bitch when you see a 60% tax rate on your profits.

The thing is, if we don't tax the rich then who do we tax? Someone who is making $500,000 a year shouldn't be paying the same amount of taxes as someone making $50,000 a year.

Most 1st world countries redistribute the wealth. This is how they have universal healthcare and affordable university education.

First of all, your claim that someone making $50K pays the same taxes as someone making $500K is categorically false.


Second, rather than insisting that SOMEONE has to be taxed, maybe you should consider spending less money. This is not a one sided discussion. Money earned must equal money SPENT.

You'll notice I haven't even mentioned the 47% who pay nothing ... if they don't contribute, why should they benefit?

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