The Right Wing truly doesn't understand why anyone out there would protest.

Protest all you want. Personally I hate the thugs who beat up people who don't vote like they do and anarchists who burn small businesses and bankrupt mom and pop stores because they are easy targets for their insane anger.
The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
To an extent yes. But considering that, if true, why do you think raising taxes on them wont make them move even quicker?
If I were in a position to suggest a way to fix this problem I might consider looking at a compromise with industry, We know that we all need better pay, 15 or even 20 an hour is basically not enough to provide for a family in this country. That is a fact. ( at least not in the DC area) My wife and I were making in the general area of 200k a year before we both retired last year, raising one child only, we were not by any means rich. We paid our bills, but its not like we were fine dining and taking expensive European vacations if you know what I mean.
So lets look at this a an option. What if a business were to be granted lower taxes based on what their lowest paid employee earns? If you have employees that are working below 20 an hour, then you pay a higher tax to compensate for the cost to the government in benefits and aid that that person might be in need of.
The more people you have in your employ that make over 20 an hour, the less the business pays in tax because there is less of a chance that employees will have to rely on any assistance to make it.
Doing it this way the price of your goods should be able to stay within an affordable range.
The loss of revenue due to busness tax reductions would end up being recovered in the additional payroll tax that the higher pay scale is going to generate.
This would also eliminate the need in most cases to have a minimum wage mandated by government. You want to run a business and pay everyone 10 or less per hour? go for it, Just dont bitch when you see a 60% tax rate on your profits.

The thing is, if we don't tax the rich then who do we tax? Someone who is making $500,000 a year shouldn't be paying the same amount of taxes as someone making $50,000 a year.

Most 1st world countries redistribute the wealth. This is how they have universal healthcare and affordable university education.

No gvmnt should get away with taxing and redistributing it's people's wealth to millions of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Give the lady a cigar!!
Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.

No, the American consumer is the one that's greedy.

Successful businesses give their customers what they want, and in America, we want cheap stuff. You can't provide cheap stuff when you're paying manual labor higher wages and competing with foreign manufacturers at the same time.
Last edited:
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

Thank you for reminding me of all the reasons I voted Trump. He's real...he's blunt...he's direct and he's not a politically correct pussy!
Obama, like all dems and liberals is a pussy...they're calculated and programmed in their speak...they always word-play and cater to the loony's and low-lifes among us.
You too are word-playing:
"It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers."
WRONG! He said: "mexico doesn't always send us their best...they're rapist, they're murderers, they're drug dealers"
He is spot on with this and since he's not a scared pussy he has the balls to say it.
"It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
Again, a spot on's really no secret...he has the sack to call shit as it really is...whereas a loony dem / lib with their head in the sand wants to pretend real life shit isn't really going on.
No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
To an extent yes. But considering that, if true, why do you think raising taxes on them wont make them move even quicker?
If I were in a position to suggest a way to fix this problem I might consider looking at a compromise with industry, We know that we all need better pay, 15 or even 20 an hour is basically not enough to provide for a family in this country. That is a fact. ( at least not in the DC area) My wife and I were making in the general area of 200k a year before we both retired last year, raising one child only, we were not by any means rich. We paid our bills, but its not like we were fine dining and taking expensive European vacations if you know what I mean.
So lets look at this a an option. What if a business were to be granted lower taxes based on what their lowest paid employee earns? If you have employees that are working below 20 an hour, then you pay a higher tax to compensate for the cost to the government in benefits and aid that that person might be in need of.
The more people you have in your employ that make over 20 an hour, the less the business pays in tax because there is less of a chance that employees will have to rely on any assistance to make it.
Doing it this way the price of your goods should be able to stay within an affordable range.
The loss of revenue due to busness tax reductions would end up being recovered in the additional payroll tax that the higher pay scale is going to generate.
This would also eliminate the need in most cases to have a minimum wage mandated by government. You want to run a business and pay everyone 10 or less per hour? go for it, Just dont bitch when you see a 60% tax rate on your profits.

The thing is, if we don't tax the rich then who do we tax? Someone who is making $500,000 a year shouldn't be paying the same amount of taxes as someone making $50,000 a year.

Most 1st world countries redistribute the wealth. This is how they have universal healthcare and affordable university education.

No gvmnt should get away with taxing and redistributing it's people's wealth to millions of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Give the lady a cigar!!
Why thank you, kind sir!


{{{{{{Choke, splutter, cough}}}}}} :beer:
You are making the same mistake the MSM jumped on --- but they did it intentionally.

It's isn't "they're rapists", etc.

It is "their rapists". etc.

Go back and read his statement and see if it doesn't change your interpretation.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

And it was the dems who said we should attack innocent people and destroy their property if we don't get our will. Childish end to a childish campaign. Doubling down on the dumb.
Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
To an extent yes. But considering that, if true, why do you think raising taxes on them wont make them move even quicker?
If I were in a position to suggest a way to fix this problem I might consider looking at a compromise with industry, We know that we all need better pay, 15 or even 20 an hour is basically not enough to provide for a family in this country. That is a fact. ( at least not in the DC area) My wife and I were making in the general area of 200k a year before we both retired last year, raising one child only, we were not by any means rich. We paid our bills, but its not like we were fine dining and taking expensive European vacations if you know what I mean.
So lets look at this a an option. What if a business were to be granted lower taxes based on what their lowest paid employee earns? If you have employees that are working below 20 an hour, then you pay a higher tax to compensate for the cost to the government in benefits and aid that that person might be in need of.
The more people you have in your employ that make over 20 an hour, the less the business pays in tax because there is less of a chance that employees will have to rely on any assistance to make it.
Doing it this way the price of your goods should be able to stay within an affordable range.
The loss of revenue due to busness tax reductions would end up being recovered in the additional payroll tax that the higher pay scale is going to generate.
This would also eliminate the need in most cases to have a minimum wage mandated by government. You want to run a business and pay everyone 10 or less per hour? go for it, Just dont bitch when you see a 60% tax rate on your profits.

The thing is, if we don't tax the rich then who do we tax? Someone who is making $500,000 a year shouldn't be paying the same amount of taxes as someone making $50,000 a year.

Most 1st world countries redistribute the wealth. This is how they have universal healthcare and affordable university education.

No gvmnt should get away with taxing and redistributing it's people's wealth to millions of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Give the lady a cigar!!
Why thank you, kind sir!

View attachment 98174

{{{{{{Choke, splutter, cough}}}}}} :beer:

I DO love a girl who knows a good cigar ....
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
Maximising profits is the bottom line for businesses, but if you want to call it greed, fine. Regardless, the gvmnt must then work out how to manage, harness and benefit from that 'greed', not disincentivise and tax them into the hands of China et al whilst supporting the growth of sweatshops and abusive practices elsewhere.
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.
How long have you been suffering from these delusions?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

You stupid duck Obama said "we should come together " trump said "I am president for everyone " Trump is starting to sound like Lincoln
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.

No, we just don't care.
While it is indeed their "right" to protest it makes them look stupid.....and when it gets violent and destructive it makes it illegal.

Would you call civil rights protestors violent?
Republicans are crying that Obama should be helping Trump to stop the rioting. Republicans are insisting they didn't protest Obama so why are people protesting Trump? Even those they did everything they could to destroy the Obama presidency.

They truly don't understand why people are protesting Trump. They really don't get it. We can list the reasons, but even then, they still won't understand. The right wing just isn't wired that way. They have no problem with any of this.

It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are rapists.
It was Trump and not Obama that said Mexicans are dealers.
It was Trump and not Obama that said black communities need "law and order" (wink wink)
It was Trump and not Obama that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT.
It was Trump and not Obama who said he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people.
It was Trump and not Obama who said our military should commit war crimes.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should torture.
It was Trump and not Obama who said we should pass around nuclear weapons.
It was Trump and not Obama who said protesters should end up in stretchers.
It was Trump and not Obama who suggested he would "date" his daughter.
It was Trump and not Obama who said a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair.
It was Trump and not Obama who said some US citizens who should have their citizenship revoked.
It was Trump and not Obama that said flat chested women can't be a 10.
It was Trump and not Obama who said Putin is a great leader.
It was Trump who said the first black president was not American for years.
It was Trump who said 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics.
It was Trump who said laziness is a trait in blacks.
It was Trump who wants to target a religion from entering the US.
It was Trump who said blood was coming out of her whatever.
It was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

I could go on for another 50. Of course Republicans think all this is either funny or good policy.

Trump may represent the sick right wing. But he doesn't represent me.
He has to walk those things he said back himself. Trump made this mess. Don't expect help from Obama. And if Obama does help, it's for the good of the country. Republicans don't care about this country. Look at what they keep doing. Republicans only care about white America. White right wing America.

He's your president. To me, he is a terrible danger who has to prove he isn't. He's already proven why he is.

The right wing will never get it. They are too close minded to empathize with why people feel offended and honestly frighten by Trump.

In their it is perfectly OK to use racial and derogatory terms towards women and minorities in the name of free speech.

They think illegals have stolen their jobs even though they didn't want those jobs in the first place. They think saying that you grab women by the vagina without their permission is just locker room talk.

They will never get it. And they don't want to.
Do you understand why people might not want to continously pay more and more of their personal income to support others? Do you understand why some people might not like the idea of allowing illegals to just squat and stay with benefits?
Do you try to understand how we feel about taxing business to the point of jobs leaving the country?
Do you even care to try?

Businesses moved overseas because they got greedy. During Bush administration taxes were low for cooperations and they still moved overseas.

If it is cheaper to higher workers outside US, companies will do it regardless of the tax rate. They are greedy.
Maximising profits is the bottom line for businesses, but if you want to call it greed, fine. Regardless, the gvmnt must then work out how to manage, harness and benefit from that 'greed', not disincentivise and tax them into the hands of China et al whilst supporting the growth of sweatshops and abusive practices elsewhere.

"... whilst .." !!

Not only knows her way around a cigar, but a dictionary, too????

Be still, my heart.

When I hire a company (by buying its stock), I expect it to make EVERY effort to maximize my return on investment, consistent with existing law. I do not buy its stock to improve the quality of air in Bangladesh, I do not buy its stock to increase the standard of living in Peoria. If those things happen as a result of increasing my ROI, great. But, their goal --- their only goal -- should be to increase my return on investment.

Investors recognize that risk, government regulation, and extraneous development and production expenditures are the cost of doing business. Each of these elements must be measured and analyze PRIOR to investment. If an individual with an excellent record of performance comes to me proposing an investment, I am favorably disposed to listen to his proposal, but I am NOT favorably disposed to invest. That requires research and analysis, and that is MY responsibility. If the project fails, and I lose money, it's my fault, not his.

Business is not a no-lose exercise. People win, and people lose. That's how it works ... if you can't lose, then you shouldn't play.
Amazing, never been riots against an incumbent president before, unprecedented. No massive anti Polk riots. Liberals have a weird disconnect here, drama queens, Oh my god we we lost, how could that be? Do the math.

Your knowledge of history is faulty ... false claims do nothing to advance your argument.

Ok try this many riots were there when Obama was elected?

Well it's been only 4 days since Trump got elected and there are daily multi protest all over the country. From Hawaii to Boston. That's a record.
Trump is our president now either I like it or not but I like to see those campaign promises to be fulfilled.
1. Force illegal deportation and wall
2. Unite this country
3. Obamacare
3. Trade and tariffs
4. Bring jobs back
5. Iran deal
7. African American inner city.

Most of these protesters don't feel that they are being part of Trump presidency. Remember he insulted lots of people, some of his campaign are divisive, lies and racist. So it's up to Trump now to unite this country.
Wish him the best of luck.
Look at what these right wingers are writing. They truly don't understand the terrible things Trump has said. They don't even see the things he said as terrible.
Well, can you prove that no illegal ever murdered anyone, brought drugs into the US, raped anyone? Well can ya huh? So why is pointing out that Mexico does not send their best and brightest so bad? Better yet, why is enforcing our immigration laws so abhorrent to ewe liberals?

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