The Romney/Ryan plan for Medicare


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Seems to be taking money from people and sometime in the future giving them vouchers to buy private insurance.

If they were really for "small government" wouldn't they just stop taking money from people and let them fund their own old age health care?


The plan does not "give them vouchers to buy private insurance".

It operates the same way as Medicare Advantage: The person chooses a plan and the government pays the insurer directly PMPM, Per Member Per Month, based on age and other factors. The system is already in place, and has been for several years.

The plan does not give them vouchers.

The plan does not give them vouchers.

The plan does not give them vouchers.

I would agree, however, that such a system goes against what the "small government" absolutists are always screaming about. It could be a very effective public/private partnership if implemented properly, which is what it is ultimately going to take.

The plan does not give them vouchers.


The plan does not "give them vouchers to buy private insurance".

It operates the same way as Medicare Advantage: The person chooses a plan and the government pays the insurer directly PMPM, Per Member Per Month, based on age and other factors. The system is already in place, and has been for several years.

The plan does not give them vouchers.

The plan does not give them vouchers.

The plan does not give them vouchers.

I would agree, however, that such a system goes against what the "small government" absolutists are always screaming about. It could be a very effective public/private partnership if implemented properly, which is what it is ultimately going to take.

The plan does not give them vouchers.


Oh, my bad. You are correct, the seniors won't be given the vouchers. Instead the vouchers will be given directly to the private insurance company.

That sounds even worse!
Like the money Obama stole from Medicaid to finance Obamacare?

Ohh like Ryans plan that is projected increase money not even touched yet.

You have a tense issue.

You have no least not one that you understand. Obama "hoped" that the money saved would be returned to Medicaid. We all know how well the government saves money, don't we. Well, at least some of us do.
Why when budget concerns and government debt is mentioned is there no debate on our defense budget? The sacred cow of war and exorbitant spending gets a pass?

"Medicare beneficiaries would get voucher payments to buy private insurance plans. Medicare enrollees would choose among competing private insurance plans, offered on a new Medicare Exchange similar to the insurance exchange now offered to federal workers, including members of Congress. The plans offered through the exchange would be required to cover everyone, regardless of pre-existing conditions, and would be prohibited from charging discriminatory rates based on age and health condition. They would also be required to meet a minimum standard of coverage. The vouchers would go directly from the government to the insurance company." What Ryan-Romney Would Do To Medicare - Business Insider
I just love the fact that the Vice President's plans are now the campaign's plans....

well, except the parts they don't like. They just aren't sure which parts those are because they haven't, ya know, compared notes and shit.
Obama's gut-wrenching $716 billion cut in Medicare has been exposed.

Paul Ryan is the only wonk in America that can explain that to the American people, and he has the stage.
Obama's gut-wrenching $716 billion cut in Medicare has been exposed.

Paul Ryan is the only wonk in America that can explain that to the American people, and he has the stage.

You are free to have your claim debunked in another thread.

This one is about the Republican plan for Medicare.
Ohh you mean just like the Medicare Advantage that costs taxpayers 14% more than typical medicare does?
That Medicare Advantage?

Yes, that Medicare Advantage.

It no longer costs 14% more since the cutbacks, and the insurance companies are doing just fine. And here's a few more fun facts that the media does not report.

There are three kinds of Medicare Advantage plans: PFFS, PPO and HMO.

The PFFS (Private Fee For Service) plan is the one of the three that cost so much because it did not require networks or referrals. It was completely open and impossible to control costs on. The PFFS plans have been largely phased out after the cutbacks, I think just rural areas have them now.

The PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plan is less costly to operate because the insurer has a little more control over the flow of services provided. Right now the average PPO MA plan costs anywhere from $20 to $60 per month depending on the area and insurer. And it does not cost more than Medicare.

The HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plan is even less costly to operate because the insurer uses a smaller, far more controlled network of providers. Right now the average HMO MA plan costs anywhere from $0 (yes, zero dollars) to $20 per month depending on the area and insurer. And it costs less to operate than Medicare.

And more:

Medicare Advantage plans not only cover many of the gaps in Medicare, they provide excellent preventive coverage as well. Traditional Medicare has deductibles and covers only 80% of expenses. Medicare Advantage plans use simple co-pays. An excellent example is the simple doctor visit, covered under Medicare B. Many people who have only Medicare just don't go to the doctor because they can't afford the $140 annual deductible. With a Medicare Advantage plan, there is no deductible and the co-pay may be $10 or $20.

Oh, and most MA plans include the Part D drug coverage. When seniors buy those plans standalone to go with Medicare Supplements, they cost $30 to $75 per month. But no extra charge for them in MA plans. How cool is that!

I could go on, but why bother? This argument isn't about facts, it's about politics. The misinformation being spread is counterproductive, if predictable. I do wish the partisan bullshit would at least slow down a bit, this is important stuff.

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Obama's gut-wrenching $716 billion cut in Medicare has been exposed.

Paul Ryan is the only wonk in America that can explain that to the American people, and he has the stage.

Will he also explain that those same cuts are in his plan......but the $$ don't go to the same place?

You are fairly clueless. Ryan's plan is irrelevant.

Romney's plan is the one which will be implemented, based on what the Congress decides as they negotiate and compromise.
Obama's gut-wrenching $716 billion cut in Medicare has been exposed.

Paul Ryan is the only wonk in America that can explain that to the American people, and he has the stage.

Will he also explain that those same cuts are in his plan......but the $$ don't go to the same place?

You are fairly clueless. Ryan's plan is irrelevant.

Romney's plan is the one which will be implemented, based on what the Congress decides as they negotiate and compromise.
Asked what the differences were between Ayn Ryan's plan and his own yesterday, Romney could not name a single thing.

The Romney plan is the Ryan plan is the Romney / Ryan plan. Ryanomics are the campaign's plans.
Will he also explain that those same cuts are in his plan......but the $$ don't go to the same place?

You are fairly clueless. Ryan's plan is irrelevant.

Romney's plan is the one which will be implemented, based on what the Congress decides as they negotiate and compromise.
Asked what the differences were between Ayn Ryan's plan and his own yesterday, Romney could not name a single thing.

The Romney plan is the Ryan plan is the Romney / Ryan plan. Ryanomics are the campaign's plans.

More ignorance, but then again, you are a Liberal.

Obama's gut-wrenching $716 billion cut in Medicare has been exposed.

Paul Ryan is the only wonk in America that can explain that to the American people, and he has the stage.

Will he also explain that those same cuts are in his plan......but the $$ don't go to the same place?

You are fairly clueless. Ryan's plan is irrelevant.

Romney's plan is the one which will be implemented, based on what the Congress decides as they negotiate and compromise.

Oh. Isn't that convenient. If you actually believed that, you would be far more interesting.

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