The Romney Scenario


Aug 13, 2012
Here’s why some Democrats are worried tonight. If Romney wins the three Southern battlegrounds (FL, NC, and VA) and OH, he is at 266 electoral votes. Leaving the other five battlegrounds unallocated, that means Obama would be at 237 and Romney would only need to win one of the remaining five states to get to 270+.


Read more: Mark Halperin on the Romney Scenario | The Page by Mark Halperin |
The closer we come to election, the more the numbers drop for Obama. Was this the October Surprise?
The closer we come to election, the more the numbers drop for Obama. Was this the October Surprise?

Something tells me that it's not. Chicago thugs don't play by rules so expect the unexpected with a campaign as desperate as this one...especially if all they do is "draw" tonight. He's already "prepping" for a strike in lybia. Meanwhile he hasn't a clue as to who he will strike. :cool:
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