The "Rot" Factor


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Its something we ALL are going to be facing. Post civil war republicans moved into the rural areas and built towns and small cities. Democrats moved to the big cities and raped the coffers and spent NOTHING on maintaining them. The democrat has been nothing more then blood ticks on our cities and the population there in.

They have taxed them WELL beyond their ability to recover and their ability to even maintain those cities is collapsing as I write. WE are going to have to face the FACT democrats have taken our largest and most beautiful cities and shortly VERY shortly human beings will simply NOT be able to inhabit them.

And those that do will fall victim to every crime every infection on the planet. Its the final result of ignorance and foolishness on their part. Their great "social experiment" will show results on epic levels as far as crime and squalor and trained hate.

America's cities WERE the greatest the grandest the most advanced when democrats inherited them. They got BETTER then the average American had and STILL destroyed it. FEW democrats even understood the importance of clean water or soil EXPECTING others to take care of that.

So they spent the money from city coffers on themselves via "free this" and "free that". America's major cities were a gift of peace to slavers to the poor and the uneducated in hope that they would see its beauty and its appeal and promote and nurture it.

But just like a spoiled child they pissed it away and are demanding more. Chicago is DEMANDING money from the state to survive. Chicago WAS one richest cities on the planet. It takes waste, MASSIVE waste on an epic scale to do that.

The future looks worse though. Those major cities that man can no longer inhabit safely WILL have to be torn down. And the residents of those drug induced lead tainted hate educated major cities will have to be "migrated" BACK into the civilized population.

When world history looks back at muslims and democrats the question will be....
"Just how were they ANY different?"


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