The "RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION HOAX" was apparently started by a Crooked Hillary supporter

I wrote something on this too. She had her own army of hackers. It wasn't started by a supporter but by someone who worked for her who was an IT professional!

And they were trying to plant false evidence on servers & falsely tie Trump to Russia and most likely also created the FAKE Story about Russia Hacking the DNC server which I knew from the start was BS.

Here is my write up on it.

Where Is Hillary & Obama?
A Russian bank asked for help from the US today when a hacker tried to to make it look like a Trump owned computer was linked to them. Same bank that was cleared by the Obama administration. Interesting digital age we are in. The Wikileak of CIA dirty tricks mentioned they have this capability. It is very hard to tell what is real anymore.
why all this fuss about russia? havent we all seen the hot white russian girls for sale on the net?,,,i may even buy one for $42.00......but how much to send her to my house via ups?
why all this fuss about russia? havent we all seen the hot white russian girls for sale on the net?,,,i may even buy one for $42.00......but how much to send her to my house via ups?
You don't understand. The Russians are coming to kill you! Try to run. Try to hide. They are coming! But the good news is they are bringing their best vodka, so that is a plus.
why all this fuss about russia? havent we all seen the hot white russian girls for sale on the net?,,,i may even buy one for $42.00......but how much to send her to my house via ups?
You don't understand. The Russians are coming to kill you! Try to run. Try to hide. They are coming! But the good news is they are bringing their best vodka, so that is a plus.
those girls with those heavy russian accents over here is such a turn on for us single white men !!!!
How about Hillary's Army of Hackers pleading the 5th after being given immunity by the FBI 256 consecutive times?

And the fact they were trying to plant fake evidence and bread crumbs everywhere, and working with Hillary's team of Twitter Trolls?

They also hacked McDonald's Twitter account this week.

And how about the FAKE Russian hack of the DNC server?

And how about we are finding out that they hacked a Russian Bank server and a Trump Tower Server to plant a ping between the two that did absolutely nothing?

Add that to Obama going to British Intelligence to shield himself from prosecution and asking for data captures of Flynn.....

And you got a story with legs.

The Dems were so desperate they were willing to go to jail to win The White House.
Seems like if we can get someone to rat, they are going to jail because they lost it.
17 intelligence agencies of the United States of America strongly disagree.
The "RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION HOAX" was apparently started by a Crooked Hillary supporter

Yes, hoaxes are routinely confirmed by the President, the entire intelligence community and the Congress. :cuckoo:
Well, we have several questions that need answered.

Why was Trump's phone call with The Mexican President wire tapped?
Why was Flynn's Congratulatory call with The Russian Ambassador wire tapped?
Why was the classified transcripts of Flynn's call leaked? That is a felony.
Why was Trump Tower's server hacked, and Ping implanted in it that pointed to a Russian Bank's server which was also hacked and set up to receive that Ping?

Being in IT, that Ping has really got me interested. All it did was Ping the hacked Russian server, sort of like a beacon and nothing more. There were no transactions between the two servers. It's like someone went in to both servers and set off a "Flare" to attract the attention of The Intelligence community.

Who would do that? It's like they were trying to frame someone......
There was no reason for the ping between two hacked servers but for that purpose.

See where I am getting at?

Clinton hired hackers and private IT contractors, and she started this Fake Russian Narrative her and Obama, and then tried to manufacture evidence to make it appear true.
And they really didn't have to prove anything, just arouse suspicions and use it in the campaign to hammer President Trump with and undermine him.

I think The Clinton Campaign had internal numbers that showed America hated that hag, and they were desperate. She always was unethical, so it would not surprise me that this witch and her crew would dream up a scheme like this, just like they did at Benghazi.
A Russian bank asked for help from the US today when a hacker tried to to make it look like a Trump owned computer was linked to them. Same bank that was cleared by the Obama administration. Interesting digital age we are in. The Wikileak of CIA dirty tricks mentioned they have this capability. It is very hard to tell what is real anymore.
The problem with that statement is the time delay: I heard about the Trump server and Russian Alpha/Alfa bank last year, unless you're talking about another Russian bank.

And it is interesting that they are now claiming that they were hacked, probably hoping from some support from the Drumpf regime.

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