The saga of 'Pizzagate': The fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread

This whole thread doesn't deserve to be in the conspiracy, it should have been merged with this thread. . .

Wikileaks: Pedophile Code Words in Podesta Emails Decoded

Meh this is what the propagandists do. The whole reason they're mods is so they can pull this shit. It's called the "label real news as fake news and conspiracy, and hide it". The second part is called "throw real journalists in jail for reporting the truth".

Media Quiet About Dismissed Charges Against Planned Parenthood Whistleblowers
Judge throws out charges against journalist who covered Dakota Access Pipeline
Twitter Blocks James O'Keefe Before Big Release - Breitbart
Charges Dismissed Against Refuge Occupier Pete Santilli

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See how they work?

They maintain it's "time to let it go" and by saying it, they actually prolong the issue that they claim needs to be let go.

So typical.
Nice try genius... I'm telling YOU to let it go, which apparently you can't do... no skin off my back

Also typical. "You must no longer speak, only we are allowed to speak".
Speak all you want, just be truthful. You outright lied and got caught. That qualifies you for a warm glass of shut the hell up
See how they work?

They maintain it's "time to let it go" and by saying it, they actually prolong the issue that they claim needs to be let go.

So typical.
Nice try genius... I'm telling YOU to let it go, which apparently you can't do... no skin off my back

Also typical. "You must no longer speak, only we are allowed to speak".
Speak all you want, just be truthful. You outright lied and got caught. That qualifies you for a warm glass of shut the hell up
I didn't lie about anything, lol. In fact, coyote herself confirmed she's sunk at least one soros thread in the conspiracies forum.

I maintain it was more but meh.
See how they work?

They maintain it's "time to let it go" and by saying it, they actually prolong the issue that they claim needs to be let go.

So typical.
Nice try genius... I'm telling YOU to let it go, which apparently you can't do... no skin off my back

Also typical. "You must no longer speak, only we are allowed to speak".
Speak all you want, just be truthful. You outright lied and got caught. That qualifies you for a warm glass of shut the hell up
I didn't lie about anything, lol. In fact, coyote herself confirmed she's sunk at least one soros thread in the conspiracies forum.

I maintain it was more but meh.

Ya...1 thread, that belonged in CT and over 150 that didn't get moved. Case dismissed. Liar. :lol:

If you contend it's more...well, show us all the Soros threads in CT.
See how they work?

They maintain it's "time to let it go" and by saying it, they actually prolong the issue that they claim needs to be let go.

So typical.
Nice try genius... I'm telling YOU to let it go, which apparently you can't do... no skin off my back

Also typical. "You must no longer speak, only we are allowed to speak".
Speak all you want, just be truthful. You outright lied and got caught. That qualifies you for a warm glass of shut the hell up
I didn't lie about anything, lol. In fact, coyote herself confirmed she's sunk at least one soros thread in the conspiracies forum.

I maintain it was more but meh.
You said:
Remember last year, when Coyote was sinking anything about soros in the conspiracy theories forum?
Coyote Researched and found exactly one out of 100s that got moved over the course of years. You either lied or you were mistaken. I'm good with either but there is no disputing you were wrong
This is where she should just walk away quietly and pretend she never intended to say that and we were all mistaken and go pursue another thread...
While I'm sure the pizza gate thing is bullshit, there is a valid question about Clinton's little jaunts to pedophile Island with that sociopath bag man.

I wouldn't put any depravity past a democrook though. They wouldn't be in such pursuit of power and wealth without a serious pathological disturbance.

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by

It baffles me how anyone can allow themselves to be represented by people like BJ and hitlary Clinton.

Thanks for the reminder why everyone laughs at rightards.

You say, "there is a valid question about Clinton's little jaunts to pedophile Island with that sociopath bag man."

... while you post an article which reads ...

logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane.

This whole thread doesn't deserve to be in the conspiracy, it should have been merged with this thread. . .

Wikileaks: Pedophile Code Words in Podesta Emails Decoded

Didn't see that one, but the OP really is as much about conspiracy theories in general as it is about this particular one.

A) This one isn't a theory.

B) There are very few of them. Where there is smoke, generally, there is fire.

If that makes you feel better about your lies, go for it. Obviously you have the power, we have none. Isn't that how this all works?

Sure it is Big Brother.

Good article on this and the spread of conspiracy theories in general. Unfortunately, this one led to what could have been a tragedy when an armed gunman "fired a rifle inside a popular Washington, D.C., pizza place as he attempted to "self-investigate" a conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring from there"

The saga of 'Pizzagate': The fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread - BBC News

No victim has come forward. There's no investigation. And physical evidence? That doesn't exist either.

But thousands of people are convinced that a paedophilia ring involving people at the highest levels of the Democratic Party is operating out of a Washington pizza restaurant.

The story riveted fringes of Twitter - nearly a million messages were sent last month using the term "pizzagate".

So how did this fake story take hold amongst alt-right Trump supporters and other Hillary Clinton opponents?

Let's start with the facts.

In early November, as Wikileaks steadily released piles of emails from Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, one contact caught the attention of prankster sites and people on the paranoid fringes.

James Alefantis is the owner of Comet Ping Pong, a pizza restaurant in Washington. He's also a big Democratic Party supporter and raised money for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He was once in a relationship with David Brock, an influential liberal operative.

Alefantis - who's never met Clinton - appeared in the Podesta emails in connection with the fundraisers.

And from these thin threads, an enormous trove of conspiracy fiction was spun.
"Pizzagate" proves the idea of "low-information voters", just not the way RWNJs want the story to be told. What it proves is that there are a lot of dumb assess spouting all kinds of bullshit to the public.

While this story shows a Liberal Californian hoaxing RWers, the LW isn't innocent nor smarter just because a RW troll can't be shown hoaxing LWLs.

The sad part here is that too many Americans are willing to fall for this bullshit. Is it a sign of the times or simply the reality of the IQ Bell Curve being on display via the Internet? I'm inclined to believe the latter. People haven't gotten dumber, they've just being given a bigger voice to scream their dumbness. We really are living the movie "Idiocracy".

I think the "where there is smoke there is fire" is a cop out for not accepting facts. This whole conspiracy theory is based on some one claiming there are "secret code words" in a message. Nothing else. No evidence. No victims. Nothing. Believe what you want, but I prefer what I believe to be supported by actual evidence.
Thanks for the reminder why everyone laughs at rightards....
What is your opinion of "lefttards"? Are there equally stupid partisan fuckwads on both sides or do you believe only those on the Right are wrong and that all on the Left is pure and just?
What does that have to do with Pizzagate? LMAO...nothing
It has everything to do with Pizzagate. If the investigative branch of the government is involved in child-porn and child sex trafficking, why would they bother to investigate this issue? If the press is involved in this, why would they bother to cover it?


Another of your Chia Pet Conspiracy Theories in which everyone on the planet is involved (except you, of course).

What I don't get is the petty vindictiveness on display here by the anti-Hillary crowd.

Hey guys ... CLINTON LOST! Quit the silly (and baseless) recrimination, get off your butts, and dance! Ding-dong ... the witch is dead!
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What does that have to do with Pizzagate? LMAO...nothing
It has everything to do with Pizzagate. If the investigative branch of the government is involved in child-porn and child sex trafficking, why would they bother to investigate this issue? If the press is involved in this, why would they bother to cover it?


Another of your Chia Pet Conspiracy Theories in which everyone on the planet is involved (except you, of course).

What I don't get is the petty vindictiveness on display here by the anti-Hillary crowd.

Hey guys ... CLINTON LOST! Quit the silly (and baseless) recrimination, get off your butts, and dance! Ding-dong ... the witch is dead!

Trump could very well be involved in the Child trafficking as well and underage porn as well.

Why do you think he has all of a sudden lost interest in going after her?

It seems to me, the entire elite class knows what the hell is going on.
I think the "where there is smoke there is fire" is a cop out for not accepting facts. This whole conspiracy theory is based on some one claiming there are "secret code words" in a message. Nothing else. No evidence. No victims. Nothing. Believe what you want, but I prefer what I believe to be supported by actual evidence.

Yup, that was exactly my position. I needed something a little more concrete.

That "ART" in Tony Podesta's house, the meetings, the parties, they were all highly suspicious, but for myself? I needed something a bit more tangible.

Two things really stuck for me though.

The fact that the Democrat partisans had brought up the same thing between '88 and '91, and the person that came forward was roundly discredited and nailed with eight counts of perjury is certainly going to discourage victims from coming forward.

Then, when the whole operation Flicker occurred with in the NSA and DoD, nobody was brought to justice, they are all above the law. That's thousands of employees. I have already brought this up in this thread, and NO ONE, has addressed any of these issues. SO for you all to prattle on about "fake news" and low IQ dupes being fooled, this is disingenuous. It's bullshit. There is a real smoking gun of corruption that IS NOT being addressed. The people that are tasked with enforcing the law have been found corrupt, but they have been let loose. Why should anyone trust them?

ON top of that, this entire thread is put into the conspiracy forum, when clearly it is not, I posted news casts and article from the supposed MSM that bears this out. All of you are either being blind or ignorant.

And to top it all off. . . .


SOTT FOCUS: Progressive liberal values: Tony Podesta's creepy taste in art, the creepy people he hangs out with, and Pizzagate

And from Wikipedia. . .

Disappearance of Madeleine McCann - Wikipedia
Looks like Michael Flynn has been canned for the Pizzagate hoax and shooting.

Trump aide Michael Flynn Jnr out after 'Pizzagate' tweets - BBC News
One of Donald Trump's aides has lost his job after fanning a conspiracy theory that climaxed at the weekend in gunfire at a pizzeria.

Michael Flynn, 33, left the US president-elect's transition team on Tuesday following his tweets about the so-called Pizzagate fake news story.

His father, Michael Flynn Snr, Mr Trump's pick to be US national security adviser, has also shared viral hoaxes.

The Pizzagate claims led to a gunman firing shots in a restaurant on Sunday.

No one was injured in the incident at Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC.

The suspect told police he had turned up to "self-investigate" online rumour-mongering that the pizzeria was the nexus of a paedophile ring involving Hillary Clinton and one of her aides, John Podesta.

The bizarre and unfounded theory had been spread online by right-wing blogs.

The allegations were also circulated by Mr Flynn Jr, who tweeted after Sunday's gunfire that Pizzagate would remain a story until "proven to be false".

The New York Times reports that he was fired from the Trump transition team on Tuesday but, according to CBS News, he resigned before he was sacked.

The Trump team confirmed the departure of Mr Flynn - who had reportedly been given a .gov email address - but did not confirm it was related to the tweets.


Vice President-elect Mike Pence acknowledged that Mr Flynn Jnr had been helping his father with scheduling and administrative items during the transition but said "that's no longer the case".

Asked repeatedly whether a security clearance was requested, Mr Pence refused to answer directly.

Mr Flynn Snr, 57, has also tweeted out outlandish conspiracy theories accusing Mrs Clinton and her aides of child-sex trafficking.
So, a confirmed conspiracy theorist is going to be Trumps National Security


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